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After the loss, Jack drove the streets of Portland. He was going to stop by Djuana’s apartment and tell her he loved her. He passed by Tudor Street twice without turning down her block. He ended up in Cherrywood Heights, where O lived. He drove up their large, U-shaped driveway and parked off the porch. He rang the bell and was surprised to see Sondra open the door.
She smiled brightly at Jack and kissed him. “O didn’t mention you were coming by.’’
“I didn’t know I was. It’s good to see you. Is he in?’’
“He’s in his den.’’
Oscar’s house was a mansion. Ten rooms, and all furnished with the best.
The man of the house was in the elaborate den watching the Gamblers destroy New York on a giant screen, projector-style television.
Jack gave Oscar a tight handshake, and Oscar rose out of his leather recliner to hug him. Sondra came in after Jack.
“What you doing here, fool?'' Oscar asked as he sat back down.
“I needed to talk.''
“Sondra, get Jack a beer.''
“No,’’ Jack waved. “Something stronger would be nice.''
“Hmm. Well, bring us the vodka.'' O flopped back into his chair.
Jack sat on one end of the long, white leather sectional and looked him over. O was in his designer house robe, a thick, white terrycloth with Armani embroidered on the right breast, and socks. He searched for the remote to his expensive entertainment console. The combination stereo, television, VCR wall-unit cost Oscar three thousand dollars and it all had not worked correctly at the same time in the year he’d had it.
“What's up?'' O asked as Sondra brought in the ice and glasses.
Jack watched her make the drinks with attitude. She slammed the glasses on the glass coffee table and loudly shifted about. There was always tension in the Taylor household. Jack knew, as it always was, because of a woman.
“Djuana is pregnant,'' Jack flatly said. He was thinking about small talk first, to break the ice, but he skipped the bull.
O erupted into laughter. He fell to his knees on the rug. “And you chased the bitch! Oh, man. Now that's funny. How much she want?''
Watching his friend ridicule him, Jack realized he was talking to the wrong person. He wanted to believe in Djuana. He knew she was not a golddigger, and golddigging whores were Oscar’s specialty. Twice, once in the minors and again the year before he married Sondra, women hit Oscar with paternity suits. Each time he won out in court. Oscar never had to pay a dime.
“It ain't like that,’’ Jack said as he leaned back on the couch. ‘’She told me this afternoon. And she hasn’t asked for no money.''
Sondra, shaking her head at her husband, crossed by him and handed Jack a drink. “Do you want more orange juice? It's kinda strong, huh?''
“No thanks,'' he sipped some, all vodka at the top. “I need it this strong''
“Listen, Jack,'' Oscar paused while Sondra handed him his drink. “Just drop her. She's going to be nothing but problems. It ain't your baby...right?''
Jack nodded between sips.
“Well, then why be bothered?'' Oscar asked. “She's gonna need pampers and formula real soon.
“Then Junior will need clothes, pocket change, hair cuts. What? You want to father somebody else's brat?''
Oscar waved his hand at Jack. “Of course you don't. You ain't got to, my friend. Much bitches want to marry you.''
Sondra frowned and yelled at Oscar. “Stop using that word! You are not a rapper.''
“Oh, what that got to do with anything?'' Oscar asked his wife.
“Just watch your mouth in front of me, at least.''
Oscar crossed the room and sat next to Jack. Sondra left. “Listen, keep your eyes open, New.''
He poked Jack in the chest with a finger. “You still rebounding from Vivian.''
Jack shook his head.
Oscar went on, “That's why I know you don't want this chick. You still love Vivian.''
“What are you talking about?'' Jack said.
“You know what I'm saying. When Viv wakes up and leaves that punk again, you'll take her back a second later.''
“That's bullshit,'' Jack waved at Oscar. “I haven't thought about that bitch, ah...''
“Jack!'' Sondra yelled from the kitchen, about three rooms away.
“Sorry!'' Jack shouted back. He finished his drink and got up and fixed a stiffer one. He sat back down, turned to his friend and lowered his voice.
“Look, all I'm gonna do is give Djuana all the chance in the world to be my lady.''
Oscar shook his head. “No. Don't do it.''
Sondra broke in, fork in hand, “Just take your time, New. Maybe you should just see what her intentions are. Feel her out. Don't listen to this fool 'cause Vivian was definitely not the one for you.''
“Miss Wisdom has spoken,'' O sneered.
Jack and Sondra ignored Oscar.
“Just see what's up. Maybe date some other women in the meantime,'' Sondra said.
As she started to leave the room, she playfully popped Oscar in the head with the fork in her hand.
‘’Now, see if I hit her, she’ll have me on Maury Povich, and shit.’’
‘’You’re not classy enough to get on Maury,’’ Sondra laughed.
‘’Yeah, but your mother likes it!’’
Sondra reached down to hit him again with the fork, but Oscar pulled her onto the couch and kissed her.
“Now, don't burn the food like usual,'' Oscar said, pushing her up, “We’ve got company.’’
He patted her behind as she scurried away.
