I wrote this novel during my time at the University of New Brunswick, where I had the unfailing support of my fellow graduate students, professors, and administrators in the English department. I cannot thank them enough for all that I learned and experienced in those two short years. I am indebted to John Ball, who helped shape this book from the very first chapter, and believed in the strength of my story even when I did not. I was honoured to receive the insightful critical perspectives of Mark Jarman, Jennifer Andrews, and Heather Sears. Many thanks to Fred Stenson for his comments on early chapters, and to Eden Robinson for marathon-reading my first draft and sharing her wizardry for structure. I greatly appreciate the assistance provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Thank you to everyone at NeWest, and especially Doug Barbour for knowing exactly which questions to ask.
I would not have become a writer if not for Linda Bialek, Suzette Mayr, Nicole Markotić, and Aritha van Herk. You were far more than teachers to me, and you continue to inspire me in everything I do.
To my partner, Andrew: I could not have done this without you. And finally, to my family, in all your various incarnations: thank you for being the place where I belong.