Dorky in the Best Way

Wednesday, September 5, 5:17 PM

Tristan: Hey stranger!

Dorian: hey

Tristan: What’s up?

Dorian: nm, you?

Tristan: You know, you’re making it really difficult to have a real conversation.

Dorian: lol sorry

has your school started yet?

Tristan: Yeah, it just started today.

Dorian: same

how was your first day

Tristan: Meh . . .

Dorian: that good eh?

Tristan: Yeah, it wasn’t quite what I expected.

Dorian: howso?

Tristan: I don’t know. I’m in a new school . . . I just thought everyone here would be like me, you know? There to actually learn. Instead, they’re just . . . there.

Dorian: I’m sure some of them are there to learn

Tristan: Not really. I mean, yeah, there seem to be a few students here and there that wanna study and stuff but . . .

Okay, so, my first class this morning, not a single person was listening to the teacher.

Dorian: you were

Tristan: Yeah, I was, but no one else.

I just expected grade 12 to be more . . . intelligent?

Dorian: intelligent?

Tristan: Yeah. Intelligent. A lot of the kids in the class have no idea what they’re talking about and it’s annoying.

Dorian: did you ever think that’s why they’re at school?

Tristan: What?

Dorian: they don’t know what they’re talking about

maybe they’re there to learn, yknow?

Tristan: Hey! Whose side are you on, anyway?

Dorian: I’m sorry

please go on about how everyone in your class is an idiot

Tristan: I never said that.

Dorian: you were thinking it

Tristan: Ugggh. I just . . .

So there’s this guy in my class who keeps trying to argue with the teacher and I just . . . I just want to yell at him to shut up and let the class happen!

Dorian: some people like to argue

I do

Tristan: I can see that!

Dorian: ouch

my poor ego

it hurts

Tristan: Oh, shut up. :P

Dorian: I can never go on

the pain

Tristan: I don’t get why they won’t just listen to the teacher.

Dorian: calm down tris

Tristan: Anyway . . .

How was your first day? Do you like your classes?

Dorian: they’re fine

I took a year off last year

so it’s kind of weird to be back

and it’s only the first day of class

not like you learn anything on the first day

Tristan: I suppose not.

Dorian: ask me in a few weeks I’ll probably know by then

Tristan: Will do. We just have to hope you haven’t stopped talking to me by then!

Dorian: why would I stop talking to you?

Tristan: Because I’m a dork? I don’t know . . .

It was a joke!

Dorian: but I enjoy talking to you

Tristan: Well, thanks. :)

Dorian: don’t get cocky

you’re just the only dude I know who’ll actually talk about tts with me

might as well keep you around a bit longer

Tristan: And he’s back.

Dorian: ?

Tristan: The Dorian we all know and love.

Dorian: oh yeah

the one who’s a complete dick

Tristan: That’s the one!

Dorian: lol

hey random question . . .

do you watch basker?

it’s that new cartoon about this kid and his quest to discover magic

Tristan: Yes! I love that show!

Dorian: did you see the latest episode?

Tristan: Oh my god, I’ve had nobody to talk to about it!

It was awesome, wasn’t it?!

When they killed his brother, I was all like “WHAT?!?” Could NOT believe they did that!!

Dorian: lol

you’re such a dork

Tristan: Hey!

Dorian: I mean it in the best way

Tristan: Haha . . . Okay, fine.

Dorian: so what’re you up to now

Tristan: Making dinner. Apparently I have to do that these days.

Dorian: these days?

Tristan: Mom’s been super busy so I have to actually feed myself. :P

Dorian: oh

what’s for dinner

Tristan: Pasta. It’s easy. The sauce comes in a can. You can’t really go wrong with it. And I’ll have lunch for tomorrow, too. Hooray, leftovers!

Dorian: lol

Tristan: Okay, I’ll be back. Gonna go eat.

Dorian: actually, I g2g


Tristan: Oh! Okay.

I guess I’ll talk to you tomorrow?


Okay . . . Well, bye!

Thursday, September 6, 6:11 PM

Tristan: Hey, what happened to you last night?

Dorian: hey sorry about that

roommate needed me for something

Tristan: That’s fine! Just glad you’re okay!

I didn’t realize you had a roommate. You don’t live with your parents?

Dorian: nah

live with my friend

he took me in when I ran away from home

he used to go to my school but he graduated last year so we share a place near his university

Tristan: What?!

Dorian: yeah, he’s been great

Tristan: You . . . ran away from home?

Dorian: oh yeah

Tristan: I’m so sorry to hear that.

I didn’t realize.

Dorian: it’s fine

it happened a while ago

Tristan: I’m sorry.

Dorian: don’t apologize

you didn’t make me leave

Tristan: May I ask what happened?

Dorian: oh the usual crap

shitty family shitty life

went to my best friend’s place and now we’re roommates

Tristan: I’m sorry . . .

Dorian: don’t be

it’s the past


you still there?

Tristan: Yeah.

Dorian: how were classes today?

Tristan: Fine.

Dorian: no insufferable classmates this time?

Tristan: Eh . . .

Dorian: tristan I’m fine

don’t worry about me

Tristan: What? I wasn’t worried.

Dorian: one word answers are my thing not yours

look I’m not mad at you or anything

Tristan: I know.

Dorian: then stop being so . . .

whatever it is you’re being

and start talking in full sentences again

Tristan: I’m sorry.

Dorian: you apologize a lot you know that?

we’re gonna have to give you like a swear jar or something

but for sorrys

a sorry jar

every time you apologize you put a dollar in

Tristan: Yeah, I’d be broke by Christmas.

Dorian: earlier even

how about a dime?

Tristan: You’re not serious, are you?

Dorian: lol yeah I am

every time you apologize you put a dime in the jar

Tristan: Yeah? And what do I do with all those coins when I’m done?

Dorian: you could send them to me

Tristan: You wish.

Dorian: save them until the jar gets full

use the money to come visit me

Tristan: Oh yeah. Gonna drive to who knows where to go visit an internet stranger with money that he made me save up from apologies. That’s safe.

Dorian: we’ll figure out what to do with the money later

do you have your jar?

Tristan: No! I’m not doing that!

Dorian: get a jar tristan

go get a jar

I’m gonna stop talking to you until you get a jar

Tristan: FINE. I have a jar. Happy now?

Dorian: I’m never happy

Tristan: Poor Dorian.

Dorian: shit . . . it’s almost midnight

Tristan: Oh, wow. It’s easy to lose track of time when we talk.

Maybe we should talk less. :P

Dorian: you wound me tris

Tristan: Aw, come on. You know I was kidding.

Dorian: nope

damage was done

I’ll never be the same

Tristan: Goodnight, Dorian.

Dorian: woe is me
