Everything 50
All exercises total 50 repetitions in this build-your-own-circuit. Aim to get 50 reps of each, any way you can.
Warm-Up Burpee/Run Pyramid
1 Burpee – Run 25 meters
2 Burpees – Run 25 meters
3 Burpees – Run 25 meters
Continue until you reach 15 Burpees, then repeat in reverse order.
Pull-Ups – 50
Dips – 50
Abs –50 (until you complete 50 Pull-Ups/Dips; rest with 50 abs as needed)
Everything 50
Pull-Ups – 50
Squats – 50 (weighted, 135 pounds)
Bench Press – 50 (75-100% body weight)
Overhead Lunge – 25 per leg (with 25-45-pound plate)
Push Press – 50
Leg Press or Dead Lift – 50 (light)
Kettlebell Swings – 50
10 sets of 50-meter sprints freestyle and 50-meter CSS at goal pace. If you don’t have access to a pool, ruck for 45 minutes.
Full Body Workout: Calisthenics Warmup, Weighted Circuit, and Cardio/Swim
Push-Up/Squat Run Pyramid
1 Push-Up/Squat – Run 25 meters
2 Push-Ups/Squats – Run 25 meters
3 Push-Ups/Squats – Run 25 meters
Continue until you reach 20 Push-Ups/Squats, then stop.
Continue warm-up with 10 minutes run or bike ride
Repeat 5 times
Tabata (bike) or ½ mile run, timed – 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps
Bench Press – 5
Squats – 5
Overhead Weighted Lunges – 10 per leg
Dead Lift – 5
Bicep/Military Press – 10
Light stretch
Swim 500 meters, warm-up pace
Repeat 5 times
200 meters free/CSS combo at 500-meter goal pace
Perform Push-Ups/Plank Pose for the time it takes to swim 200 meters
If you don’t have access to a pool, ruck for 45 minutes
Full Body 5 x 5 with
Push-Up/Squat Run Pyramid
1 Push-Up/Squat – Run 25 meters
2 Push-Ups/Squats – Run 25 meters
3 Push-Ups/Squats – Run 25 meters
Continue until you reach 10 Push-Ups/Squats, then stop.
Farmer Walk Up/Down Stairs
Do 1 Squat, Farmer Walk up/down stairs
Do 2 Squats, Farmer Walk up/down stairs
Do 3 Squats, Farmer Walk up/down stairs
Continue until you reach 10 Squats, then stop. If no stairs are available, walk 25 meters carrying dumbbells.
5 minutes Tabata interval bike OR run ½ mile, fast
5 x 5 Plus Pull-Ups
Bench 5 x 5
Pull-Ups – 30
Can be broken up during the 5 bench sets above.
5 minutes Tabata interval bike OR run ½ mile, fast
Squats 5 x 5
Pull-Ups – 30
Can be broken up during the 5 Squat sets above
5 minutes Tabata interval bike OR run ½ mile, fast
Dead Lifts 5 x 5
Pull-Ups – 30
Can be broken up during the 5 Dead Lift sets on the previous page
5 minutes Tabata interval bike OR run ½ mile, fast
Warm up with 500-meter swim
Repeat 5 times
100-meter sprint, free
50 meters CSS at goal pace
Push-Ups – 25
Abs of choice – 50
If you don’t have access to a pool, run or ruck for 30 minutes
Weighted Leg/Cardio Day with Mini-Mobility
Warm up with 10 minutes run/ruck
Repeat 3 times
Run or ruck 10 minutes
Squats – 10
Lunges – 10 per leg
Leg Press – 10
Mini-Mobility Day
Repeat 3 times
5 minutes bike, elliptical, or row
5 minutes foam roll or stretch
10 minutes swim
10 minutes tread (no hands for 5 minutes/no legs for 5 minutes)
10 minutes dynamic stretches in chest deep water
Full Body Workout Heavy Lift/Calisthenics Mix
Warm-Up Push-Up/Squat Pyramid
1 Push-Up/1 Squat – Run 25 meters
2 Push-Ups/2 Squats – Run 25 meters
3 Push-Ups/3 Squats – Run 25 meters
Continue up to 20 Push-Ups/20 Squats, then stop.
