Still Here
for You

Friday, September 14, 5:12 PM

Dorian: hey tris

Tristan: Hey Dorian.

Dorian: surprised you’re still talking to me

Tristan: Shut up. Of course I’m still talking to you.

Who else is gonna put up with my nerdy nonsense?

Or watch shows with me?

Gotta keep you around

Dorian: hey

thanks for last night

Tristan: For what?

Dorian: you know . . .

listening to me

being understanding

not getting mad at some of the stuff I said

Tristan: Any time, Dor.

And I really mean that.

You can talk to me whenever you need to.

Dorian: thanks

so . . .

tonight’s boardgame night

and I kinda don’t want to go

this’ll be the first time since we moved to this place that we’ll have a stranger with us

Tristan: It’ll be fine, Dorian. I know it’s daunting. I get that you’re scared.

Dorian: I’m not scared

Tristan: Okay, nervous. Whatever.

It’ll be okay.

And I’ll be right here to talk to whenever you need.

You can say you’re going to the bathroom or something and come say hi.

Dorian: you’re telling me you’re gonna spend all night waiting for me in case I want to talk to you?

that’s stupid

Tristan: Don’t flatter yourself, I’m only here because I have nothing better to do.

Dorian: ok good

for a moment there I thought you were a really great friend

Tristan: Well, then, I’m glad I dispelled that notion.

It’ll be fun, Dor. Just try to relax and not get too stressed.

And remember, she’s as scared of you as you are of her.

Dorian: I’m not scared

and I doubt that

Tristan: What, you wouldn’t be nervous if your boyfriend invited you to hang out with his friends and his roommate hated you?

Dorian: that requires me having a boyfriend

Tristan: And it requires your boyfriend having friends.

You make a fair point.

Dorian: lol


only a loser without friends would ever date me

Tristan: I was joking!

I’m sorry . . .

Dorian: ten cents

Tristan: You can shove it up your ass.

Dorian: oh damn tris

never heard you swear before

Tristan: Shut up.

Dorian: lol

I’ve corrupted you

the devilishly handsome fiend has corrupted the sweet innocent Tristan

Tristan: Hey, who said I was sweet and innocent?!

Dorian: alright


Tristan: Have fun, Dorian!

Remember, I’ll be here if you need me.

8:03 PM

Dorian: red alert!

tris you there?

Tristan: Yeah, what’s up?

Dorian: one hour in and I’m ready to kill her

aj just spent the past thirty minutes trying to explain colonists of cortaan to his girlfriend!!

I’ve never been more frustrated in my life

Tristan: Deep breaths, Dor.

Dorian: I know how to breathe Tristan!!

Tristan: Dorian!

Don’t get mad at me, I’m trying to help.

Dorian: fine

Tristan: Take a deep breath and focus. So what? She doesn’t know the game? She’s going to learn it and you guys are going to play. Cortaan is better with four people, anyway.

Dorian: you play?

Tristan: Yeah, everyone plays Cortaan. Well, everyone except Bambi. But it’s fine. It’s an easy game to pick up and you guys will be having fun in no time.

Just try to relax.

Dorian: maybe I’ll have a beer tonight in your honour lol

Tristan: Ahaha, sounds good.

Now go back out there and enjoy Cortaan!

10:52 PM

Dorian: hey triiiiiiiiiisssssss

Tristan: Hey?

Oh god, are you drunk?

Dorian: looooll just a bit

Tristan: I’m sorry . . .

Dorian: TEN CENTS!!!!1!

Tristan: Ahahaha, okay.

Dorian: naaaaaaah its not your fault

we always drink on boardgame night

jus usually not this much!!!!

its cause aj and bambi and they were all smoochy and I was sick if it so I had a bit morethan usual

Tristan: Oh my god, you’re wasted.

Dorian: shhhhh

Tristan: Ahahahaha!

So does this mean I get to interrogate Drunk Dorian?

Dorian: no need to jnterrogate ill always be honest with you tris

Tristan: Ahahaha

Dorian: maaaaaaaan in so horby

Tristan: Wow, okay, talk about too much information.

Dorian: just gotta fins a guy whod actually wanna have sex eith me!

Tristan: Okay, I think it’s time for Drunk Dorian to go get some water and go to bed.

Dorian: noooooooooooo

i wanna talk to my triiiiisttaaaaaaaannnn!!!!

Tristan: Tomorrow, Dorian. We’ll talk tomorrow. I promise.

Dorian: nut I have wooork tomorrow

Tristan: Then we talk after work, you idiot.

I’m heading to bed now. You should too. Goodnight, Dorian.

Dorian: byyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee