Nad’s Mum’s Fabulous Fattoush

Here’s our favourite salad recipe!

This makes enough for two people as a side dish.

For the dressing you need:

About 1/3 of a mug of olive oil

The juice and the grated zest of one lemon (or you can just use lemon juice)

½ teaspoon of chopped garlic

About 2 tablespoons of sumac (This is a sour-tasting spice. You can get it in a jar from most supermarkets. Nad says it’s better if you can get it, but if you can’t then just make it without.) Btw DON’T put all 2 tablespoons in at once! Add a bit at a time, then taste it and add more if you like it.

Salt and pepper

You will also need:

A mug

A knife, a grater and a lemon squeezer (if you’re using a whole lemon)

A tablespoon and a teaspoon

A bowl

A whisk

To make the dressing, just bung everything in the bowl and whisk it!

For the salad:

Well, it’s sort of up to you what you like in your salad. But we like:

½ a cucumber (peeled and cut it into chunks)

10 cherry tomatoes (cut in half)

½ a yellow pepper (or a red or orange one) cut into chunks

3 spring onions (or half of a red onion) sliced up small

¼ of a big crunchy lettuce – chopped up

4 radishes sliced thinly (you can leave these out if you don’t like them)

1 pitta bread (brown or white) – tear this into bits

You can also add a small handful of chopped fresh herbs – either parsley or mint or both.

You’ll also need:

A peeler and a kitchen knife

A chopping board

A big serving bowl

Chop up all the salad stuff, put it all in the big serving bowl and mix it up. Then add as much of the dressing as you like! (Nad’s mum says you can keep the rest of the dressing in a plastic tub in the fridge for about a week.)

Hope you like this as much as we do!

Nad and Jaz x