Chapter 19: Sanctuary
1 Letter 764, Vincent van Gogh to Willemien van Gogh, between 28 April and 2 May 1889 (VGM).
2 Sister Marie Heart of Jesus (née Marguerite Bonnet, 1821–91) worked in the pharmacy, and gardener Louis Auran (1818–93). Etat Civil, Arles. Cote: D451 and Cote: D92, Correspondance de l’hôpital, and Cote: 1S46, Procès verbal de l’Hôpital Dieu (ACA).
3 Letter from Alfred Massebieau to Alfred Vallette, 10 April 1893, La Mercure de France, No. 999, 1-VII-1940-I-XII-1946, Paris, 1946.
4 Architectural drawings of the hospital by Auguste Véran, Plan Général de Hôtel Dieu, Arles, le 8 janvier 1889, Cotes: 1 Fi 123 and 1 Fi 124 (ACA).
5 In Question 11 it states that the most recent annual report was 30 June 1888. In Section II – Personnel – Dr Gay is cited as being a member of staff. Gay resigned his post on 14 February 1889. So the questionnaire was compiled between these dates. 1S8, ‘Questionnaire sur les hôpitaux et les hospices émanant du ministère de l’intérieur’, 1888, and Cote: Q92, Registres de correspondance (ACA).
6 According to the report, the hospital was built above Roman sewers, which were still being used in 1888.
7 Cote: Q92, Registres de correspondance (ACA).
8 The exact dates of his hospitalisation are 24 December 1888–7 January 1889 and 3–18 February 1889 (after which he was ‘eating and sleeping at the hospital’, but working at the Yellow House). He was returned to the hospital on or about 26 February and placed in the isolation cell again until 19 March 1889, after which he remained in the hospital ward until 8 May 1889.
9 Letter 747, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 18 February 1889 (VGM).
10 Letter FR B1048, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Theo van Gogh, 1 March 1889 (VGM).
11 Letter FR B1051, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Theo van Gogh, 2 March 1889 (VGM).
12 Letter FR B921, Theo van Gogh to Willemien van Gogh, 15 March 1889 (VGM).
13 The tobacconist, Charles Zéphirin Viany, eventually opened a business up the road from Vincent’s Yellow House. On the 1891 Census of Arles he is described as being a ‘débitant-tabac’ (tobacconist) who lives at 56, avenue Montmajour (AD).
14 Letter FR B790, Theo van Gogh to Anna and Joan van Houten (his sister and brother-in-law), 10 March 1889 (VGM).
15 Letter 751, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, Arles 22 March 1889 (VGM).
16 Smallpox vaccination had been available in France since the early nineteenth century. Disinfection was undertaken with sulphur and ferrous sulphate. Cote: 1S14, ‘Rapport sur l’épidémie de la variole’, Dr Félix Rey, 15 April 1889 (ACA).
17 This explains why Van Gogh’s production was curtailed. He was only able to recommence work once the immediate danger of spreading the infection had passed. Because of the epidemic, all his paintings and drawings while he was a patient at the hospital can be dated precisely to the last month he spent in Arles: early April to 8 May 1889.
18 Cote: 1514, ‘Rapport sur l’epidemic de la variole’, Félix Rey, 15 April 1889 (ACA).
19 Ibid and Cote: J127, Curriculum Vitae, Dr Félix Rey, 10 January 1912.
20 Pauline Mourard-Rey, quoted in Martin Bailey, ‘Van Gogh’s Arles’, Observer magazine, 8 January 1989.
21 Further details of the fabrics used can be found in Cote: Q90, Registre de fournitures, and Cote: 1S8, ‘Questionnaire sur les hôpitaux et les hospices émanant du ministère de l’intérieur’, 1888 (ACA).
22 Cote: Q62, ‘Projet de reconstruction d’un hôpital fin 19ème siècle’ (ACA).
23 Cote: 1S8, ‘Questionnaire sur les hôpitaux et les hospices émanant du ministère de l’intérieur’, 1888 (ACA).
24 Cote: Q90, ‘Cahier des Charges 1888–1889’, Hospices Civils de la ville d’Arles, Registre des Fournitures, 1872–1905 (ACA).
25 Letter 751, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 22 March 1889 (VGM).
26 Letter 752, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 24 March 1889 (VGM).
27 Letter FR B640, Paul Signac to Theo van Gogh, 24 March 1889 (VGM).
28 Letter FR B1049, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Theo van Gogh, 18 March 1889 (VGM).
29 Letter 751, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 22 March 1889 (VGM).
30 Cote: 1S7, article 15, ‘Règlementation du service intérieur, Règlementation internes Hospices’ 1888 (ACA).
31 Letter 758, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, between 14 and 17 April 1889 (VGM).
32 The details of the property from the land registry are: ‘île 98 – I n° 13–14 – Folio 6962’. Robert Fiengo to the author, 21 May 2012 (CA).
33 Letter FR B1050, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Theo van Gogh, 19 April 1889 (VGM).
34 Letter 760, Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh, 21 April 1889 (VGM).
35 FR B940, Theo van Gogh and Johanna Bonger to Anna van Gogh, Paris, on or around 5 May 1889 (VGM).
36 ‘For the time being the furniture has been sent to the house of a neighbour, to whom your brother has paid three months’ rent for this purpose, eighteen francs in all.’ Letter FR B1050, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Theo van Gogh, 19 April 1889 (VGM).
37 Letter FR B1054, Reverend Frédéric Salles to Vincent van Gogh, Arles, 5 May 1889.