Masaichiro and Kazuno Tsugawa from Tokushima, Japan; the paternal grandparents of the author. Photo courtesy of the Tsugawa family.
George and Mable Tsugawa, parents of the author. Photo courtesy of the Tsugawa family.
Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara. Photo courtesy of John Whaley.
Jewish refugees at gate of the Japanese consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania, July 1940. Photo courtesy of the Nobuki Sugihara family.
A group assembled in Konigsberg, 1941. Photo courtesy of the Nobuki Sugihara family.
Righteous Among the Nations was awarded to Chiune Sugihara (aka Sempo Sugihara) on November 29, 1984, by Yad Vashem The World Holocaust Remembrance Center. This award is given to non-Jewish people who risked their lives to aid Jews during the Holocaust. Photo courtesy of the Nobuki Sugihara family
Line at mess hall—Gila River War Relocation Center. Michi Nishiura Weglyn’s residence during World War II. Photo courtesy of the War Relocation Center and Go for Broke National Education Center.
Michi Nishiura Weglyn at the Gila River War Relocation Center, Arizona, 1943. Japanese American National Museum (gift of Michi and Walter M. Weglyn, 94.170.6).
The Tsugawa family at the Minidoka War Relocation Center, Idaho, Block 30, 1942. Photo courtesy of the Tsugawa family.
George and Mable Tsugawa at the Minidoka pilgrimage, Idaho, June 2009. Photo courtesy of John Whaley.
The late Senator Daniel K. Inouye from Hawaii.
Dr. Toshio Inahara, graduate of OHSU, 1950 (left), Inahara, graduate of University of Oregon Medical School, surgical practice (right). Photos courtesy of Dr. Toshio Inahara.
Moriguchi family at Uwajimaya. Photo courtesy of the Moriguchi family.
Daniel K. Inouye US Army, 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II. Photo courtesy of Senator Daniel K. Inouye.
Wakaji Matsumoto and family in front of a photography studio located in downtown Hiroshima two blocks from atomic bomb epicenter. Photo courtesy of Hitoshi Ouchi and the City of Hiroshima Archives.
General Frank D. Merrill, commander of Merrill’s Marauders, presenting Staff Sergeant Roy Matsumoto the Legion of Merit for his service at Walawbum, Burma, on March 5, 1944. Photo courtesy of the Matsumoto family.
Roy Matsumoto in Washington, D.C., after receiving the Congressional Gold Medal in 2010. Photo courtesy of the Matsumoto family.
Arthur Iwasaki saluting after receiving the Congressional Gold Medal in 2010. Photo courtesy of the Iwasaki family.
George Tsugawa family—Brian and Lori (back) and Mable and George Tsugawa (front) at the Tsugawa Nursery in 2003. Photo by L.E. Gaskow courtesy of Portland Tribune.
Robert Shimada and Jinichi Miyashiro, members of the 100th Infantry Battalion, set up a 60mm mortar, 1943. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
Members of the 522nd in action in the Bruyères sector, France, October 18, 1944. Courtesy of the United States Army Signal Corps.
MIS linguists “at work” in the office. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration and Go for Broke National Education Center.
MIS linguists “at work” in the office. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration and Go for Broke National Education Center.
The strain of the 16-day Battle for Leghorn shows on the faces of these nisei soldiers from the 100th Infantry Battalion, as they leave on a regimental reserve of the U.S. Fifth Army, Castrellina, Italy, July 15, 1944.
Nisei soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, bow their heads in prayer for their departed comrades who gave their lives in combat with the enemy north of Rome. The memorial services are being held at the battalion headquarters near Cecina, July 30, 1944. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
Woman dressed as famous female Samurai warrior Tomoe Gozen at the Jidai Matsuri (Festival of the Ages), Kyoto, 2012. Photo courtesy of John Whaley.
Samurai warriors at the Jidai Matsuri, Kyoto, Japan 2012. Photo courtesy of John Whaley.
Statue of Saigo Takamori, Ueno Park, Tokyo.