Repeat 5 times
Squats – 5
Bench Press – 10
Pull-Ups – max reps
Repeat 5 times
Dead Lifts – 5
Military Press – 10
Pull-Ups – max reps
Run 3 miles
Swim 500 meters, warm-up pace
Repeat 10 times
Swim 100 meters, free
Rest with tread as needed
Calisthenics Leg Day with Weighted Exercises/Leg Cardio
Warm-Up Push-Up/Squat Pyramid
1 Squat – Run 25 meters
2 Squats – Run 25 meters
3 Squats – Run 25 meters
Continue up to 20 Squats, then stop.
Then do the same on a stairwell: 1-10 Squat pyramid, walking or running up/down the stairs in between each pyramid set.
Repeat 4 times
5 minutes cardio of choice, fast
Dead Lifts – 5
Overhead Plate Carry Lunges – 10 per leg
Squats (weighted) – 5-10
Farmer Walks (up/down stairs) – 4
Swim 500 meters, timed
Swim 1000 meters with fins
If you don’t have access to a pool, run or ruck for 30 minutes
Push-Ups/Run Pyramid with Weight/Cardio
Warm-Up Push-Up/Squat Pyramid
1 Push-Up – Run 25 meters
2 Push-Ups – Run 25 meters
3 Push-Ups – Run 25 meters
Continue up to 20 Push-Ups, then stop. Every 5 sets do max Pull-Ups/Dips.
Lightweight Shoulder Workout
Repeat 4-5 times
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps
Rows – 10 per arm
Bench Press – 5-10
Push-Ups – max reps
Bicep/Military Press – 10
Weighted Dips – max reps
Run 1.5 miles, timed
Swim 5 x 200-meter swims
Rest with tread or bottom bounce for 1 minute in between.
Modified PST with Weights
Maintaining good PST standards will help you with any amount of readiness required for your profession or general health and abilities. The added weighted exercises in this workout are a challenge after calisthenics max sets.
500-yard swim, any stroke
Push-Ups – 2 minutes
Sit-Ups – 2 minutes
Pull-Ups – max reps
Repeat 3 times
Bench Press – 5
Weighted Pull-Ups – 10
Bicep/Military Press – 10
Plank Pose – 1 minute
Repeat 2 times
1.5 mile run
Swim 500 meters cooldown
Weighted Cardio Circuit and Fast Cardio Set
Repeat 10 times
Jumping Jacks – 10
Push-Ups – 10
Pull-Ups – 5
Repeat 5 times
Run 5 minutes
Bench Press – 10
Push-Ups – max reps
Weighted Pull-Ups – max reps
Pull-Downs – 10
Weighted Dips – max reps
Dumbbell Rows – 10 per arm
Run 1.5 mile, timed
Swim/Tread Workout
Swim 500 meters to warm up
Repeat 5 times
100 meters CSS, fast
50 meters freestyle
Push-Ups – 25
Plank Pose – 1 minute
Abs of choice – 50
If you don’t have access to a pool, ruck for 40 minutes
PT Pyramid with TRX Push-Ups/Pull-Ups
Incorporate the TRX into your Push-Ups (if you have one available) and perform 2 TRX Atomic Push-Ups for every Pull-Up done on the following PT pyramid.
PT Pyramid
Set 1: 1 Pull-Up – 2 TRX Push-Ups.
Set 2: 2 Pull-Ups – 4 TRX Push-Ups
Set 3: 3 Pull-Ups – 6 TRX Push-Ups
Continue until you fail or reach 10 Pull-Ups, then repeat in reverse order. In the end, you will reach 100 Pull-Ups and 200 TRX Push-Ups. If you need to resort to regular Push-Ups to complete the workout, then do so.
Run 1.5 mile, timed
Swim 500 meters, timed, any stroke
10 minutes swim
10 minutes tread (with or without hands)
10 minutes dynamic stretches in chest deep water