
An Irresistible Force, an Immovable Object

As 1842 drew to a close, the travesty of Fort Stikine no longer referred solely to the killing of its chief trader. The Company’s investigation had little to do with John McLoughlin Jr. and everything to do with the escalating war of words between Simpson and the victim’s increasingly irrational father. As the two men locked horns, many believed their mutual destruction was assured.

Both men refused to yield, and their relationship deteriorated. For George Simpson, such conflict was of no concern, but “McLoughlin’s loyalty to the Company, which would normally guarantee discretion, was also becoming suspect.” The Governor had expected Dr. McLoughlin to simply swallow “the pill without daring to complain of its bitterness,” something the doctor could not bring himself to do. Consequently, Sir George no longer trusted McLoughlin to act in the Company’s best interests, and so Simpson began to work in ways that were decidedly not in the doctor’s best interest.

McLoughlin, in turn, accused Simpson of being deluded and heartless. The Governor’s self-image was “ludicrously unrealistic,” and his callousness was the stuff of legend. One oft-humiliated underling confronted Simpson, saying, “You are pleased to jest with the hardships I experienced…you ought to have considered it sufficient to have made me your dupe, and not add[ed] insult to oppression.” Dr. McLoughlin believed the Governor combined “the prepossessing manners of a gentleman [with] all the craft and subtlety of an intriguing courtier,” and that “his cold and callous heart was incapable of sympathising with the woes and pains of his fellow-men.” Neither combatant came off well in the exchange, as the clash revealed the intractable demands of each man’s ego: “Simpson expected to rule; McLoughlin was accustomed to independence.”

HBC Governor Pelly took the matter seriously but refused to get serious about it. He grew weary as the squabble dragged into its second year, lost track of who said what, and did not have the patience to find his way back. As the barrage of insults rained down from both sides, the Company’s stewards insulated themselves from the fray.

Their cloak of plausible deniability was torn asunder, however, when Simpson and McLoughlin stopped talking to each other and began sending their toxic missives directly to Company headquarters. The first bombshell landed early in 1843, when a thick envelope arrived in London containing Simpson’s bellicose response to McLoughlin’s latest letter. Like a petulant child, Simpson refused to deal with his uncompromising sibling, preferring to make his case directly to the father figure that loved him best, confident he would receive vindication.

In all things, Simpson cultivated the appearance of a man more sinned against than sinning, and his letter fashioned him the innocent victim of Dr. McLoughlin’s unwarranted attacks. He did not mince words, claiming, “It is evident Mr. McLoughlin is ignorant” of how “difficult and troublesome [it is] to obtain the ends of justice.” The doctor’s ignorance was so egregious that Simpson had no recourse but to address all of McLoughlin’s accusations. With each point the Governor masterfully blended whinging with an abdication of responsibility.

With regard to Dr. McLoughlin’s critique of the first depositions, Simpson retorted: “I had no power to cross examine the witnesses…after the most rigid investigation…I still firmly believe the main features of the evidence they gave, in reference to the conduct and habits of the unfortunate young man, were substantially correct.” It was a curious approach, for Simpson had never before claimed he did not have the power to do something, and in this particular case he did possess the authority to interrogate the witnesses —he simply chose not to. As to the credibility of the witnesses, the Governor grudgingly agreed there were “many worthless characters in the Service.” Experience had taught Simpson that even good employees inevitably “became slothful and insolent,” and this became a real concern when the hired hands started out as “the very dross and outcast of the human species.” From Simpson’s vantage point, the violence at Fort Stikine was simply a prophecy fulfilled. Indeed, the Governor had predicted just such an occurrence more than two decades earlier. The problem, he opined, was the loathsome necessity of hiring Canadians, who were both easily beguiled and readily treasonous: “If humoured with trifles, anything may be done with them, but if treated with uniform harshness and severity, they will Mutiny to a certainty.” McLoughlin Jr. had caused his own demise through his excessive abuse of his men, or so Simpson still believed.

In a magnanimous feint, the little emperor conceded he might have been mistaken when he accused John Jr. of cooking the books, and he heaved a sigh of relief “to find it is better than I was led to suppose.” Although he had never expected to be challenged on the point, the Governor knew how easily such allegations could be disproved. Simpson deftly shifted the blame to a conveniently placed straw man who “led [him] to suppose.” It was a curious sleight of hand that quickly became a recurring theme throughout his screed.

