Chapter Ten



ORION WOKE and smiled as he listened to Dexter’s snoring. He squeezed Dexter’s arm where it lay across his waist as they snuggled in Dexter’s bed. A quick look at the clock indicated it was midafternoon. Talon had to return to campus after they revealed themselves to Dexter, but Orion decided to stay. He had no other plans and felt one of them should stay with Dexter.

Now he was there in his mate’s arms, and everything felt right with the world. His owl warbled in contentment. At that moment nothing mattered, especially not Audrey and her horrid ideology. Orion rolled over and rubbed Dexter’s head. Dexter had to officially be up in an hour, and Orion wondered if he was willing to sacrifice some sleep for some pleasure. He nuzzled Dexter’s nose before giving him light kisses on his cheeks and lips. He stroked his hand along Dexter’s naked shoulder and then down his back while also sliding his leg along Dexter’s, cock growing hard with need. They only wore underwear, and he loved the sensation of warm naked flesh pressed against his own.

He planted a longer kiss to Dexter’s lips, and Dexter grunted and squeezed him. Orion moaned and closed his eyes, opening his mouth, anticipating the sweep of Dexter’s tongue. He didn’t disappoint, and when Dexter rolled on top of him, Orion thrilled and clasped his arms and legs around Dexter.

Dexter lifted his head and blinked his eyes clear of sleep. Orion smiled and pushed up his hips, making sure Dexter felt his erection and his desire. Dexter shuddered out a breath and pushed back, his own erection forming.

“Por favor,” Orion whispered before nibbling Dexter’s earlobe. “Fuck me.”

“Orion,” Dexter said on a groan. Then he leaned over to fumble with the single drawer on the bedside table.

Orion laid kiss after kiss along Dexter’s neck and shoulders, delighting to feel Dexter’s cock grow thicker against his. He skimmed his hands down, and just as Dexter pulled out a new bottle of lube, he yanked down Dexter’s boxers. When Dexter also took out condoms, Orion shook his head.

“You don’t need them.”


“You can’t give or receive any diseases from shifters,” Orion said softly. “Like I said last week, both Talon and I are clean, but even if we weren’t, it would still be safe for you. Please, Dex, I need to feel you inside me.”

Dexter’s breath hitched. “Shifters.”

Orion cupped his face so their eyes met. “Look at me. Really look at me.”

He did. They stared at each other for a long moment before Dexter smiled. He kissed the tip of Orion’s nose.

“Guess you’re my little elf, too, huh?”

Orion grinned and his owl bounced around inside his head like he was hopped up on speed. “Yes, I am. And your little elf really needs to get fucked.”

Dexter snorted a nervous laugh. He leaned back on his heels and pulled off Orion’s briefs. Then Orion bent his knees to his chest and held his legs out of the way. He actually heard Dexter gulp, but before he could offer words of encouragement, Dexter lubed his fingers and pushed them inside his ass. Orion whimpered and pressed his head against the pillows. Dexter was timid at first, but with breathless directions from Orion, he stretched and readied Orion for penetration.

Orion quickly sent his mind out to Talon. He answered immediately, indicating he wasn’t in the middle of an experiment.

Watch us, he said.

Orion, Talon said, and even the voice in his mind was breathless.

Orion forced his eyes open so Talon could see them. He sensed Talon shudder.

Orion was soon begging for Dexter. He finally slicked his cock and hovered over him. They stared into each other’s eyes, and everything felt right with Talon taking part despite the distance.

They moaned when Dexter sheathed himself inside Orion. Dexter stilled for a moment, panting, and Orion continued to stroke his arms, shoulders, and down his back. Then Dexter moved with surprising strength and rhythm, and Orion moaned and whimpered. When Dexter rammed against his prostate, Orion screamed. Dexter paused a moment, adjusted his position, then continued to thrust, slamming into his prostate every time.

“Harder, ay Dios!”

Dexter did as he was told, and Orion clutched him, shooting toward the peak. He screamed until he came, gushing between them.

Talon groaned inside his head.

Dexter gave two more thrusts before finding his own completion. He collapsed on top of Orion, whose breath whooshed out at the sudden weight. But he could draw in air easy enough and held Dexter tightly to him. Then Dexter tried to move, as if realizing he was crushing him.