The man doesn't know how lucky he is, Jack thought. Jack turned his head up and emptied his glass to the shrunken ice cubes, and stood to fix another. He stumbled on his way to the bar Sondra set up. One day, he vowed, he too would have a wife to play with; a wife like Oscar has but doesn't appreciate. Then Djuana's enchanting smile appeared in his memory.
“I've found my wife,'' he mumbled with a smile.
Oscar, who was looking at the television, turned and looked over at Jack in bewilderment.
“Why don't you lay your drunk ass down until dinner is ready?'' Oscar said. “You alcoholic.''
Djuana was in the shower singing along with Heather Headley. Headley’s newest CD was a mellow stream of sad, slow ballads, but the songs combined with the hot water beading down Djuana's back to help ease her mind.
She heard the knock on the bathroom door, and decided to ignore it. She wasn’t ready to get out. When the intensity of the knock increased, she cursed the door. Her little brother finally busted in and announced she had a phone call.
“Tell whoever it is I am in the shower, please!” she angrily barked at him from behind the curtain.
“No can do,” Devon said, eyes closed and shaking his head. “It’s Jack Newhouse. And I think its time you two made up so I can get some more tickets.”
Djuana’s heart leaped. The thought of him calling at seven-thirty in the morning made her pulse race. “Move. Get outta here. Go tell him I’ll be right there, stupid!”
Devon grinned devilishly. “I thought you would hop to it.”
She pushed him out of the bathroom, hiding her wet body with a towel.
Djuana raced into her bedroom and picked up the phone, she heard Devon and Jack talking and abruptly cut in; telling her brother to hang up.
The first thing she said when Devon hung up was: “I thought you had dumped me.”
“No,” Jack’s voice was hoarse, and he was hung over. He had gotten up early to catch Djuana before she left for work. He popped two aspirin, and sipped water to chase them down.
“I told you I just needed time to think this over.”
“Have you?” Her heart was beating in her chest, and she was wetting the wooden floor. He still wants me, she could feel it.
“Yeah, I thought it over, all right. You are the only thing I have been thinking about since we met. Can you and Tia join me at team award ceremony this Saturday? We can talk then.”
Djuana almost yelled a yes. She calmed, then said, “I have to ask her, but I think we are free.”
Jack parked the Pathfinder in front of 657 and bolted out. He opened both passenger side doors and welcomed his guests. Djuana was lovely in the halter dress Jack picked out for her for the occasion. It was a stretch knit with a ballerina neckline and ended in full flare. She felt her belly looked bloated, but Jack loved the dress and she wore it to please him.
Tia was wearing a busty column dress with sparkled lace and spaghetti straps.
“You ladies look great,” Jack gushed.
They thanked him and Tia complimented him on his tuxedo with the African print bow tie and cumberbun. Djuana blushed and proudly proclaimed she had picked them.
LeClair’s was a quiet, casual spot in which to dine and hear great jazz. That night the Crowns had rented out the place to give achievement awards to deserving high school seniors in and around Portland. The students received awards, and some got scholarships. Their parents and the Crowns executives and players were the only ones in attendance that evening.
Jack sat the ladies at a table next to Sondra and Liela Cruz, Don's wife. He introduced all and went backstage where Honeywell was organizing the players. When it was Jack’s turn to present an award, Tia and Djuana cheered loudly, their clapping and shouting was the heartiest applause of the evening.
Djuana felt Liela's long stare. She tried not to cut her eyes at any of Jack's friends. She felt uneasy. Maybe she needed more makeup. Or, the dress. It’s the dress. I should have worn a maternity dress that’s why she's staring. Then, Liela smiled at Djuana and said, “Jack has spoken so much about you. He really likes you.''
Djuana warmed. She smiled and said the only thing that came to mind, “Thank you.''
Sondra added, “Jack mentioned that you work at DeLux's?''
Uh oh, Djuana thought. They know I’m piss poor.
“I like that store. I was just telling Liela how we needed to stop by there.''
“It's okay,'' Djuana said. She tapped Tia's thigh under the table. Tia looked away. She wanted no part of this conversation.
Tia was looking out across the sea of millionaires selecting the prime candidates to be hers. Sadly, to her, the best-looking member of the Crowns in her eyes, Cris Carpenter, was married. Still, she stared at him as much as she could, fighting boredom. His rich, dark skin and full lips were inviting.
The formalities lasted an hour and a half. Dinner was as quick. Most of the honored guests left after the last award was handed out, none of the Crowns did. At 11 p.m. the band heated up and the liquor moved quicker to the tables. Jack ordered Scotch for himself and virgin coladas for Djuana. “Make them extra fruity,” he demanded.
Djuana felt Jack staring and elbowed him. He would usually look at her often when they were together, and she liked that, but she was feeling so out of place among his teammates and their well-dressed women.
“Do I look all right?” she asked.
“Fine. As always.”
“Cross my heart.”
“Then stop staring at me, you're drawing attention.”
“What? Some dude looking at my woman?” Jack stood and faked anger.