Simpson then rewrote history, claiming Dr. McLoughlin had made the decision to leave his son in sole command of Stikine. In the midst of this temporal juggling act, Simpson paused long enough to disparage the son one last time: “From what Mr. McLoughlin knew of his son’s previous conduct, he ought never in my opinion to have been placed in charge of Stikine; and I believe that those who knew the young man best are aware that when under the influence of liquor, he was violent to madness, and even in his sober moments he was ever more ready with his hand than was necessary or proper.”

To prove John Jr. was quick with his fists, Simpson relied on the hearsay of John Rowand, chief factor of the Saskatchewan District. Rowand said Dr. McLoughlin had been “informed by their servant La Graise that the conduct of Mr. McLoughlin Jr. was exceedingly violent and irregular, and that in an act of violence, of then recent occurrence, a sword was broken.” Simpson claimed to have once laid his hand on the blade, “which I afterwards found at Stikine, and if my recollection fails not, forwarded to Vancouver.” He conceded that finding the broken sabre would lend some (much needed) credibility to the account, but the sword in question was never seen again.

The Governor then took umbrage at McLoughlin’s allegation that his investigation had been biased and inept. Simpson stated the inquiries conducted under McLoughlin’s auspices was done “at Least as much with a View of Exonerating your Son as of Eliciting the truth.”

George Simpson’s letter to the board was a textbook of misdirection and obfuscation, and an acid test of his power to persuade. The facts were never as important as their delivery. Simpson held tight to his conviction that the men responsible for killing McLoughlin could be trusted to give a fair and impartial account, and he alluded to evidence corroborating his theory of the killing, even if he could not produce it. But Simpson’s defence of self was ultimately not based on evidence or testimony — it was a thinly veiled plea for the Committee’s unwavering support. He had given his life to the Company, and he now expected the board to repay him by taking his side in this fight. For once in his fabled career, Simpson could not retreat, and so he forced Governor Pelly and Committee to stand behind him.

In the months that followed, Pelly and the board did line up behind Simpson, although their rationale had nothing to do with the arguments offered by either side, or any strong conviction as to what had happened to John McLoughlin Jr. Rather, the decision came down to a single guiding principle: “Simpson was indispensable, McLoughlin was not.”


Dr. McLoughlin lacked Simpson’s clout and charisma, but he remained a force to be reckoned with, and he could not let the matter drop. He fired off another tedious screed, then stalled for time as he waited for his latest round of evidence and newly acquired depositions to arrive in London for the Committee’s consideration. The doctor’s evidentiary package promised to shed “new light” on the case, proving once and for all that the “crime was clearly long pre-mediated,” and that “the charges of habitual intoxication and excessive severity were trumped up after the deed was committed as a screen to the villainy of the culprits.”

A new day finally dawned at corporate headquarters in 1843. After wading through Dr. McLoughlin’s averments, the Company’s secretary, Archibald Barclay, wrote to Simpson regarding this new evidence, and for the first time, Simpson received a gentle smack on the nose. Having reviewed each set of depositions, the Committee decided both inquiries were fatally flawed. Barclay told Simpson, “[The] evidence taken since you were at Stikine is no doubt loose, irrelevant often little to be depended upon, but it is not nearly so bad as that given before yourself at Stikine.” Barclay felt the solution to halting the palace intrigue was simple: the Committee would commission a third round of witness depositions, to be conducted by an impartial third party. Actually, the process had begun earlier that year, when the board agreed such an unprecedented move was necessary to appease the two warring factions. The impartiality of the new investigator was a smokescreen, however, and Barclay privately assured Simpson that Dr. McLoughlin “has not been allowed to triumph.”

Governor Pelly and the Committee also informed Dr. McLoughlin of the renewed investigation, but they were quick to reprimand him on a number of fronts. First, Pelly berated McLoughlin for not raising his objections regarding the men at Stikine before his son’s death. He reminded the doctor that “the persons placed there were supposed to be fit for their several situations, and able to discharge the duties they had to perform. It unfortunately turned out otherwise; they proved incapable and worthless, but that was not the fault of Sir George Simpson.” Dr. McLoughlin was again slapped on the wrist for his heated and personal attacks: “You have thus virtually refuted your own charge and acquitted Sir George Simpson of any blame that does not equally attach to yourself.”

In the decades since, historians have concurred, voicing their belief that McLoughlin Sr.’s vitriol did more harm than good. W. Kaye Lamb was certain had the doctor not made his contest with Simpson so personal, the Committee might have done more. John S. Galbraith felt Simpson had “already damned himself” with his callous handling of McLoughlin’s murder, forever damaging his credibility with the Committee, but that Sir George was “saved” by Dr. McLoughlin’s crusade, which had “lost all sense of proportion.”