“No,” Orion said, squeezing. “Just stay with me.”

Dexter shifted slightly to the side before holding him as well. They panted, sticky and sweaty, and he still felt Talon in his mind.

“Talon,” Dexter muttered.

“He was here too.” Orion kissed Dexter’s cheek in understanding. The guilty tone in his voice was enough to discern his thoughts.

Dexter lifted his head. “What do you mean?”

Orion tapped his temple. “He watched the entire thing and really enjoyed it.”

Dexter blushed, and Orion giggled at the sight.

“Now he really can’t wait to fuck you,” Orion said. “I’ve had you twice already.”

“I, um, okay.”

Orion giggled again as Dexter rolled off him and shuffled into the bathroom. Orion sighed in happiness and trailed after him, ignoring his self-conscious protests. Talon stayed in his mind throughout the shower, the drying, and then the dressing.

“Tell Talon, um,” Dexter said, stumbling.

Orion raised his eyebrows, waiting. Talon waited as well.

Dexter blew out a breath. “I’d like to plan on, um, being with him soon.”

Orion smiled and felt Talon tense with need. “He’s more than ready, Dex. Just say the word.”

Dexter nodded and proceeded with his routine for work. Talon disconnected from Orion’s mind with obvious reluctance. Orion tried to stay out of Dexter’s way as well as join in to help.

“I’ll give you a ride back to your place,” Dexter said.

“Better if you took me to campus. I’ll be in my office late grading papers and exams. I want you to stop by on your lunch break. Okay?”

Dexter grinned as he backed out of the driveway. “Sounds perfect.”



“OF COURSE we want to meet him!” Gwen said, and Talon knew his mother was rolling her eyes. “After all the things you and Orion have said about him, we’d be delighted to welcome him to the family. Bring him for New Year’s so he can meet all of us.”

Talon thought of introducing poor Dexter to the entire Matias and Horn clans and wondered if Dexter had any anxiety meds he could take. Although maybe he wasn’t giving his new mate enough credit. He was brave behind the shyness.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to him about it. Let you know.”



“I am sincerely happy for you and Orion. You’ve never introduced your new partners to your father and me before, even after months of dating. He must be very special.”

Talon smiled. “He is. Um, Mom? Has anyone expressed displeasure at learning Orion and I have claimed a human for a mate? Anything along the lines of what Audrey said?”

“Not to our face, and your father and I were looking for it. I’d like to say we don’t know anyone as closed-minded as that bitch, but I can’t. And that worries me.”

His mother using foul language didn’t even register. She was the one to curse like a sailor while his father would wince silently.

“If anyone harms him, family or not, I will peck their eyes out.” His owl hooted in agreement.

“Not if I get there first,” she said.

Talon smiled again. “You haven’t even met him.”

“I told you, the very fact you want to claim him and have us meet him tells me all I need to know. You rarely let people in, and those you trust are few. Usually it takes years for you to take that stick out of your ass.”

He chuckled. “Can’t argue with that.”

“And considering you met him mere weeks ago clinches it. I must meet him.”

“You will. Even if I have to drag him kicking and screaming.”

“Have Orion turn his big eyes on him. It always works with you.”

Talon scowled. “Bye.”

He hung up on his laughing mother. Talon called Orion and told him about his mother’s invitation. Orion squealed in happiness.

“I’ll tell Dex when he comes by on his lunch.”

“Mind if I join?”

“Stupid question,” Orion said, laughing. “Get your butt here around midnight. Glad Dexter’s a night owl as well.”




ORION SIGHED as he finished grading the second final paper. He wanted to be kind and encouraging, but did students really believe he’d swallow such bullshit? He could always determine which students decided to procrastinate, and those who had given themselves at least a few days. He wrote comments in the margins, his handwriting neat and legible. Talon teased him about his meticulous penmanship, and Orion would shoot back the truthful assertion that Talon’s handwriting was chicken scratch, like most scientists’.

Snickering, Orion leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. He stretched and yawned before checking his watch. Dexter should be arriving at any time. No text to say he would be late, so Orion looked around his office, wondering if he should try to organize. Why bother? Dexter should know now that he wasn’t a neat freak like Talon. He could live in chaos and still find what he sought… most of the time.

