After all the years I’ve been working as a psychic, I’m still astonished that anything can transcend the limits of space and time.
For example, maybe fifteen years ago I discovered that we live our lives in cycles of twenty-three years. I discovered that exactly every twenty-three years a seminal event occurs in our lives and marks the point at which we can set off (whether we’re aware of it or not) on an entirely new voyage in life, in a totally new direction.
After a while I discovered two more things: One, the twenty-three-year cycle, as I call it, does not necessarily start at birth! Most of us come into being at some point during the cycle, not at the beginning. Two, I can find no astrological explanation for this cycle.
It took me a long while to see that this is because, for most of us, our selves don’t start at birth.
Then I noticed some other things. The DNA helix, for example, is two strands of twenty-three. And I noticed that 99 percent of the time, when a good fiction writer talks about the length of something like a job or a marriage or a relationship, usually twenty-three (sometimes twenty-two) years is given as the length of the thing.
So I did some research and discovered this: the earth’s slow wobble as it spins on its axis is called “precession.” This top-like wobble is said to have a periodicity of somewhere around 23,000 years. This can’t be an accident. Genetics, astrophysics, art—and all agree?
And so at that point I realized with a shock that what I found, I believe, is the life experience of the soul. If most of us enter this life at some point in a cycle that started before we were born, what else could it be?
Now, I don’t know what huge impact this information can have on people, but I do know that when I see the card combination for this cycle, it means the person I’m reading has a chance to make a completely new start in life. It means the person I’m reading will no longer agree to settle for anything in life. It means that the person I’m reading, if in psychotherapy, can be a successful “graduate” when the current cycle ends.
It means the person I’m reading can basically be brand-new. It means the person I’m reading should start now to build a bridge to the new life that will be starting when the old cycle is over (maybe go to school, get some training, get a license, whatever is needed).
And, no, it doesn’t mean that all of a sudden life will be perfect, but it does tell me that the person I’m reading probably won’t want to settle anymore. Ever. About anything. Whatever fears had been the driving force will have been overcome.
What does this mean in practical terms? It means, for example, that a woman will leave a loveless marriage because she’s no longer afraid of being alone in the world. She’s discovered that there are worse things. And a man might leave a lousy job for a new career, this time something he wants to do with his life and not the idea of his parents.
It also always means that what we dreamed of as a little kid comes back into play at this time.
I once read for a man becoming CEO of a company. I saw that the end of the current cycle was close. Twenty-three years. I asked him what he’d dreamed of as a kid. He said he’d always wanted to be a bus driver. I asked him why. He said, “So people would follow me.” And I said, “Well, if you’re a CEO, now they will!”
This whole thing is astonishing, isn’t it? And though not everybody gets the chance to start over, just plain start over, if I see the cycle and ask you, say, what happened in your life in 1987, there will always be a significant answer: a birth, death, divorce, major move, first job, first marriage, birth of first child, birth/death of a sibling, first sexual experience, and so on.
How do I know the year? I subtract twenty-three from now or next year, depending on how I feel about what I see.
And if there isn’t anything significant from twenty-three years back, I just go back forty-six years instead to find the seeds of the present. Why go back another twenty-three? Because the one other really important thing I’ve discovered with this cycle is that if we choose to do nothing when we really want to do something, it may be another twenty-three years before we get the chance again.
And way too many of us seem to have taken the do-nothing approach the first or even second time fate came calling.
Regardless of your age, if life can begin anew, go for it!