Chapter Fifty-Seven


My arms were wrapped around Beau’s neck as he carried me through the hallway to his bedroom. I giggled slightly as I looked up at him, giddy with happiness. I couldn’t believe that he was in love with me. I couldn’t believe that Brittany had lied to me—though if I’d been smart, I would’ve understood that there was no way Beau would be with someone like her. Even if he hadn’t come to his senses and let his guard down with me, he wasn’t the sort of guy to be with a bitch like Brittany.

“What are you thinking, my love?” he said as he opened the door and we walked into his bedroom.

“Nothing,” I said softly, not wanting him to know I was thinking about Brittany. She didn’t deserve any more energy from either of us. “You didn’t have to carry me, you know. I’m too heavy for that.”

“No, I’m just getting practice in.”

“Practice in for what?”

“For when I carry you into our matrimonial bedroom,” he said.

“Really, Beau?”

“What? You don’t think that’s romantic?”

I laughed as he put me on the bed and then sat down next to me.

“How’s your ankle?”

“It’s okay,” I said and moved it slightly and then winced. “Okay, it’s aching a little bit.”

“I’m going to get you an ice pack and some ibuprofen and water.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I do have to do that,” he said as he jumped up. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” I looked around his bedroom as he left. It was a typical masculine bedroom. He had pictures of Ferraris and horses on the wall. I wondered if the posters were from when he was a child. There was a cowboy hat sitting on a chair and a bunch of jeans on the floor. So at least he wasn’t a neat freak.

He was back almost immediately. “I’m going to wrap this around your ankle. It’s going to be cold.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do it now, do you?”

“Yeah, and I’m going to put a pillow under it as well. We should keep it elevated.”

“But how are we going to make love if my ankle is wrapped in ice and my leg is resting on a pillow?”

“Don’t you worry about that, Olivia,” he assured me. “I’ve got my ways.”

“You are a dirty man, aren’t you?”

“You ain’t seen nothing yet.” He winked at me and handed me a bottle of water and two ibuprofens. “Now, take these. It will help with the pain.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Are you sure?” he said. “I really don’t want you to be lying there in pain if you don’t have to.”

“Maybe I’ll take one,” I said. I opened the bottle of water, chugged a little, and then swallowed the pill. I placed the other pill on the side table next to the bed. “You’re a good nurse.”

“Nurse?” he said. “Don’t you mean doctor?”

“Sorry, Beau. You’re a good doctor.”

“I pride myself on being gentlemanly, especially to the woman I love.”

“I love you, too.” I stared at him, happy to say the words and almost unbelieving. I couldn’t believe I was that much of a cliché to fall in love with someone so quickly. When Lucy had told me she was falling for Austin, I’d rolled my eyes. How often do you fall in love with someone and decide to marry them and move thousands of miles away? But here I was, just a few months later, falling in love with her fiancé’s brother.

“Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed suddenly.

Beau looked at me in concern. “What is it? Is it really hurting?”

“No, I just realized something.”

“What did you realize?”

“When Lucy marries Austin and we get married, it means Lucy and I will be sisters. We’ll be real sisters. We’ve always been best friends and we’ve felt like we were sisters, but this will be real. It’s amazing. I just can’t believe it.”

“I didn’t even think about that.” He grinned. “I guess that makes you happy?”

“It’s amazing.” I laughed. “I can’t wait until I tell her.”


“If you don’t want me to say anything, I won’t.”

“Why wouldn’t I want you to say anything?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you want to keep it a secret for now?”

“Honey, there’s no keeping it a secret. I love you and this is now your bedroom. There’s no way you’re going back to your own room after this.”

“What about your parents?”

“As soon as my parents get back, God willing”—he took a deep breath—“I’m going to let them know that we’re in love, you’re staying, and you’re going to help me with the eco-retreat.”

“I was thinking maybe I could take an interior design class online or see if there’s a community college or something around here where I could do some design classes.”

“Whatever you want, my love.”

“You’re so sweet, Beau. And I can get student loans to pay for it. You don’t have to worry that I’ll expect anything from you.”

“You’re not getting student loans.”

“But I don’t have enough money in the bank to pay for it.”

“I’ll pay for it.”

“No, you can’t pay for it. That’s just too much.”

“I’m not broke, you know.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are,” I said softly. “I’ll still love you even if, for some reason, you don’t have the ranch anymore and we have to move to a motel or a trailer park or whatever. I’ll still be here for you. I’ll still love you.”

He laughed. “I have millions of dollars in the bank. All of the brothers do.” He stroked my cheek. “I’m not going to be in the street. We’re not going to be in a trailer park unless you want to live in a trailer or an RV or whatever you want. Frankly, I don’t care. I just want to be with you.”

“But you’ve been so worried about money—”

“My family has trusts for all of us. My brothers and I are well taken care of. The real concern is the ranch and all the other families we support,” he said. “If push comes to shove, we could dip into our own personal finances and see what we could do. But in business, that’s not always a smart idea. I’d like to be able to leave something for future generations, just as this was left for us.”

“I get it.” I nodded. “I understand.”

“But I love you even more knowing that you’d still be with me if I was broke.”

“Of course, Beau. I didn’t fall for you because of your money.”

“I know. It was my big cock.”


“What? Tell me you don’t love my big cock.”

“Are you going to say that again?”

“Say what? Big cock, big cock, big cock?”

“Beau Hamilton, that is enough.”