He smiled when he thought of his family meeting Dexter. His sisters and nieces would adore him and take him under their wings. He didn’t doubt they planned to tell Dexter all the embarrassing stories of his childhood and awkward teen years, and he told himself to prepare now. He was sure Dexter would be amused and would flash him that joyful smile that was beginning to grace his round face more and more. Whatever made his mate laugh would be all right by him.

After he’d spoken to his parents about Dexter earlier, their immediate acceptance of him lightened Orion’s heart and went a long way to smother his rage over Audrey’s vicious words.

He scowled and glared out the window. His owl clicked his beak in irritation. Shaking himself out of his musings, Orion grabbed the next paper and picked up his purple pen. Red was too negative.

A knock came at his door. He looked up and grinned. “Come in, Dex.”

The door opened, a lean figure standing in the entryway. Orion froze as he quickly took in the woman’s appearance. He could tell it was a woman because of her curves and bosom despite the entirely black wardrobe and ski mask.

She said nothing as she stepped inside, shut the door, and aimed a revolver at his head.

His breath stuttered out as panic fluttered in his chest. His owl screeched, and he knew his skin rippled as his muscles determined whether to shift or not. He took a deep breath but couldn’t catch a definite scent. She’d apparently lathered herself in perfumes and body spray, covering her natural scent. His nose hairs burned from the cloud of stink surrounding her.

“Wh-who are you?” he whispered, voice breaking at the end.

“Leave Dexter alone,” she whispered back.

“D-Dexter? How do you know about him? Who are you?”

“You will keep your filthy hands off him. You understand, shifter? He will not be your victim, you abomination.”

Panting, Orion stared wide-eyed at the revolver, dreading, terrified the bullets were silver.

“Are you a knight?” he managed to ask.

She jerked as if surprised and didn’t acknowledge his question.

“Will you leave him alone?” she asked. “Or do I have to use this gun?”

“I would never harm him,” Orion said, voice growing louder. He stayed seated and narrowed his eyes, his fear taking a back seat to anger. “He’s my mate. I love him. I cherish him.”

“Lies,” she said, sounding like her jaw was clenched.

“You will hurt him if you kill me,” he said. “If you truly care about him, you will leave me unharmed.”

“Manipulated him that well, have you? Then if I kill you, I kill the hold you have over him.”

“Not manipulation,” he said, gripping the edge of his desk until his knuckles turned white. “Love. Acceptance. Respect.”

“You’re a monster.”

He knew before it happened and ducked behind the desk seconds before she fired. She fired again, bullet ripping through the desk. His owl fought free, and the air shimmered an instant before an elf owl hopped out of the discarded clothes and dashed behind a bookcase, scrunching down as far as he could.

She fired again. “Damn you!”

Orion closed his eyes and zeroed in on Talon’s mind.

Talon! Help!


My office. Shooter. Help!

I’m coming!

But not soon enough. Orion knew Talon wouldn’t get there in time.

“Fine, then,” she spat. “If you won’t come out and make this easy, then we’ll do this the hard way.”

Books clattered to the floor. He peered out from behind the bookcase. He hadn’t noticed her backpack, and apparently she had a backup plan if the gun didn’t work.

He smelled gasoline.

He jumped out from hiding, and even as she dumped gas on the pile of books, he dove at her head and ripped at the mask with his talons. Screeching in rage, he dove again. She batted at him, fumbling to bring her gun to bear again. He gouged her hands, forcing her to drop it.

“Stupid pest!” She shot out a hand and managed to catch him full in the face. He yipped and crashed to the ground. Panting, she flicked a lighter and dropped it. Fierce flames erupted.

Even as he wobbled to his feet, she grabbed the gun, ran out of the room, and slammed the door shut. He squeaked in pain, disoriented and scattered. Smoke quickly filled his office. He struggled to concentrate, to focus on shifting, but he was too panicked and scared.

Orion? Can you hear me?

Coughing, Orion spun in place, unable to know which way was right or what was exactly happening. He tried to breathe, but the smoke was too much. He stumbled, fell, and blacked out.



