Upper Body Run PT Super Sets with Cooldown Swim
Warm up with short run of 1 mile
Repeat 10 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Push-Ups – 10
Repeat 5-10 times
Run ¼ mile
Pull-Ups – 5-10
Push-Ups – 10-20
Sit-Ups – 10-20
Dips – 10+
Plank Pose – 1 minute
Substitute TRX Push-Ups, TRX Rollouts or TRX Rows as desired.
Swim 500 meters, timed, any stroke
Tread water (no hands) – 5 minutes
Swim 500 meters, timed
8-Count Push-Up/Pull-Up Pyramid
Run 2 miles
8-Count Push-Up/Pull-Up Pyramid
1 8-Count Push-Up/Burpee – 1 Pull-Up
2 8-Count Push-Up/Burpee – 2 Pull-Up
3 8-Count Push-Up/Burpee – 3 Pull-Up
Continue until you fail at Pull-Ups, then repeat in reverse order.
Run 2 miles
100,200,300 Workout
Pick three calisthenics and do them for the prescribed repetitions. You can break them up into multiple sub-max effort sets, pyramids, or try to hit the numbers in as few sets as possible.
Warm up with 1.5-mile run
Pull-Ups – 100
Push-Ups – 200
Sit-Ups – 300
1.5-mile cooldown run
You can choose to replace the 300 Sit-Ups with 300 Squats for a Murph Workout.
Can you do the PT section in less than 5 sets with a 2-minute limit for each?
5 Minutes On/5 Minutes Off
Run 5 minutes, then PT or lift 5 minutes
Complete in circuit fashion with max rep sets until reps are reached, but only in 5-minute sets.
Total numbers:
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups OR 100 Bench Press (135 pounds) and 100 Overhead Presses
300 abs: 100 Flutterkicks, 100 Leg Levers, 100 Scissors, or any mix of your choice
Spartan Run/PT
Warm up with 5 minutes stretching
Spartan Run
Run 15 minutes
Push-Ups – 100
Abs of choice – 100
Run 15 minutes
Push-Ups – 75
Abs of choice – 200
Run 15 minutes
Push-Ups – 50
Abs of choice – 300
Run 15 minutes
If you’re using Plank Pose for your abs of choice, 1 second is equivalent to 1 repetition.
Mix some 8-Count Body Builders, Dive Bombers, and Burpees into the Push-Up section and do the Push-Ups any way you can.
Swim or Run PT Mix
If you prefer to mix the calisthenics workouts with running or swimming, here are some options for you.
Repeat 5-10 times
100-meter sprint swim OR 400 meters sprint running
Push-Ups – 25
Abs of choice – 25 OR 30 seconds Plank Pose
Cooldown by swimming 500 meters or running 1 mile, easy
Track and PT Workout (Speed and Pace Drills)
¼ mile run
Squats – 20
Half Squats – 20
Lunges – 10 per leg
Butt Kickers – 30 seconds
Leg Swings – 10 per leg
Light stretch
Repeat 4 times
¼ mile run at goal pace for 1.5 miles, timed
Rest with 25 abs of choice
Repeat 4 times
¼ mile run/jog (alternate every 200 meters jog and sprint)
Rest with Butt Kickers or Leg Swings
Repeat 16 times
100-meter sprint: build up to full speed at the 50-meter mark
Rest with 20 Push-Ups/20 Squats or Lunges
Swim or bike – 30 minutes
Every 5 minutes, stop and do max Push-Ups and Flutterkicks, 1 minute each. Do max reps of Pull-Ups if a Pull-Up bar is available.
Spec Ops Leg Day
Ruck 2 miles at a moderate pace with a 50-pound backpack (or 25% body weight)
Run 2 miles in Interval/Leg PT Mix
Jog 50 meters
Sprint 100 meters
Squats – 20
Swim and Leg PT
Warm up by swimming 500 meters without fins
Mix in 20 Lunges on pool deck every 100 meters (10 per leg)
Swim 1000 meters with fins
Tread water (no hands) 15 minutes, practicing all kicks (Scissor, Flutterkick, Breast, and Egg Beater)
Sandbag PT: Log PT Simulation
This is a typical 100,200,300 style workout where you accumulate your repetitions in max rep sets until you accomplish the four exercises’ total counts.
1 mile run with sandbag (40 pounds)
Push Press – 100
Walking Lunges – 100 per leg, carrying 40-pound weight or sandbag
Squats – 150 AND Sit-Ups – 150 with a 40-pound sandbag on your shoulder or chest
1 mile run with sandbag (40 pounds)
Run/Calisthenics with Kettlebells
Warm up with 5 minutes jog and stretch
Repeat 4 times
Run 1 mile
Pull-Ups – max reps
Push-Ups – max reps
Kettlebell Farmer Walks – 100 meters
Kettlebell Swings – 20
Push Press – 20 (with sandbag or kettlebell)
Box Jumps – 10
Flutterkicks – 50
Kettlebell Goblet Squats – 20
Kettlebell Walking Lunges – 10 per leg
Ruck with 40 pounds for 30 minutes or swim 30 minutes with fins for distance. How far do you get?