The Tactical Strength Test
The Tactical Strength Test comprises 10 events pulled from various military, police, and fire-fighting fitness programs around the world to create an all-inclusive fitness challenge. This test does not have a grading system; you are competing with yourself and your personal bests.
Perform each exercise and record your personal best. Try to beat this number in successive attempts.
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps at 25 pounds
Bench Press – 1 rep max effort
Dead Lift – max reps at 1.5-2 times body weight
Squat – max reps at 1.5-2 times body weight
Strongman Pull-Up Hang: Hang from a Pull-Up bar in the down position using only your hands to keep you off the floor. Keep shoulders flexed so you do not overstretch the shoulders. Target 1-2 minutes as your goal.
300-yard Shuttle Run
5-10-5 Pro Agility Test: Sprint left while running at full speed for 5 yards, then change direction and run 10 yards, then change direction again, running another 5 yards.
Ruck 4 mile – 50 pound ruck
Kettlebell Swing – 5 minutes
500-meter Swim with Fins, any stroke
5 x 5 x 5 Workout
This workout combines five sets of five repetitions with five minutes of cardio sets.
Repeat 5 times
5 minutes cardio of choice: Increase challenge each minute through change in resistance, speed, or incline.
Bench Press – 5
Weighted Pull-Ups – 5
Rest 2 minutes
Squats – 5
Rest 2 minutes
Dead Lifts – 5
Target 75-80 percent of 1 rep max for Bench Press, Squats and Dead Lifts.
Grip Circuit
Mix in these exercises after a Pull-Up or Dead Lift workout to top off the grip muscles for the day.
Weighted Rope: Tie a weight (5-10 pounds) to a rope attached to a rod. Curl the rope onto the rod by twisting the rod so it rolls the rope around itself. This will work the wrists through a full range of motion while also building forearm strength and stamina. Build up to a 1-minute set of rolling up and down.
Rice Bucket: Place a lacrosse ball at the bottom of a five-gallon bucket and fill the bucket with rice. Dig your hand into the bucket and open and close your fist into the rice to grab the lacrosse ball at the bottom. Repeat with both hands for 1 minute each. Another option is to place your fingers about knuckle deep in the rice. Open and close your hand fully for 50 reps each hand. This works the hand and improves grip and forearm strength.
Battle Ropes: If you do not have a vertical rope to climb, moving the battle ropes up and down and side to side horizontally will suffice to strengthen the grip required for rope climbs. Shake the ropes up and down and left to right for 1-2 minutes.
Pull-Up Hangs (Strongman Hangs): Hang on a bar in the down position, flexing your shoulder blades so that your shoulders are not relaxed. Once you cannot hold your shoulders flexed or hang on the bar with your hands, you are done with this exercise for the workout circuit. Build up to 1-2 minutes.
Core Circuit
When you see “Core Circuit,” take 8-10 minutes and complete the following exercises for 30-60 seconds each.
Swimmers: Lie on your stomach and lift your feet and knees off the floor by flutterkicking repeatedly, as if you were swimming freestyle. Build up to 1 minute or keep your feet still, but off the floor.
Arm Haulers: Lie on your stomach. Lift your chest slightly off the floor and wave your arms from your sides to over your head for 30 seconds.
Reverse Push-Ups: Lie on your stomach in the down Push-Up position. Lift your hands off the floor instead of pushing the floor. This will strengthen your upper back muscles that oppose the chest muscles (the rear deltoids and rhomboids). Repeat for 1 minute, flexing the upper back as many times as you can while keeping a steady pace.
Birds: Lie on your stomach with your arms spread to the height of your shoulders. Lift both arms off the floor until your shoulder blades “pinch” and place them slowly in the down position. Repeat for 1 minute, mimicking a bird flying.
Hip Rolls: Lie flat on your back with your knees in the air as shown. While keeping your shoulders on the floor, rotate your hips and legs to the left and right. Repeat for 1 minute.
Plank Pose: Keep your back straight and abs tight while placing your elbows and toes on the floor and holding for as long as you can. Build up to 1 minute (advanced is 3-5 minutes).
Advanced Plank Pose: Hold a Push-Up in the top position for 1 minute. Build up to 3-5 minutes.
Bird Dog Plank Pose: While in plank position, lift your left arm and right leg at the same time. Hold for as long as you can. Switch and lift your right arm and left leg at the same time and hold for as long as you can (aim for 30 seconds on each side).