EXCITED FOR his lunch date, Dexter hurried across campus to Orion’s building, his lunch box under his arm. He’d compiled a mental list of questions to ask his boyfriends and kept adding to it. Shape shifters. Miraculous and amazing, and they wanted him. They’d chosen him.

Orion texted earlier to say Talon would be joining them, and he was relieved. He didn’t want Talon to think he’d rather spend time with Orion. He wanted their partnership to be equal, and his need to be with Talon was growing painful. He wanted to know what it would be like to have someone inside him. To have Talon inside him. It would complete their dedication to each other, wouldn’t it?

Now he understood Orion’s need to be fucked mere hours ago.

Dexter blew out a breath, his cock twitching in interest. He was about to cross a dead-end side street across the way from Orion’s building when his cell rang. He fumbled for it, and discovered Talon’s name on the readout. He grinned and answered even as a shadowy figure dashed out of the front doors ahead of him.

“Dexter!” Talon sounded out of breath and panicked. Dexter’s stomach dropped. “Get to Orion. Now!”

His mind screeched to a halt. “What?”

“Orion! Now!” Talon barked.

Dexter stood there for a dumb moment, realizing the figure across the street appeared to be staring back at him. Then the person was off, running as if the hounds of hell were after them. At the same moment Dexter’s mind clicked into gear.

“I’m here now!” Dexter ran across the street. “What happened? Where are you?”

“On my way. Just get to Orion. He was attacked.”

He felt ice cold, and he was at the door when he realized Talon had disconnected. He shoved the phone in his pocket and slapped his access card to the outside door before dashing inside. He skipped the elevator and yanked open the door that led to the stairs. He bounded up, taking the steps three at a time. He was gasping for breath by the time he shoved through the third-floor stairwell door, but never considered slowing. He pounded down the hallway and skidded to a stop in front of Orion’s office. The alarm was blaring and he hoped to God the sprinkler had gone off. The door was closed, and smoke billowed from underneath.

He tapped the doorknob, found it cool, and opened the door. He was immediately assaulted by thick black smoke and cold water stinging his eyes. Someone had set a large pile of books on fire in the middle of the room. Dexter pulled up his jacket to cover his mouth and nose as his eyes burned and watered.

He frantically looked around for Orion. When he didn’t find him, confusion bumped against panic and dread. Where was…?

His gaze landed on a small gray fluff ball that lay far too still and far too close to the fire for Dexter’s liking. He scooped up Orion and held him close to his chest before bounding out of the room. Orion’s tiny chest was moving.

“Thank God,” he said and set Orion on the floor.

Someone had tried to kill his boyfriend.

His mate.

Dexter had never felt rage in his life. Not until that moment. He wanted to bloody someone with his bare hands. Gritting his teeth, he hurried to the fire extinguisher down the hall and yanked it off the wall. He dug out his phone on the way and hit 911.

“This is 911, what is your emergency?”

Dexter rattled off his location and the situation and was informed that responders were already on their way. He hung up and sprayed the entire office with foam. When the extinguisher ran empty, he simply stood in the damaged office, gasping for air, soaked, shuddering with adrenaline and shock.

He shook his head, not allowing himself to think beyond the moment. He dropped the extinguisher and grabbed Orion’s laptop, noticing his clothes behind the desk. He grabbed those too before returning to Orion. Dexter looked at the other offices, relieved they were all empty. He gently scooped Orion into his hand again and used the elevator down. Only when the elevator doors opened did he push his brain to remember Talon.

He was struggling to take out his phone when a rapid-fire rapping on the large windows pulled his head up. Talon was sheet-white, standing outside, his palms pressed to the glass, his eyes wide and scared. It was a sight Dexter hoped he’d never see again.

The moment Dexter stumbled outside, he was engulfed in a hug that literally took his breath away. Then Talon took Orion from him, cradling him in his hands.

“How did you know?” Dexter said, voice raw and dry.

Talon swallowed a few times before speaking. “Orion touched my mind, frantic and scared, then cut out completely. I was on the other side of campus and ran as fast as I could. But I knew you would be close. You would reach him before I could.”

Only then did Dexter realize Talon was panting and sweat slid down his face. He also wasn’t wearing a coat or gloves.

“I called 911. Emergency responders should be here soon.”

“Do you know what happened?”

