Police Fitness Test Preparation
Law enforcement fitness tests are fairly similar to military fitness tests; however, many police tests include sprints, jumps, and agility. Here is a workout that mixes goal mile pace running, upper body workouts, and sprints with leg PT.
Warm up with 5-10 minutes biking or running
Light stretch
Repeat 4 times
Run 400 meters at goal mile pace
Sit-Ups – 1 minute
Vertical Jumps – 5
Pull-Ups – max reps
Lunges – 10 per leg
Lightweight Shoulder Workout
Repeat 3 times
Sprint 300 meters
Push-Ups – 1 minute
Walk/jog 300 meters, slow
1 mile cooldown run or 10 minute bike
Full Body: Pull and Leg Day
5 minutes warm-up stretch
Repeat 3 times
5 minutes run or bike, fast
Squats – 30
Pull-Ups – max reps
Bicep Curls – 10
Pull-Downs – 10
Reverse Pull-Downs – 10
Repeat 3 times
5 minutes bike
Squats – 5-10 (weighted)
Lunges – 10 (weighted)
Sit-Ups – 1 minute
Vertical Jumps – 5
Cooldown run 1 mile or 10 minutes bike/elliptical
Full Body Circuit with Spartan Run/PT Exercises
5 minutes warm-up stretch
Repeat 5 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Push-Ups – 10
Squats – 10
Spartan Run/Full Body
Run 1 mile, fast
Vertical Jumps – 5
Push-Ups – 50
Crunches – 50 OR 1 minute Plank Pose
Run 1 mile
Push-Ups – 50
Crunches – 50 OR 1 minute Plank Pose
Vertical Jumps – 5
Run ½ mile, fast
Push-Ups – 50
Crunches – 50 OR 1 minute Plank Pose
Run ¼ mile sprint
Push-Ups – 50
Crunches – 50 OR 1 minute Plank Pose
Reverse Push-Ups – 20
Birds – 20
Arm Haulers – 20
Run 300-meter sprint, twice
FBI SWAT Selection Test (Full Body Challenge)
Practicing various fitness tests teaches you to think of testing as “just another workout” and helps relieve much of the anxiety that can occur.
Warm up with 10 minutes jog; stretch as needed
Initial Test Day
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps; perform wearing weight vest/body armor
40-yard assault dash – perform wearing full gear, starting from prone position
½-mile Tactical Course
800-meter run with three job-related tasks at the 220 yard, 440 yard, and 660 yard marks:
220 yard mark: Cone running weave (40 yards long); 9 cones spaced 5 yards apart
440 yard mark: 175-pound victim drag (10-yard drag)
660 yard mark: Cone running weave, dropping to the prone position at each cone
Cooldown run 1 mile and 10 minutes bike/elliptical
Running and Full Body Calisthenics
5 minutes warm-up stretch
Repeat 5 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Squats – 10
Run up/down a flight of stairs 3 times
300-meter run (at 50-75% of full sprint)
Pull-Ups – max reps
Repeat 3 times
Run ½ mile, repeating at goal pace (if your goal is to run 2 miles in 14 minutes, ½ mile should be run at 3:30)
300-meter sprint
Pull-Ups – max reps
Repeat 4 times
40-yard sprint
Squats – 25
Lunges – 10 per leg
Sit-Ups – 25 (at 30-second pace)
Run, Lift, PT with Stairs
This is a mix of weights, calisthenics and hard running up/down stairs wearing a weighted vest for cardio.
5 minutes warm-up stretch
Repeat 10 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Push-Ups – 10
Run 2 miles
Repeat 4 times
Bench Press – 10
Pull-Ups – max reps
Push-Ups – 25
Pull-Downs – 10
Reverse Pull-Downs – 10
Wide Grip Pull-Downs – 10
Push-Downs – 10
Biceps – 10
Dips – 10-20
Military – 20
Run up five flights of stairs with 25-pound backpack/weighted vest
Run and Leg Day:
Rest with Core
Repeat 10 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Squats – 10
Repeat 3 times
Squats – 25 (weighted)
Crunches OR Sit-Ups – 30
Bicep Curls – 10
Plank Pose – 1 minute
Lunges – 10 per leg
Reverse Crunches – 30
Hammer Curls – 10
Side Plank Pose – 30 seconds each side
Half Squats – 20 (go all the way down but halfway up)
Side Crunches – 30
Run or bike 3 minutes, fast
Stair Climbs: Run 5 flights of steps with a 25-pound weighted vest plus two 5-8 pound dumbbells.
Repeat 8 times
Run 400 meters in 90 seconds
Walk 200 meters in between each run
Run and Leg PT with Sprints, Jogs, and Goal Pace Running
Warm up with 1 mile jog; stretch as needed
Repeat 2 times
Sprint 400 meters
Squats – 40
Jog 400 meters
Squats – 40
Sprint 400 meters
Lunges – 20 per leg
Run 400 meters at goal pace
Lunges – 20 per leg
Swim (optional)
Repeat 5 times
25 meters freestyle
25 meters hypoxic freestyle
Cooldown with 300 meters, any stroke
Bike Tabata Intervals
Repeat 3 times
5 minutes intervals: bike 20 seconds fast, 10 seconds easy
Rest 2 minutes with biking, easy
Pull/Leg Day with Easy Cardio
Repeat 10 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Squats – 20
Upper Body Pull
Repeat 3 times
Pull-Ups – max reps (weighted)
Pull-Downs – 10
Dumbbell Rows – 10 per arm (heavy)
Dead Lifts (body weight) – 5-10
MJDB#2 – 10 (heavy weight)
Cardio of choice – 20 minutes running, swimming or biking
The Lower Back Plan
This is a great cooldown stretch and core workout as it only takes about 10-15 minutes. You can add this to the end of your workout or the end of your day, and do either the core exercises, just the stretches, or both.
Dynamic Warm-up and Key Stretches
Butt Kickers – 1 minute
Frankenstein Walks – 1 minute
Bounding in Place – 1 minute
Side Steps – 1 minute each direction
Leg Swings – 1 minute calf/shin
Burpees – 1 minute
Arm Shoulder Stretch – 1 minute
Chest Stretch – 1 minute
Thigh Stretch – 1 minute
Hamstring Stretch – 1 minute
Foam Roller
Back Roll – 1 minute
ITB Roll – 1 minute
Shin Roll – 1 minute
Exercise Routine
Crunches – 20 (advanced or keep feet on floor)
Reverse Crunches – 20
Double Crunches 10-20
Left Crunches – 20
Right Crunches – 20
Plank Pose – build up to 1 minute
Push-Ups – 10-20
Swimmers – 30-60 seconds
Hip Rollers – 10 each side
Arm Haulers – 20
Reverse Push-Ups – 20
Birds – 20
Dirty Dogs – 20 per side