But how history might view the tussle did not concern the Committee as much as the prospect of negative publicity. What all the senior officers knew — but the public did not — was that the killing at Fort Stikine was not an isolated event. Violence and murder were commonplace in the outposts, and the shareholders did everything in their power to keep it quiet. Governor Pelly and the Committee relied heavily on that code of silence, and they appealed to McLoughlin’s passions as a father, as well as his rational business sense. Pelly reminded McLoughlin that his son’s legacy was at stake, and that tales of barbaric corporal punishment “may be the fabrications of worthless or malicious persons, but unfortunately the effect is the same as if they were well founded: the service is injured, men of good character are deterred from entering it.” The Company also needed to save face with their trading partners, for it was simply not good business practice “that such scenes as those which occurred at Stikine should be witnessed by the Natives.” Surely Dr. McLoughlin, as an invested shareholder, could see that.

Dr. McLoughlin held an entirely different view, and he was in no mood to be placated or told what to think. His response to the Company’s pleas for discretion cut to the quick: “Is murder not to be punished because it is Embarrassing to Both Companies?” It was now McLoughlin’s turn to wield guilt as a cudgel, and he reminded the Committee his son was both a Christian and an Englishman, and therefore deserving of proper justice: “I presume there is no place under Christian Dominion where a British subject is murdered but it will be Enquired into.”

Still, McLoughlin could ill afford to alienate the Committee, given that he remained in their employ and they were making positive strides to seek justice for his son. If another investigation could meet that end — particularly an inquiry devoid of Simpson’s input — then so be it. He signed the truce and temporarily held his fire.


Enter James Douglas, the bastion of impartiality appointed to conduct the third investigation on the Company’s behalf. Although chosen for his even hand, Douglas had a troubled history with Simpson and had, of late, fallen out of favour with the senior McLoughlin. Dr. McLoughlin’s incessant raving had forced Simpson and the Committee to systematically strip him of his authority, and Douglas had quietly succeeded McLoughlin as the district’s chief factor, a move that ruffled the feathers of the white-headed eagle.

An official, if awkward, portrait of Sir James Douglas, taken in 1863 by G.R. Fardon.

Though not quite as tall as Dr. McLoughlin, Douglas was every bit as imposing as his predecessor. His contemporaries found him to be a “cold brave man…with a wooden hard face.” Those under his command called him “Old Square-Toes,” a moniker lacking in affection or discernible meaning.

Simpson also had issues with the new appointee, for Douglas was a “half-breed” of an entirely different stripe. In 1803, he was born in Demerara (now Guyana) to a Glasgow merchant, also named James, and Martha Anne Tefler, a Creole from Barbados and a black freewoman. Their coupling produced a number of offspring, but they never married. At age nine, little James was dispatched to a prep school in Scotland to secure a proper education. Scrappy and sporting a perpetually chipped shoulder, Douglas learned to “get on by dint of whip and spur.” He began his career in the fur trade with the North West Company, and following the merger in 1821, he was made a clerk second class of the HBC.

His rise through the Company ranks was meteoric. On January 30, 1830, he was dispatched to Fort Vancouver to serve as Dr. McLoughlin’s accountant. Douglas soon tempered Simpson’s prejudice by being “imperious, penny pinching, [and] obsessed with detail and ritual.” Douglas was dictatorial and a tight-fisted believer in false economy, provided, of course, the privations never touched him. By 1835, Simpson had learned to overlook the swarthy colour of his skin, and Douglas was commissioned as a “gentleman of the interior” and promoted to the rank of chief trader. In short order he was given charge of the district, supplanting his former mentor, Dr. McLoughlin.

Douglas was a study in contrasts. Peter C. Newman was clearly smitten, calling Douglas a “mulatto of elegant mien whose character was a perplexing combination of endearing romanticism and glacial tenacity.” His subordinates saw only the sharper side, claiming he could be “furiously violent when aroused.” Still, he possessed an effusive charm and was capable of disarming even the hardest of men.

He could be difficult, and his history was certainly spotty, but the Committee pretended Douglas was impartial, and he was their unanimous choice to lead the investigation into John McLoughlin’s death. The process proved arduous as the witnesses were by then scattered over a wide geographic area. The inquest dragged on for months, and further delays ensued as the depositions were copied by hand in triplicate before making the circuitous voyage from the Pacific coast to London.