Dexter shook his head, his knees shaking violently. He reached out and grabbed the side of the building, using it to prop himself up. He groaned, struggling against the sudden nausea, and leaned forward, bracing a hand on his knee.

He managed to grind out, “Someone started a fire. And I noticed bullet holes.”

Silence fell between them as they simply breathed. Talon glanced between Orion and Dexter, skin still white and sweaty. Dexter gently set down the clothes and laptop, trying to rein in the adrenaline still spiking. He stared at the laptop, barely remembering grabbing it.

“I, uh, took his laptop. Not really sure why, but considering his work… I hope the water didn’t damage it too much.”

Talon’s breathing trembled as he flicked his attention over the laptop. “You understand him better than you think you do.” A long pause followed. “Dexter?”

He grunted.

Talon kissed the top of his head. “I love you.”

Dexter’s breath hitched and he squeezed his eyes shut. “Talon—”

“Once again you saved Orion’s life. You ran into a fire and saved our mate. I love you.”

Dexter slowly straightened and met Talon’s beautiful eyes. His voice was rough as he said, “Maybe you should wait to say that until the adrenaline wears off.”

Talon narrowed his eyes. He crowded into Dexter’s space and kissed him. No tongues, only lips, but the force of it was enough to convince Dexter that Talon’s words were truth.

Orion whimpered, and they pulled away, both riveted to their elf owl. He cracked open his eyes and warbled in obvious pain.

Sirens sounded in the distance, police and fire followed by an ambulance.

“Orion,” Talon said softly, his tone at its most gentle. “You need to shift back, little elf. You need to get dressed. Can you do that for me?”

Orion let out a soft cry, clicking his beak. Talon nodded as if understanding and knelt down to set Orion on his wobbly feet on the ground. A moment passed before the air shimmered, and Orion lay naked and trembling on the grass. Dexter didn’t think he’d ever get used to seeing something like that. Between the two of them, they managed to get Orion dressed, and then Talon lifted him into his arms, and Orion snuggled close.

Bruises were forming on Orion’s face, and Dexter’s stomach churned at the sight.

Dexter looked at Talon. “Someone targeted him. Why?”

Talon tensed and glared at nothing, his jaw clenched shut. He started to tremble, and Dexter easily saw the rage by his glowing eyes and slithering muscles. He gripped Talon’s shoulder, trying to control his own rage.

“You need to calm down. You’re rather conspicuous with your shifter thing going on there.”

Talon flashed him a look before closing his eyes and taking deep breaths through his nose, then exhaling through his mouth. Orion curled tighter against Talon and reached out to clench Dexter’s hand. Dexter swallowed hard and turned to wave at the first responders squealing to a stop beside the building. An ambulance pulled in behind the fire truck and he let out a relieved breath.

“Come on. Let’s get Orion checked out.”

Talon said nothing, only followed Dexter. One of the EMTs gave Talon a blanket that he wrapped around himself in deference to the cold. Similar blankets were given to Dexter and Orion as the EMT got to work on Orion. Talon hovered near Orion, practically plastered to his side. Dexter vaguely realized he was holding Orion’s laptop under his arm as a campus officer pulled Dexter away from his boyfriends.

It took ten minutes into Dexter’s recitation of events to realize it was the same officer who had taken his statement after he helped Stacey against her ex. The officer seemed to recognize him as well and smiled slightly.

“You seem to always be in the right place at the right time,” Officer Monroe said. His pretty blue eyes warmed, making his rugged face more handsome.

Dexter shrugged, uncomfortable. He kept Talon and Orion in sight out of the corner of his eye and was glad Orion was now sitting up with an icepack to his cheek, and the EMT was checking him over. Another officer was questioning him, and Talon watched the officer like a hawk. No, more like a fierce owl determined to protect his mate from further distress.

“So you didn’t hear an argument?”

“No. Like I said, someone came out of the building, but I was too far away to see who it was. But there are two security cameras down that hall and more than a dozen in the building. They had to have captured something. Plus you have to use an access card to get into the building after hours. Uh, but you know that.”

Officer Monroe nodded. “We’ll check everything out. Don’t you worry.” He paused to scribble on his notepad. “You said you saw bullet holes.”