“Would you rather me say gigantic cock?”


“What?” He kissed me on the side of the face. “I love seeing you looking all mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you, but I wouldn’t call it either of those things.”

“What would you call it then, my dear?”

“I’d call it your ginormous cock.” I giggled.

“Oh, yeah? And do you want this ginormous cock inside you right now?”

“You’re so dirty.”

“As you get to know me better, you’ll realize this is only the beginning. I like it dirty. I like it rough. I like it in nature.” He blew into my ear. “So whenever you’re ready and willing, I’ll show you every single side of me.”

“Oh, I’m willing. Trust me, I’m willing.”

“Really?” he said.

“Maybe I like it dirty, too.” I licked my lips slowly and he growled. He reached for my pants, undid the zipper, and pulled them down. “Beau, what are you doing?”

“I’m about to fuck you, my love,” he growled as he pulled off his shirt. I pulled my top off and he whistled. I loved the way he looked at me. “Take your bra off,” he ordered.

“Oh? What if I say no?”

“Then I’ll take it off for you.” He chuckled and I felt his hands running over my breasts and slipping inside my bra. He pinched my nipples, and I cried out at the feel of his rough, callous hands against my skin. His hands reached around to my back, unclasping my bra and pulling it off.

“Hey!” I objected.

“I told you if you didn’t do it, I’d do it myself.”

“But you didn’t even give me a chance.”

“I couldn’t wait any longer,” he said. His lips pressed against my skin, and he kissed his way down to my breasts. He started sucking on my nipples, and I cried out as his fingers slipped inside my panties and rubbed my clit. I was ready for him.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he murmured against my lips, slipping a finger inside of me. “I want to be inside you right now, Olivia.”

“Then fuck me, Beau. Fuck me deep and hard.”

“I don’t want to hurt your ankle.”

“I don’t care about my ankle right now. Take your pants off.” I reached over and undid his zipper and his button.

He laughed as I fumbled with his jeans. “I got it.” He jumped up and quickly pulled off both his jeans and his shirt. I stared at the outline of his large cock. In response, Beau grinned and pulled his briefs down. His cock sprang free, and I leaned forward and pulled him back onto the bed.

“What are you doing?” he said.

“Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.” I smirked as I got on top of him.

“Oh?” He grinned up at me as I straddled him. I felt his cock rubbing against me. He groaned as he reached up and pinched my nipples. “Fuck, I’m so hard and so ready for you, Olivia. I’ve been thinking about this since the other morning.”

“You could’ve fooled me.”

“Well, I guess I did fool you, but now you know the truth. I want you with every fiber of my being.”

“Oh, yeah?” I said as I moved forward slightly and rubbed myself back and forth on his hardening cock.

“Oh fuck, Olivia.”

“Yes?” I said as I reached down and positioned him between my legs and then lowered myself on his cock. He was big and hard, and I had to move back and forth slightly so that I could fit all of him inside me.

“Shit, shit,” he groaned. “Oh my God. I should put a condom on.”

“You don’t have to,” I said. “I’m on the pill.”

“Well, you’ll need to come off that soon.” He grinned up at me.

“Oh?” I looked at him with a small smile.

“If we want to try for kids, you should come off it, right?”

“Do we want to try for kids right away?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “If it might be hard, maybe we should try and figure out if we can have kids or not as soon as possible.”

“I guess so.” I gasped. “But this is something we can discuss later.”

I rocked back and forth on his cock, and he growled as he grabbed my hips and guided me up and down. We moved in a rhythm that both of us seemed to know intuitively, and I could feel him getting harder and harder. I was already close to orgasm, and as he reached up and played with my clit, I felt myself trembling on top of him.

“Don’t stop,” he moaned as I stilled. “Don’t stop.” I kept moving my ass around in circles as I bounced on top of him and before I knew what was happening, he was moving my hips faster and faster so that both of us were exploding at the same time. I felt his hot semen spurting inside me as I came on top of him, and I collapsed, kissing him on the mouth. He kissed me back passionately, and I rolled over to the side.

“That was fucking amazing,” he said with a small smile. “Oh my God, you are absolutely the best, Olivia.”

“I can only be the best because I’m with the best.”

“I can’t wait to make love to you for the rest of our lives every morning and every night.”

“And some lunchtimes in between.”

“Oh, every lunchtime if you want. Hey, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Whatever you want is fine by me.”

“You think you can go that many times, big boy?”

“I know I can,” he said. “In fact, give me five more minutes and I’ll have you on all fours, and I’ll be fucking you from behind.”

He reached down and played with my clit. I squirmed on the bed. I was ready for him again already, and I loved the fact that we were so open with each other.

“Can you believe this is actually reality?” I said to him as we lay there.

“Yes,” he whispered in my ear, “I can. I’m so thankful for you.”

“And I’m so thankful for you as well,” I said. “I guess we must’ve been good people in one life.”

He grinned. “Only one? Maybe two.” He laughed. “But at least we know we’ve got a whole eternity to please each other and make each other come.” He growled and pushed me up, and I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m ready for round two if you are,” he said.

I rolled over onto all fours with a grin. He pushed me forward and my ass went up into the air, and I felt him positioning his cock at my entrance.

As he slid inside me, I cried out, “Oh, yes! This is amazing, Beau. Please never stop fucking me.”

“I never will.” And then all I could hear were the sounds of him slamming inside me. As he reached in front of me and played with my clit, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, and I never wanted the feeling to end.