The Committee took its time reviewing Douglas’s witness accounts, but their leisurely pace should not be misconstrued as thoughtful deliberation. Pelly and his backscratchers were simply hoping for a miracle. Eventually, Secretary Barclay informed Simpson and McLoughlin the new evidence would be sent to the Russian governor in preparation for trial. Dr. McLoughlin was elated, but Simpson soon snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by informing the Committee the men involved were no longer in the Company’s employ.

When Dr. McLoughlin first learned of his son’s tragic death in June 1842, he ordered Douglas to send those responsible to Sitka, but his command was ignored. Douglas did send Kannaquassé and Pressé to join Heroux at the prison in Sitka, but the rest of the men were quietly reassigned, by order of George Simpson. A few were sent to Fort Simpson while the rest were transferred to a new outpost, Fort Albert, where they were to be held “under watch and ward.” It was a loose form of house arrest at best, and escape was as easy as walking away.

Meanwhile, the Russians had their hands full with Urbain Heroux. In custody, the Iroquois showed himself “to be a man of ferocious disposition, having attempted to murder his keeper, who prevented his escape.” While still at Fort Stikine, Heroux had told Kannaquassé, “I am going to the Russian Fort and will be either banished or hung,” but neither prediction came to fruition. The Russians did not want to deal with McLoughlin’s killer any more than George Simpson did, and they found a legal loophole. As Heroux raged in irons (and Kannaquassé and Pressé settled in beside him), Baron Ferdinand von Wrangel informed Governor Pelly the Russian government had no jurisdiction over the case because Stikine had been leased to the HBC. Wrangel then ordered Sitka’s governor, Adolph Etoline, to send the prisoners back to the Hudson’s Bay Company. As fate would have it, the men were to be remanded to Dr. John McLoughlin at Fort Vancouver.

When the Russians refused to solve their problem, the HBC was forced to make a decision. Privately, Barclay told Simpson all this squabbling about jurisdiction was just “more fudge alleged to get rid of the business.” The Committee secretary then stepped over the dead body of John McLoughlin Jr. and recast the Hudson’s Bay Company as the true victim of this tragedy: “If these men cannot be tried by the Russians, what is to be done with them…they might be tried in Canada but what an expense and inconvenience to get them and the witnesses transported thither — and what an exposure too! To let them loose without trial would be a most dangerous example to others.” Bribery, Barclay decided, was not out of the question. He contemplated paying Sitka to try the men, wondering aloud whether “money was the real reason the Russians were refusing to act.”

It was idle speculation, as Barclay saw no need to grease Russian palms, nor was he interested in airing the Company’s dirty laundry. He fixed a hard price on John McLoughlin’s life, arguing that “the expense involved in bringing the case to trial was more than the Company was willing to incur. Bad publicity was virtually certain but convictions were not.” And although he never admitted it publicly, Barclay felt neither McLoughlin was “worth the trouble.”


In February 1844, Heroux, Kannaquassé, and Pressé found themselves on a steamer bound for Fort Vancouver, where they were to be delivered into the waiting clutches of their victim’s vengeful father. George Simpson recognized that handing the men over to Dr. McLoughlin was tantamount to a death sentence, and to avoid further bloodshed, he sent a directive ordering McLoughlin to free the men upon their arrival. His edict met with stony defiance. In a missive which began “I am no Lawyer But,” McLoughlin acknowledged the men were under “the Warrant of a Magistrate,” and that “until instructions come from England, how Sir George, who is himself only a Magistrate, can take on himself to order their liberation, I know not.”

Unbeknownst to Simpson or the London Committee, Dr. McLoughlin had already settled on a course of action. The moment Heroux and his confederates arrived in Vancouver, Dr. McLoughlin sent the accused (along with a dozen witnesses and an interpreter) to York Factory, with instructions they be sent on to Canada for trial. So certain was McLoughlin Sr. of their guilt, he boldly declared that if the Canadian courts were unwilling to prosecute, he would do so himself.

The doctor’s unilateral action brought down the full wrath of the HBC on his snow-white head. Simpson was apoplectic, sputtering, “[If] the prisoners either escape unpunished or receive at most a trifling punishment, Mr. McLoughlin will hardly find in his own feelings any compensation for the odium which he will have heaped, and the injury which he will have inflicted, on the honourable company.” McLoughlin’s eastbound chain gang made it as far as Norway House before Simpson stopped them in their tracks. The shackles were removed, and Heroux and his cohort were told they were free to go.