“Yes. The fire hadn’t spread too far, but I thought I saw bullet holes in the desk and wall. I didn’t look too closely, though.”

“You said you were meeting the victim—” Officer Monroe checked his notes. “—Orion Matias, for your lunch?”

Victim. Jesus, how sinister could a word be?

“Yes. He was working late grading papers.”

A harsh wind picked up, and Dexter hunched his shoulders and yanked the blanket tighter, tucking the laptop under his arm. He smelled like smoke and his coat was drenched. He hoped he could get the stench out of his clothes.

“And what is your relationship with Mr. Matias?”

Dexter blushed and cleared his throat. What should he say? The truth? A white lie?

“He’s our boyfriend,” Talon said, voice ringing clear. He stepped up and laid his arm across Dexter’s shoulders, glaring at the officer. “And if you’re done with him, I’d like to take my partners home. As I’m sure you can surmise, one of them has just survived a traumatic event and needs comfort. You know where to find us if you need more information.”

Officer Monroe raised an eyebrow at Talon’s fierce tone and tapped his pen against his notepad. “Can you think of anyone who’d want to harm Mr. Matias?”

“No,” Talon said before Dexter could speak. He kept silent, letting Talon take the lead. The secrecy of the shifter world was still new to him, and he didn’t want to make a mistake.

Officer Monroe squinted at them. Dexter struggled to keep his expression blank. “Okay, we have enough for now. We’ll coordinate with the sheriff’s office and look at the video surveillance and access entry. I have your information if I need to contact you again.”

“Thank you,” Dexter managed to say before Talon pulled him away.

“Are you done yet?” Talon snapped at the EMT.

She wrinkled her nose at him. “He may have a slight concussion. I still recommend he goes to a hospital to check for any—”

Talon scooped up Orion and turned, striding quickly away from the sirens and uniformed personnel milling around. Dexter hurried after them, heart heavy when Orion clung to Talon’s shoulders, his face buried in his chest. He made a heart-wrenching little cry that had Dexter tripping.

He looked down at the ground to discover his dropped lunch box. He picked it up.

“I have you, my little elf,” Talon murmured. “I have you. You’re safe with me.” He turned to look over his shoulder. “Us.”

Dexter swallowed despite his dry throat.

“Where is your car?” Talon asked.

“Um. Not far.”

“We need to get him home. He’s hanging on by a thread.”

“I need to call in—”

“Then do it!”

Dexter flinched at the shout.

Talon gritted his teeth and bowed his head, shuddering. “I’m sorry, Dex. Fuck, I’m sorry. He needs you as much as me. Please, his pain is killing me.”

“Okay, I get it.” Orion’s pain was slicing into his heart as well.

As he pulled out his phone, he rubbed Talon’s arm and called off for the rest of the night. His supervisor wasn’t happy, yet when he explained a little of the situation and claimed a personal emergency, she immediately changed her tune. It also helped he was her most dependable employee. He hung up and led Talon to his car. They drove in silence, Orion shaking in Talon’s lap, his face still buried. Little sobs broke from him occasionally, and every single one tore into Dexter’s heart.

Once they arrived and closed the front door, Talon immediately headed into the bathroom and set Orion on the toilet before stripping off his clothes. Dexter set the laptop on the table in the living room, then came to stand in the doorway. He winced at the frightened, lost look on Orion’s face.

“Strip,” Talon said to Dexter.

He blinked. “What?”

Talon shucked off his own clothes. “You heard me. We need to get the fucking scent of fucking smoke off our fucking skin and clothes.”

Muscles slithered under Talon’s skin as his eyes glowed fiercely. Dexter said nothing else and stripped, self-conscious but more concerned with Orion’s pain and Talon’s anger.

Talon turned on the water, and Dexter knelt in front of Orion. He brushed a few curly locks from his eyes.

“We’re here, Orion. You’re going to be okay.”

Orion’s lips trembled, and then he cried. He sobbed hard and dropped his face into his hands, choking and gasping for air.

Dexter immediately pulled Orion into his arms and squeezed him tightly. Talon quickly joined them, sitting across from Dexter, embracing them both. They held Orion through his breaking, and only when he quieted and went lax in Dexter’s arms did Talon fill the bathtub with hot water.

