
As guilty pleasures go, ice cream is top of the list. It’s the perfect dessert to round off a meal, or for just crashing out in front of the TV with a big bowl and an even bigger spoon. We make a really dark caramel so it’s just burnt, which goes perfectly with the sweet ice cream. You’ll need an ice cream machine for this recipe.



4¼ cups whole milk

3 cups heavy cream

1 vanilla pod, slit lengthways and seeds scraped out

3 cups superfine sugar

16 egg yolks*

Good pinch of sea salt

1. Gently warm the milk, cream and vanilla seeds in a heavy-based pan over low heat.

2. Put the sugar into a separate heavy-based pan and place over medium heat to slowly dissolve without stirring. When the sugar has turned to a dark brown caramel, slowly and carefully add the milk and cream. Take care, as the mixture will spit and bubble when it hits the hot caramel.

3. Whisk the egg yolks in a bowl for a few minutes until light and fluffy, then carefully add a ladle of the warm caramel cream, whisking all the time. Add the remaining caramel cream and return the pan to low heat. Cook gently, stirring continuously, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

4. Remove from the heat and continue to stir for a further 5 minutes as it cools. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve. When the mixture has cooled completely, add a good pinch of sea salt.

5. Transfer to an ice cream machine and churn following the manufacturer’s instructions.

* See the Banana and Chocolate Souffles recipe for how to use up your leftover egg whites.