Simpson’s vengeful ire came with a price tag. The Governor informed the London office he had ordered Dr. McLoughlin “to make up a statement of all the expenses of the investigation, so that your honours may be able to decide whether the burden is to fall on the Fur trade or on Mr. McLoughlin himself.” Sir George then played his communiqué time-delay advantage, refusing to wait for the Committee to decide anything. Instead, he “simply cut off McLoughlin’s five-hundred-pound salary until such time as he might apologize.” Simpson also knew how to mix insult and injury. Upon learning the identities of his son’s murderers, Dr. McLoughlin had immediately stopped their pay. In a spiteful act of retribution, the Governor ensured the killer and his confederates received their back pay, and that McLoughlin knew it. Lest the good doctor mistake Simpson’s message, Sir George gave one of the perpetrators a raise and ordered another be returned to active service.

Simpson’s venom was inexhaustible, but others in the company had tired of the ordeal, and much of their frustration was directed at the victim’s father. The general consensus was that Dr. McLoughlin needed to move on, for his ceaseless lamentations had grown as tedious as rain. Archibald McDonald, chief factor of Fort Colvile, marvelled that the “pile upon pile of papers the unhappy father has laboured to fill upon this harassing question to prove his son to have been what in my opinion he was not, is truly astonishing.” Chief trader John Tod echoed the sentiment, writing: “I fear the Dr. has not only compromised his dignity in this affair but has also failed to excite the Sympathy of the greater part of his friends, from his very excess.”

Dr. McLoughlin had become an object of pity. The matter had dragged on too long and, thanks to Simpson’s petty machinations, “even McLoughlin ran out of energy, and funds.” Eloisa recalled, “About that time my father was in very low spirits.” McLoughlin’s relationship with Simpson, never good, was now unsalvageable. The doctor had also fallen out with James Douglas, a loss he felt more keenly. Eloisa described how the men first met: “Douglas was 17 when he came to Fort Williams — he was a boy when my father was a man. My father always liked him.” Whatever affection McLoughlin once had for him was trampled under Douglas’s square toes during McLoughlin’s demotion and the final failed round of depositions.


There would be no formal resolution in the murder of John McLoughlin Jr. Simpson’s hope that Russia would clean up the Company’s mess was an idea that withered on the vine. Equally fruitless was the notion Canada or England might step in and prosecute the case. Despite Dr. McLoughlin’s repeated threats, he lacked the personal funds to bring a civil suit, a venture he estimated might cost in excess of £10,000. Even if McLoughlin could muster such resources, Simpson had already acquitted and freed the men responsible. The matter seemed closed, yet there remained one last loose end: Douglas’s depositions. Having commissioned the statements, the London office felt duty-bound to do something. The Committee, in an act of unmistakable favouritism, elected to forward the latest inquest findings to their overseas governor, George Simpson, for comment. After years of legal wrangling and endless strife, the case of John McLoughlin Jr. ended precisely where it began.

The Governor’s musings were recorded for posterity in the precise hand of his personal secretary Edward Martin Hopkins, who was under strict instructions to mark his every word and forward the compendium to the Committee. Simpson opened by taking strong exception to the statements, although his rancour was no doubt fuelled by past criticisms of his own flawed depositions. In a classic case of psychological projection, Simpson found fault with the exact same missteps he had committed in his earlier inquest. He challenged the credibility of witnesses with vested interests in saving their own skins, and he criticized the leading questions posed during the depositions. He struggled to find a suitable example to prove his point, finally surrendering in exasperation and stating, “We shall not quote the answer, for any answer — be it what it might — to such a question, must be worse than useless.”

His contempt for the process was palpable, yet Simpson still managed to reach a verdict in the case: “From the forgained deposition we arrive at the following conclusions: 1st That John McLoughlin, with a loaded gun and accompanied by a body of armed Kanakas, hunted up Urbain Heroux, avowing at the same time his intention to destroy him; 2nd That under these circumstance, a shot was fired, proving fatal to John McLoughlin — that shot having been fired by Urbain Heroux.” Gone was any mention of liquor and abuse, and he steadfastly refused to dignify the mutiny theory by giving it any serious consideration. You have to admire Simpson for sticking to his guns. His verdict had not wavered since his first proclamation, although he carefully sidestepped his previous finding of “Justifiable Homicide.”

Although Simpson’s verdict was slathered in bastardized legalese, such jargon was judicially meaningless or, as he was so fond of saying, “worse than useless.” His conclusions, however, were good enough for John Henry Pelly and the London Committee, who declared Simpson’s findings to be the final word on the subject. They used his conclusions to close the matter of John McLoughlin Jr. forever.