It is the curse of our kind that, though we are thoughtful, loving, and helpful by nature, we are also quicktempered and slow to forgive. It is for this reason that I have prepared this pamphlet, which I hope will provide guidance for the brownie who discovers that his or her temper has placed him or her in a situation of isolation.
(If I may be allowed a personal note, I would add that the modern demand for me to write “his or her” is enough to make me want to tear the fur from my living flesh! But I digress….)
Anyway, should you, dear fellow brownie, find yourself on the verge of losing control, here are the steps I would recommend to you.
First, count to ten. This is an old and time-honored bit of advice. And it does contain a certain amount of wisdom, as it helps prevent an immediate eruption. However, I must report from personal experience that counting to ten is generally insufficient. I myself must get to at least 537 before the desire to leap upon someone and start gnawing holes in his or her face begins to subside.