Most of the chapters in this volume originated as papers delivered at a conference on “Love and Honor in Shakespeare” at Assumption College in fall 2009. The conference itself emerged from the intellectual inspiration of Nalin Ranasinghe at Assumption College, who noticed the intimate interplay between themes of love and honor in Shakespeare’s works and the aims and purposes of liberal education, and who encouraged us to organize a gathering of scholars and friends that might do justice to both. For the considerable institutional and financial support required to make possible the conference, we would like to thank the Office of the Provost at Assumption College as well as The Fortin and Gonthier Foundations of Western Civilization Program, directed by Geoffrey Vaughan. Generous assistance was also provided by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) to sponsor one of the two keynote addresses at the conference.
The genesis and publication of such a collection rests upon the kindness and support of many individuals. We would like to acknowledge, above all, the contributors to this volume (and the conference), who patiently attended to our frequent questions and requests in assembling and editing their chapters for the volume and whose deep appreciation for Shakespeare and his works is eloquently exhibited in their writings, past and present. We have learned much about love and honor in Shakespeare from them. Paul Cantor deserves particular thanks. He eagerly agreed to be a part of this project in its earliest stages and continued to offer us indispensable guidance as we organized both the conference and this volume. James Kee and William Morse at the College of the Holy Cross provided helpful comments on the editors’ contributions at important stages in the project as well. In preparing the manuscript for publication, we would also like to thank the editorial staff at Lexington Books for their interest in and support of the volume, as well as the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. Joseph Parry and Erin Walpole guided us through the entire process, consistently offering technical and editorial support that improved the quality of the final product.
Finally, we want to acknowledge the patience and support of both our families. From beginning to end, our wives and children have quietly acquiesced in our absence during the long hours of conversation, planning, and preparation that led up to the publication of this volume. Souls with longing also have bodies in need of sustenance; for the nourishment of both the soul and body, we owe immense debts of gratitude to our families. This volume testifies to the sacrifices they made in the service of human wisdom, a theme worthy of its own Shakespearean poetry. Their love we honor in dedicating this volume to them.