“Get in and hold him in your lap.”

Dexter nodded and did as instructed. There wasn’t room for all three of them—Dexter barely fit inside—so Talon knelt beside the tub and gently cleaned Orion. With soapy hands, he tenderly rubbed and massaged Orion’s muscles, helping him to calm, the tension washing away.

Soon Orion was sitting up and washing Dexter, his eyes swollen and red but looking more like himself. Dexter swallowed his embarrassment, knowing Orion needed the intimate comfort. Then Orion began kissing him, little pecks along his cheeks and lips.

“You saved me,” he whispered before nuzzling his nose.

Dexter cupped Orion’s face. “Of course I did. I….” He cleared his throat. “I love you.”

Orion’s eyes widened more before he shot forward and attempted to eat Dexter’s face off. Dexter gasped at the violence and energetic tongue and gripped Orion’s shoulders, hanging on for the ride.

“Te amo,” Orion whispered harshly. “Te amo. Te amo.”

Dexter hugged him close and looked at Talon, who smiled at both of them, his eyes and muscles finally calming.

He stroked his knuckles down Dexter’s cheek. “Thank you.”

Dexter kissed Talon’s fingers. “I love you, too, even with the stick up your ass.”

That surprised a laugh out of Talon and Orion. Talon gripped Dexter’s chin and kissed him lovingly.

After the bath, they dried each other and then lay in bed, Orion snuggled in the middle.

“What happened, little elf?” Talon asked softly. “Tell us everything you didn’t tell the officer.”

Orion took a deep breath and petted Talon’s chest. Dexter could make out fear and grief in his eyes. “She was masked. I couldn’t see her face. She whispered at first, keeping her voice disguised. Then she shouted, but I still didn’t recognize it.” Orion met Talon’s eyes. “It wasn’t Audrey.”

Dexter sputtered. “Wh-why would you say that?”

Orion shook his head, and Talon exhaled sharply.

Dexter tapped Talon’s arm to get his attention. “Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?”

Talon and Orion shared a look. Orion nodded and snuggled his head against Talon’s chest.

Talon looked at Dexter. “Not all shifters are warm and cuddly. Many have prejudices just like humans. We aren’t so very different, in fact.”

Dexter made a noncommittal sound.

“I should start from the beginning,” Talon said on a sigh. “There are humans who know about us. Some of these humans are special, and they have abilities and gifts that set them apart. Some of these special humans are our allies, and they are part of an organization called the Agency. It’s worldwide and covert. But there is another faction that wants to exterminate us.”

Dexter gripped Talon’s arm. “I don’t know how much more of this I can handle.”

Talon reached over and cupped his cheek. “You’re stronger than that.”

“I’m not so sure.”

Orion scooted over and turned, snuggling up against Dexter. “Just listen, okay?”

Dexter exhaled slowly. “Okay.”

“They were called the Knights, led by a maniac named Arcas. The Agency supposedly dismantled their organization over six months ago, but small units are still active. Arcas was never caught, and he continues to spread his poison. Shifters are still being captured, experimented on, and killed.”

Dexter swallowed hard.

“It would seem, due to the continuing existence of the Knights and their activities, a new ideology has arisen among some shifters. They claim that mating with humans and not staying pure within our own species has made us weak.”

“I don’t understand.”

“They say a shifter should never mate with a human, and a wolf should mate with a wolf, a bird with a bird. That’s what Audrey told us before she came to you. She’s a wolf shifter and has been brainwashed into thinking we are being punished by Phoenix.”

“Who? I don’t…. Audrey is a werewolf?”

Talon winced.

“Never say that to a real wolf shifter,” Orion murmured. “Talk about insulting.”

Dexter scrubbed a hand over his face. “And Phoenix is who?”

“Our creator.”

“Your… oh God.”

“Not quite.”

Dexter gave a faint laugh, then fell silent.

“It wasn’t Audrey, Talon,” Orion said softly. “Her form was different. I didn’t recognize her voice. I couldn’t catch her scent. But she… she….” Orion’s eyes glistened, and he met Dexter’s gaze. “She wanted us to stay away from you.”

Dexter gaped. “What?”

“What?” Talon barked at the same time.

