1:1A Lit the
1:4B Or trouble, or tribulation, or trials, or oppression ; the Gk word has a lit meaning of being under pressure.
1:12C The word fleshly (characterized by flesh) indicates that the wisdom is natural rather than spiritual.
1:17D Or a worldly, or a fleshly, or a selfish
1:19E Or Silas ; Ac 15:22-32; 16:19-40; 17:1-16
1:24F Or we lord it over, or we rule over
2:1A Lit I decided this for myself
2:1B Lit not again in sorrow to come to you
2:2C Lit the one pained
2:14D Or always leads us in a triumphal procession, or always causes us to triumph
2:14E Lit in the Christ, or in the Messiah ; 1Co 15:22; Eph 1:10,12,20; 3:11
3:3A Lit ministered to
3:5B Lit from
3:14C Lit their thoughts were hardened
3:18D Or are reflecting
3:18E Or from the Spirit of the Lord, or from the Lord, the Spirit
4:4A Or the gospel of the glorious Christ, or the glorious gospel of Christ
5:12A Lit in face
5:14B Or For the love of Christ impels, or For the love of Christ controls
5:16C Or regard
5:16D Lit anyone according to the flesh
5:16E Or have regarded
5:16F Lit Christ according to the flesh
5:16G Or regard
5:21H Or be a sin offering
6:1A Or As we work together
6:11B Lit Our mouths have been open
6:15C Or Beliar, a name for the Devil or antichrist in extra-biblical Jewish writings
7:1A Or spirit, perfecting holiness
7:2B Lit Make room for us
7:5C Lit our flesh
7:7D Or lamentation, or mourning
7:13E Lit the joy of Titus
8:10A Lit to will
8:11B Lit finish the doing
8:13C Lit but from equality
8:18D Lit churches, in the gospel
8:19E Or grace
9:4A Or in this confidence
9:6B Lit And this
9:13C Or your obedient confession to
9:14D Or will long for
10:2A Or are living as a non-Christian ; lit are walking according to flesh
10:3B Lit flesh
10:3C Lit war according to flesh
10:4D Lit fleshly
10:7E Or You are looking at things outwardly
11:1A Or Yes, you are putting up with me
11:10B Or silenced
11:12C Lit cut off
11:15D Lit end
11:17E Or business, or confidence
11:18F Lit boast according to the flesh
11:23G Lit and in deaths
11:28H Lit Apart from
12:7A Or me, an angel
12:15B Lit for your souls, or for your lives
12:19C Or Have you thought . . . to you?
12:20D Lit be as you want
12:21E Or come again my God will
13:1A Lit mouth
13:5B Or you are disqualified, or you are counterfeit
13:9C Or become complete, or be restored