11/14 (Sat.)
It’s been a week since we left Angus and Ms. Kincaid in the Enchanted Realm, and my room is getting to be a mess again.
I’m honestly trying to keep it neater. Partly because I know that’s what Angus would want.
Really, it just seems so strange not to have him here. Yeah, he drove me nuts when he first showed up. But by the time we went to the Enchanted Realm, I had really come to like him.
Now I miss the little guy like crazy.
I suppose I should put the Barbie dollhouse (the Pink Horror!) back in the attic. The thing is, I keep hoping he’ll come back, if only for a visit.
Okay, that’s probably stupid of me. But I’m so worried about him! He did such a great thing in returning the princess to the Enchanted Realm, and look what he got for it.
The Realm may be beautiful, but I don’t think it is always fair.
On the plus side, things are much better here. Dad has gone back to work, and Bennett is his normal annoying self again. Except he sings a lot now, and it’s really beautiful. So that’s cool. Also, Dad has made up with Pete and has agreed to stick to writing music and let Pete handle the lyrics. They’ve decided to record some of their new songs with Bennett singing them.
Best of all, Mom and Dad are getting along.
I’m even doing better in school, mostly thanks to the way Angus helped me get organized.
It’s just not fair that the queen is going to put him on trial for breaking some stupid Oath of the Brownies! He was doing good things. Shoot, I’m crying again.
Talk about stupid!