Side Plank: From plank position, twist to the side and put your weight on one elbow/forearm while keeping your back and hips straight. Point your top arm vertically toward the ceiling. Switch sides and hold for 30-60 seconds on each side.
Farmer Walks: Walk for 1 minute while holding a weight in your left hand. Switch hands and walk again for another minute. Walk as upright as possible while flexing your core muscles to balance yourself.
Sit-Ups: 50-100 reps
Flutterkicks: 50-100 reps
Full Body Lift with Barbell Complex/Speed Cardio
Warm up with 10 minutes bike/elliptical
Squats – 20
Lunges – 10
Stretch lightly as needed
Repeat 4 times
Dead Lift – 5
Hang Clean – 5
Power Clean – 5
Push Press – 5
Squats – 5
Easy Recovery
Plank Position – 1 minute
3 minutes bike/elliptical
5 x 5 x 5 Hang Clean, Power Clean, Push Press – perform nonstop with lighter weight
Grip Circuit
Core Circuit
Elliptical Tabata Intervals
Repeat 4 times
Tabata – 5 minutes
2 minutes easy recovery
Upper Body PT with Moderately Heavy Weights and Fast Cardio
Warm-Up Push-Up/Run Pyramid
Run 50 meters – 1 Push-Up
Run 50 meters – 2 Push-Ups
Run 50 meters – 3 Push-Ups
Continue up to 10 Push-Ups. Stair crawl up/down OR Bear Crawl 25 meters on Sets 5 and 10.
Lightweight Shoulder Workout
Bench Press – 5 x 5
Rest with max Pull-Ups and 1 minute Plank Pose in between each set.
Repeat 4 times
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps
Pull-Downs – 5-10 (heavy weight)
Reverse Push-Ups – 20
Arm Haulers – 20
MJDB#1 – 5-10 (moderately heavy)
100 Calorie Burn Challenge
Max out the elliptical in resistance, incline, and speed. How fast can you burn 100 calories?
Full Body Lift with Heavy Weight and Fast Cardio Intervals
Warm up with 5 minutes bike ride/jog
Repeat 4 times
Weighted Pull-Ups – 5-6 (heavy)
Squats (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
Hang Clean (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
MJDB #2 (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
Repeat 4 times
Bench Press (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
Dead Lift (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
Military Press (weighted) – 5-6 (heavy)
Rest as needed
Grip Hang – 1 minute
Lightweight Shoulder Workout
Bike or run for 20 minutes, 1 minute fast/30 seconds easy pace. When you fail to maintain pace, do 30 seconds fast/1 minute easy.
Core Cooldown
Reverse Push-Ups – 25
Arm Haulers – 25
Hip Rollers – 10 per side
Sit-Ups – 25
Plank Pose – 1 minute
100 Calorie Burn Challenge
Max out the elliptical, bike, rower, or treadmill in resistance, incline, and speed. How fast can you burn 100 calories?
Weight Test and Speed Agility and Swim Endurance
Run 1 mile easy or bike 5-10 minutes
Grip Hang – 1 minute
Stretch as needed
Dead Lift – 5/3/1
Grip Circuit
Repeat 5 times
Run 5-10-5 agility test
Run 100 meters, fast
Jog 100 meters, easy
Swim 1000 meters with fins
Big Lifts
Warm up with 10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretching
Squats – 4 sets of 8
Bench Press – 5 sets of 5
Rest with max Weighted Pull-Ups in between bench sets
Hang Clean – 4 sets of 6
Deadlift – 4 sets of 6
Rest as needed in between sets of Squats, Hang Cleans, and Dead Lifts.
Grip Circuit
Bike Pyramid – 10 minutes
Increase resistance each minute so you reach the high teens within 10 minutes.
Swim 1000 meters with fins, or foam roll legs
Work on Your Weakness Day
5 minutes warm-up/stretch, then Grip Hang – 1 minute
Repeat 5 times
Run or bike 5 minutes, then lift 5 minutes (below)
Pick your worst events on the Tactical Strength Test and lift using a:
3 Sets x 3-4 Reps Cycle
Pick 3-4 lifts, such as: Bench, Pull-Ups, Dead Lift, Squats, Hang Clean, Power Clean, etc.
Repeat 3 times
Sprint 300-yard Shuttle Run
Fireman Carry – 50 meters OR Farmer Walk – 50 meters
Lightweight Shoulder Workout
Core Circuit