Djuana laughed. “Sit down.” She held his hand.
The six-piece band began a mellow swing.
“Let's dance,” Jack suggested.
“Jack,” she whined. “Nobody is dancing. They're all eating.”
He rose, still holding her hand, “Dance with me.”
Djuana pulled her hand free.
Everyone seated at the table heard him. Tia’s heart melted. She beamed, “Yeah, go girl. She loves to dance.”
She sure did. And, Djuana was thinking about dancing since the band began to play. She placed her fingertips into Jack's hand and lifted herself up. He lightly guided her to the middle of the small open area in the middle of the cafe, dodging waiters. Djuana put one hand on Jack's shoulder and he held her other hand. He guided her into a soft sway.
She tightened her grip, forced a smile, and said, “Everybody's watching us, Jack.”
He grinned, “No. They're watching you.”
The sparkle in her eye turned Jack on.
She had to swallow to clear her throat before speaking. “What are you trying to do to me?”
“Give you love.”
Oscar turned his chair to face the dance floor and watched the lone couple glide. Sondra, behind him, slid her hand between his legs and kissed his shoulder. “They act like they're newlyweds,” she said.
O gave a nod in agreement.
“They are a beautiful couple,'' Liela said.
Her husband, Don, replied, “They are, aren't they. I'm happy for him.''
Tia listened to them and agreed to herself. Djuana was in love, it showed. Was Jack in love with her? She hoped he was. Tia shared in her friend’s good feelings, and wished for them to last forever.
Across the club, Honeywell watched the two dance with admiration. “That's what Jack needs,” he said above the chatter at the main table. “That woman is going to settle him into a fine man.”
Slight nearly choked on his salmon. “Bullshit, J.A.!” The table silenced as Slight shouted. “All he ever does is screw, so what's a little more pussy?” he bellowed a hearty laugh.
Slight's wife elbowed him. She said, “Vinny, that out there is love. Or are you blind?”
“That ain’t love! If he is in love, I'll kiss his diminishing-talent ass!
“Shoot, that’s somebody else’s baby she’s carrying, anyway!’’
Slight felt good dropping that bombshell on his table. It was a piece of gossip he had gotten from one of the locker room attendants. No one reacted outwardly.
“If that man is in love, and settles down, you should,'' Honeywell said. “He could carry this team to its first championship.”
“Get off it, J.A. You're wrong about him.” Slight swallowed the remains of his sixth glass of champagne. “That man couldn't hit water if he I threw him out of a boat and into the Willamette! Let alone carry the Crowns.”
No one expressed any feelings while Slight laughed himself into a deep coughing spell.
Djuana whispered to Jack, ‘’I think your boss is talking about us.’’
‘’Forget everybody here. Just have a good time. You are here with me. And that’s it.’’
Honeywell stood up, flipped his cloth napkin onto his plate of half eaten food and asked his wife to dance. She put down her purse and they joined Jack and his new love on the dance floor.
O took Sondra's hand and tugged as he rose. Sondra was pleased, she smiled broadly and followed him. Soon the dance floor was filled with couples dancing cheek to cheek.
After three songs Djuana needed a break. Her feet were swelling in the mid-heels. Jack understood, and took her back to the table. She asked Tia to join her in the powder room. Once they were inside, Djuana, blushing, asked, “So, what do you think?”
“He's so nice. And so damn romantic!”
Both ladies laughed. An older woman exited a stall, smiling. She washed quickly, and as she left said, “You're a lucky young woman, most men have forgotten the art of romance.”
Tia stared at her best friend in the mirror. Djuana was applying lipstick, talking and blushing. To Tia, the revelation that she had never really seen her best friend in love before that moment was deep.
“Tia! What do you really think? I mean, he seems incredible, but you know my track record.”
“Time will tell, but he is lobster compared to the crabs you had caught.”
“Thanks. I hope that's a compliment.”
“To him, of course!”
They both laughed.
The night ended when Jack's teammates began to leave. He asked his guests if they were ready, and they looked at each other and decided yes. Jack drove Tia home first. She thanked him for the evening, and he offered to walk her into her apartment complex.
She thanked him again as they walked, then Tia said “I don't know if you know it or not, but Djuana has been through a hell of a lot recently. All I want is to see her happy, and I appreciate that you have made her very happy. But please don't hurt her. If all you are after is pussy, then drop her.”
Jack was stunned by her frankness. “Is that what you think?”
“Come on, She's very attractive. And, you're a superstar in Portland. We both know you can get just about anybody you want.”
Jack forced a smile. His tone of voice was defensive. “Yeah, that's all true. But I don't waste my time. If it I was only after leg, I would have been at it by now.
“I am not going to stand here and promise you anything. But I do care for your friend.”
Tia had watched Jack's lips, eyes and hand movements while he talked. He was handsome and intelligent.
“Jack, I ain't trying to be your enemy. Like I said, you have made her very happy. But I love that woman. She's my heart.”
Tia pointed at Jack. “And I'll tell you, if you hurt her, I will hurt you.”