Monday, November 2 (part 2)

After Alex read the note, I said, “What do you think I should do?”

“I don’t know. You don’t think she’s some kind of brownie bounty hunter, do you?”

Destiny spoke up. “Ms. Kincaid was very nice to me today. She said she was sorry for not believing me about Herbert.”

“Actually, my name is Angus.”

“Well, I know you’re not Herbert, silly. He’s a goblin!”

“Do you want me to take you to school with me tomorrow?” asked Alex.

“I think I should go. But I don’t want to spend the day in your backpack. I’ll ask Bubbles if he’s willing to give me a ride.”

Alex looked at me in amazement. “Bubbles lets you ride him?”

“Yes, but don’t say anything about it in front of him. He finds it embarrassing. Anyway, if he will bring me in the afternoon, you can meet me outside when school lets out, then carry me back in.”

“All right, it’s a plan. But I think I should come to see Ms. Kincaid with you, just in case.”

“In case what?”

“In case she has any mischief in mind! You may be an awful pain, but I have no intention of letting her capture you or anything.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, sort of.”

She smiled. “It was a compliment, sort of.”

I should be sleeping now, but I am deep in the frets, wondering what this is about and what will happen tomorrow.