




THE TWO FEMALE SERVANTS led Hugh into a small room with a large bed.  It looked soft and inviting and big enough for three. 

“Bath first,” whispered the brunette on his right, her lips caressing his ear. 

Her hot breath and the earthy smell of her was almost his undoing.  It’d been so long.  He didn’t want a bath, but he’d do whatever she said.  They guided him behind a room divider where a tub filled with steaming, hot water was waiting.  He hadn’t had a hot bath in almost as long as he’d been without a woman.

The two females began undressing him, their hands straying from his clothes to caress his skin as it was bared.  He shut his eyes, refusing to think about how vulnerable he was here, alone with them.  One of the Servants unbuttoned his pants.  No matter what happened, this would be worth it. 

One of them took his hand, giving him a slight tug.  “Get in.”

He opened his eyes and stepped into the tub.  Warmth flooded him as he sank down, groaning in pleasure as the heat soaked into his bones.  He hadn’t realized how cold he’d been.  Both of the females picked up rags and began bathing him slowly, each swipe of the rough cloth a hidden caress.  He leaned his head against the tub, closed his eyes and let the pleasure overtake him.

After they were done bathing him and washing his hair, he stayed in the water, his eyes closed and his head resting on the back of the tub.  He was full, clean and satiated.  He didn’t want to move but curling up in the soft bed with two willing females sounded like an excellent next step.  Tomorrow, he’d worry about what he owed Ray and how he was going to fund a new lab, but tonight was for him.  He opened his eyes, pushing up from the tub and stopped.  The older, exquisite female that he’d seen earlier sat on a chair across from him.

“Come.”  She held a large, fluffy towel as her gaze roamed over his body.  She smiled.  It was a knowing smile. 

He grinned and stepped out of the tub.

“I see you are almost ready for another round.”  She handed him the towel.

“It’s been a long time.”  He wrapped it around his waist. 

“Of course, but first things first.”  She walked around the divider. 

He followed.  The room was empty except for them.  She sat on the edge of the bed, skimming her hand across the blanket. 

“Where are the other two?” he asked.

“I promise, you do not need them or want them.  I am much better.”  She walked to the nightstand, opened a drawer and pulled out a glass and a decanter.  She poured a couple of inches of alcohol into the glass and strolled toward him, hips rolling with each step.  Her every movement was calculated for his pleasure.  He suspected that she was right and he wouldn’t miss the other two.  She stopped in front of him and took a small sip of the drink and then licked her lips.  He stared at her lush mouth.  It offered so many promises.

She placed the glass in his hand and led him to the bed.  She touched his chest—her hand cool on his skin—and gently pushed him down to sit.  “Drink and we shall talk.”

Talking was not what he had in mind.  His thoughts must have shown on his face because she laughed.

“First, we shall talk.  Just a little.”  She leaned down and whispered in his ear.  “Then, I shall mate with you.  Have you ever been with a House Servant?”  Her tongue dipped into his ear and he moaned.

“Tonight was my first time.”  He took a sip of the alcohol.  It was a whiskey, smooth and dark.  He coughed slightly, no longer used to liquor.

She leaned back, tipping her head slightly.  “What happened in the bathroom does not count.  You did not mate.  They only pleasured you.  No?” 

Her eyes had hardened.  He wasn’t sure why she cared what he’d done with the other females but it was obvious that she did.  “I have not had sex tonight.” 

“Good.”  She went behind the divider and brought out the chair.  She placed it in front of him and sat down close enough that their knees brushed.  “I have a proposition for you.”

He took another sip of his drink.  She was wrong.  He wanted the other two back.  They would’ve had sex and then left.  He had an idea that it wasn’t going to be so simple with this one.  She wanted something from him, but he couldn’t think of anything he had to offer.  No money, no power, no home.  “Go on.”

“You need a lab.  No?”

He nodded.  So, she’d been listening in the other room.

“I can get you a lab.  You give me a list of equipment and I will get it and a building for you.”

“What do you want in return?”  When something sounded too good to be true, it always was. 

“We can discuss that later.”  She placed her hands on his legs and ran them under the towel and up his thighs, her claws gently raking his skin. 

“I’d prefer to discuss it now.”  It took all his willpower but he grabbed her hands, placing them on his knees.  He couldn’t bring himself to push her away. 

She pursed her lips in a pout, sending all sorts of images of things that mouth could do flashing through his mind. 

