Well, we’re here and we did it! First off, we’d like to thank Michael Callaghan for seeking us out to co-edit this anthology – he made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. Thanks to all of our authors, for their patience, work ethic, and keen insights and honesty, which got this anthology to be what is is right now (that is, a really amazing collection that we are both so proud of).

We’d like to thank our families. For Kelsi, her parents, Lorrie and Kevin; her brother Jake; and of course, the girls, Lexie and Stella. For Kaitlin, her parents, Anne and Rob; her grandma, Barb; her brothers Brian and Eric; and sister-in-law Felicia, for always making her feel like she belonged somewhere, no matter what. Special thanks to Jake Babad for his insight, and for letting us show our gratitude in beer and whiskey. And thanks to Battlenet, for being the one reliable chat for this book while Kaitlin was in Osaka and Kelsi was in Toronto.

And finally, we’d like to thank Dominik Parisien and Jonathan Levstein, who had to put up with the worst of us throughout this book. Through different cities, different countries, many early mornings and late nights, they were unfailing sources of support, love – and wine.