
super SWEETS

When I was writing this chapter, my youngest asked me what my favourite recipe in this section is. I looked through all of the recipes with every intention of telling him that there was a clear winner, but my taste buds wouldn’t let me! Because every time, I thought, ‘Yes, this one!’ I’d see the next recipe and remember how delicious that one was, too! So, I hope you thoroughly enjoy these Super Sweet recipes as much as I do.

superfood superheroes

1. Almonds

A handful of almonds will provide your body with an adequate amount of fibre, protein, vitamin E, manganese of magnesium. They also contain a generous amount of copper and phcephorous. Almonds are perfect to include in your diet as a snack between mealse and can be used to main meals, salads and desserts!

2. Dates

Dates are the perfect natural snack food for anyone with a sweet tooth. They have quite a chewy consistency that makes them great for baking to bind foods together. Dates are crammed with vitamins and minerals, and are also easy to digest, which means that your body can make use of the goodness contained within!

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can cook with and packed full of heart-healthy fats. It is linked with improved digestion as well as weight loss, especially in the abdominal region. As well as boosting the function of your metabolism, coconut oil can also improve your immune system and combat sugar cravings. Not only is it good for your insides, but it also does wonders for the skin and can help to keep wrinkles at bay for longer when used topically.

4. Oats

Oats are one of the best breakfast options you can choose when it comes to preserving the health of your body. They contain a unique group of antioxidants known as avenanthramides, which are thought to provide powerful protection for the heart. Oats are low in calories and fat while being high in fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates.

5. Coconut palm sugar

Coconut palm sugar is made from the sap of the coconut tree and is becoming increasingly popular as a natural sweetener. It is thought to be a better alternative to other sugars for people with diabetes as long as the product is 100% coconut palm sugar and not mixed with other products. There is also a range of trace vitamins and minerals in this sugar as well as small amounts of various phytonutrients.