He tossed back the rest of the drink, the burn wiping away his fantasies.  “I don’t want to be indebted to you and not be able to pay.”

She took the glass from him and walked to the dresser, promising pleasure with every step.  She re-filled the glass and returned to sit on the bed next to him.  “You’ll be able to pay.  I promise.”  She took another small sip of the alcohol, leaning against him. 

He refused to play this game.  He stood.  “Where are my clothes?” 

She grabbed his wrist, claws out in warning.  “I want you to free my daughter.”  Emotions fought for control in her vivid green eyes.  Fear.  Loathing.  Hatred and love.

“Free her from where?”  He pulled his hand from her grasp.  He’d been clawed enough for one day.

She placed the glass on the floor as she stood and began pacing.  “She is being held in the home of an Almighty.”

He was impressed that she didn’t attempt to use tears to persuade him.  It wouldn’t have worked for her.  She was too seasoned, too hard, but she was lovely.  However, her daughter’s situation was the fate of most House Servants.  “Is he unkind to her?”  Many Almightys considered the other classes as their property, but most of them weren’t cruel to those in their care.  Still, if the girl wanted to leave, she should be allowed to go.

“He is planning on selling her to the highest bidder.”

It wasn’t accepted by polite society, but he’d heard rumors about Almightys who used and sold their Servants and Guards into sexual servitude.  His eyes darted to the divider and his mind to his bath. 

“This is not the same.”  She grabbed his hands, pulling them to her chest. 

He struggled to free himself, but her grip was strong and he liked where his hands rested.  “The only difference is that these females are owned by a House Servant instead of an Almighty.”  He couldn’t keep the self-loathing from his tone.  He’d done this, but she and Ray had orchestrated it.

“They chose this life.”

This time, he did break free, sending her stumbling back a step.  “They’re too young to understand a choice like that.”  He ran his hand through his hair.  They were about Trinity’s age, too young to know better.

“They chose this life because they had nowhere else to go.”  She sat on the bed, her face once again a placid mask.  “They had no home.  No skill.  They were on the street when Ray found them and offered his protection.”

“For a fee.”  The worst part was that he’d eagerly participated.

“Of course.  Everything has a price.”  She leaned back slightly, highlighting her curves.  “You should understand that better than most.”  She picked up the glass of whiskey and walked over to him.  “Are you still the High Hugh Truent who dictates the lives of the other classes?”  There was a smile on her lips but her eyes were hard like jade.  “Who are you to decide how they choose to live?”  She handed him the glass and then waved her hand toward the door.  “There are others here who cook and clean.  Some females do not want to contribute in those ways.”

He took another sip of the whiskey.  If they chose to earn their keep in this manner instead of performing other chores, then it wasn’t so bad.  “They were given a choice?  Truly?” 

She stood on her tip-toes, her lips near his ear.  “We are all given choices.”

He pulled her flush against him, relishing the feel of her soft curves.  “All of us but your daughter?  That seems unlikely.”

Her eyes sparked green fire and she almost spit as she pushed away from him.  “No!  It is not the same.  She is a child, not yet having her first courses.  Once she does, he will sell her.  She has no choice.”

He’d only heard whispers about the black market for young House Servants and Guards.  It was a vile trade and he was stuck now.  He had to help if he could.  “What’s your name?”  It seemed odd that he didn’t know it.

“Meesus,” she said.

He took her hands in his.  “I promise that I’ll do everything I can to help your daughter, but I’m not sure what I’ll be able to do.  I have nothing and I can’t contact anyone who does have power or influence.  I’d try if I could, but it wouldn’t be safe for them.”  He squeezed her hands.  “How soon before she...starts?”

“A few months, perhaps a little longer.  She is of age.  She could start any day, but the auctions only occur twice a year.  We have almost six months before the next one.”

“That’s not very long.  We’ll need to find money and I’d have to get introduced to the right people.”  He began to pace.  “That’s not going to be easy.  I’m sure they’re careful about accepting new members into their group.”  He stopped.  “They probably run background checks, the kind that require fingerprints or DNA.  There’s no way that I could pass those.  I want to help, but I’m not sure how I can.”

She stepped closer, her musky scent clouding his head.  She smelled like sex, pure unadulterated sex.  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

“All I ask is that you promise to try,” she whispered against his lips.

“I promise.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.  If he tried and failed, she wouldn’t take it lightly.  That was the last thought he had as they fell onto the bed.