
Friday, September 7, 6:32 PM

Dorian: what up?

Tristan: Hey.

Dorian: how was your first week?

Tristan: Eh . . . not quite how I wanted grade 12 to be.

Dorian: still mad about the idiots in your class?

Tristan: Not to sound conceited or anything . . .

We’re learning some pretty basic stuff . . .

Dorian: you do

Tristan: I do what?

Dorian: sound conceited

Tristan: Ouch.

Dorian: just remember that even if they don’t know everything you know it doesn’t make them stupid

everyone’s there to learn tris

Tristan: Thanks for calling me out . . .

Dorian: I bring the hard truths

hey I don’t judge you

I used to be a lot like that

took spending time with aj to realize that smart comes in all shapes and sizes

Tristan: AJ?

Dorian: yeah he’s my roommate

I used to think he was kind of an idiot

took seeing him in his element to realize that him not knowing stuff didn’t make him stupid


Tristan: I guess . . .

Dorian: look just don’t judge people based on what they seem like

they can surprise you

Tristan: I suppose so.

Dorian: hey you watching basker on monday?

Tristan: Of course!

Dorian: wanna watch it with me?

Tristan: How would we do that?

Dorian: well

we both watch it and we’re both on the computer and we can talk about it and stuff

nevermind it’s a dumb idea

Tristan: No! No, it’s a good idea! A great one!

Yeah, I’d love to watch it with you!

Dorian: you sure?

Tristan: Yes. I’m sure. It’ll be awesome.

Dorian: cool

Tristan: So how was your day?

Have you decided if you like your classes yet? Or do you need the rest of the year?

Dorian: I don’t need the whole year

gimme maybe six months

Tristan: Hahaha

Okay, remind me to come back to this in six months.

Dorian: will do

yeah school’s fine

oh shit

I completely forgot

I g2g

tonight’s boardgame night with some friends

Tristan: Oh, okay.

Have fun!

Dorian: thanks

I’ll try

but it won’t be as much fun as talking to you

Tristan: Haha.

Dorian: I’m not kidding

Tristan: Oh . . . um . . . thanks?

Dorian: bye

Tristan: Bye!

Saturday, September 8, 11:24 AM

Dorian: morning

Tristan: Good morning!

Dorian: any plans for this lovely saturday?

Tristan: I think you need friends in order to have plans.

Dorian: nah

you can have plans by yourself

and what am I chopped liver?

Tristan: We’ve known each other for a week.

Dorian: so you don’t think of me as a friend?

Tristan: It’s not that . . . It’s just . . .

We haven’t really known each other for a long time.

Dorian: I’m wounded

gravely insulted

Tristan: You’re my friend!

We’re friends! I’m sorry!

Dorian: ten cents

Tristan: What?

Dorian: ten cents

Tristan: What are you talking about?

Dorian: put a dime in the jar

you apologized

Tristan: I had a good reason to apologize!

Dorian: no you didn’t

Tristan: I did! I hurt your feelings, so I apologized!

Dorian: you knew I was joking

now put a dime in the jar

Tristan: FINE.

Dorian: you’ve got to actually do it

Tristan: I WILL.

Dorian: promise?

Tristan: YES.

Dorian: good

Tristan: I do see you as a friend, though.

Dorian: i know

dw about it

Tristan: Okay.

So, what are your plans for today?

Dorian: aj has a date and I’m crashing it

Tristan: Really?

Dorian: nah

he’s taking her to the coffee shop that I work at

Tristan: You work in a coffee shop?

Dorian: yeah

it was the only job I could get that would work around school

Tristan: That must suck.

Dorian: it does

but a job’s a job


Tristan: Yeah . . .

Dorian: k I g2g to work

see you in a bit

Tristan: See ya!

6:42 PM

Dorian: hey

Tristan: Welcome back. How was your shift?

Dorian: it sucked

Tristan: :(

Dorian: meh nbd

Tristan: How was your friend’s date?

Dorian: she’s way out of his league

Tristan: That’s not very nice.

Dorian: lol

doesn’t make it any less true


I don’t think she’s gonna go on a second date with him

Tristan: That’s too bad.

Dorian: if I have to hear one more speech about her stupid brown fawn eyes I think I might kill him

Tristan: Ahahaha!

Remind me to never tell you about my crushes!

Dorian: does that mean you have a crush?

Tristan: Wouldn’t you like to know!

Dorian: lol


I’m off

see you tomorrow

Tristan: G’night!

Dorian: night