17:3A Or [evil]; my mouth will not sin
17:7B Or love, You who save with Your right hand those seeking refuge from adversaries
17:9C Lit from the presence of
17:9D Or who plunder me
17:10E Lit have closed up their fat
17:11F Lit They set their eyes
17:12G Lit He is
17:15H Lit form
18:8A Or ablaze from Him
18:14B Or multiplied
18:22C Lit Indeed, all His ordinances have been in front of me
18:29D Or ridge
18:33E Or on my high places
18:40F Or You gave me the necks of my enemies
18:44G Lit At the hearing of the ear
19:1A Or expanse
19:2B Or Day to day pours out speech, and night to night communicates knowledge
19:4C Lit In them
19:5D Lit his
19:6E Lit its circuit is
20:9A Or Lord, save. May the king
21:11A Lit they stretch out evil against
21:12B Lit aim with your bowstrings
22:1A Or My words of groaning are so far from delivering me
22:7B Lit separate with the lip
22:8C Or Rely on
22:8D Lit let Him
22:10E Lit was cast on You from the womb
22:17F Lit they
22:20G Lit my only one
22:21H Lit answered
22:25I Lit my praise
22:25J Lit Him
22:26K Or poor, or afflicted
23:3A Or me in paths of righteousness
23:4B Or the valley of the shadow of death
23:6C Lit Lord for length of days ; traditionally Lord forever
24:4A Or not lifted up his soul
25:1A Or To You, Lord, I lift up my soul
25:6B Or everlasting
25:13C Or earth
25:17D Or Relieve the distresses of my heart
27:14A Lit Lord; let your heart be strong