14:2A Or in spirit, or in his spirit
14:10B Lit and none is without a sound
14:11C Gk barbaros = in Eng “a barbarian.” To a Gk, a barbaros was anyone who did not speak Gk.
14:12D Lit zealous of spirits ; spirits = human spirits, spiritual powers, or the Holy Spirit
14:16E Or praise by the Spirit
14:16F Lit the one filling the place of the uninformed
14:22G Lit that languages are for a sign
15:1A Or I make known
15:2B Or believed without careful thought, or believed in vain
15:8C Or one whose birth was unusual, He
15:14D Or proclamation is useless, and your faith also is useless, or proclamation is empty, and your faith also is empty
15:32E Lit Ephesus according to man
15:32F Lit what to me the profit?
15:34G Lit Sober up righteously
15:37H Lit but a naked seed
16:2A Or Each Sunday
16:9B Lit for a door has opened to me, great and effective
16:11C With the brothers may connect with Paul or Timothy.
16:22D Or Maran atha (an Aram expression transliterated into Gk) = Our Lord has come!