“She called us abominations and said that we were manipulating you. I asked if she was a knight, and she didn’t answer, but how could she not be?” He rushed on, his words merging and tripping over each other. “I think she’s had bad dealings with shifters before, because she thought we would hurt you, Dex. She wanted to protect you. She wanted us to leave you alone. Then she just went all crazy and tried to shoot me, then set fire to my office.”

His voice cracked at the end, and he buried his face again Dexter’s chest, clenching tightly.

Dexter’s ears rang in the ensuing silence. He stared wide-eyed at Talon, who also looked dumbfounded. Then rage glinted in the burnished gold of his eyes, and fear and guilt clutched Dexter’s heart.

“I’m the reason you were hurt,” he said, words barely making any sound.

Orion shook his head.

Talon scowled. “Don’t even go there, Dexter. Not ever. You are not the cause, nor the reason, for that deranged bitch to harm our mate. She is responsible for her own actions, and you’re just the excuse she’s using.”

Dexter shook his head.

“But who is she?” Orion asked. “It has to be someone you know.”

“I don’t know anyone who would…. I don’t have many friends and….” Dexter closed his eyes as they began to burn. “I’m so fucking sorry, Orion.”

Talon pulled them both into his arms, and Dexter struggled to breathe, to not lose himself to guilt and remorse.

“I don’t blame you,” Orion whispered, kissing Dexter’s chin.

“Neither do I,” Talon said roughly.

“We protect our mates,” Orion said. “We stand by them through the bad and good. We stand with you, Dex.”

“No one will split us apart,” Talon said, the promise clear.

Dexter managed a trembling smile. “I don’t deserve either of you.”

Talon scoffed, and Orion caught his mouth in a sweet kiss.

Who did Dexter know who would turn murderous to protect him? Beatrice came to mind, but that was absurd. She’d literally thrown him at Talon and Orion. Besides, she was a killer only in words, never in action. She was the sweetest person he knew.


He frowned.

Talon rubbed Orion’s back. “Let’s sleep a bit.”

“Your internship—”

“I claimed a family emergency.” Talon kissed Orion’s neck, his shoulder, and then he pressed closer to Orion’s back.

Orion’s breath caught. He looked over his shoulder. “I know you don’t like to snuggle, so you don’t have to—”

“You need me,” Talon whispered. “I’m right here.”

Orion smiled and gripped Talon’s hand, pulling it across his waist. Dexter reached across Orion’s body and touched Talon’s hip. They linked together, and one by one, dropped into uneasy sleep.

Dexter’s own dreams were filled with smoke, vengeance, and fear.



STACEY THREW her backpack across the room, screaming at the top of her lungs. She’d seen the cops, the fire trucks. Dexter had come to the rescue of the little abomination. Despite her anger, she’d also felt a strange flash of pride for her friend. Dexter was fearless when it came to protecting those he loved. Even if they didn’t deserve his loyalty.

She yanked off her boots and sat on the couch, thinking. What else could she do? The shifters would be on high alert now. Dexter was too far under their spell.

She gnawed on her cheek, unable to shake Orion’s words, the conviction behind them. His words and tone were nothing like Beau. She had to admit that seeing them interact after Dexter brought Orion out of the building and before the cops came had confused her. Their gentle touches and worried looks. The kisses and petting. No anger, no blame. Dexter didn’t seem to fear either of them.

Scrubbing her hands over her face, a stray thought buzzed through her mind, causing her to flinch.

Am I wrong?

She called Kia. She told her what happened, trying to push back her tears. “I have my doubts.”

“Steady,” Kia said gently. “Stay on the path. Shake off your failure and try again. I’m having trouble finding the resources to send backup. We have a situation in Ohio that’s got the boss’s attention. But I have your back, Stacey.”

“I don’t want Dexter harmed,” she said. “But then he had to go and act the hero. How can I get those damn beasts away from him without making him collateral?”

“Watch him.”

“That’s not a long-term plan.”

“Just keep watching him and you’ll get your chance. The shifters won’t want their prey out of sight for too long.”

Stacey’s jaw clenched and she thought of Beau. “Thank you.”


She hung up and dropped her head in her hands. I’m sorry, Dex. I’ll have to hurt you to protect you.