“Hey, thank you, Nancy,” I said to the old lady on the phone. “I’ll head on over to Olive Ranch right now and meet with them.”
“Oh, no, they’re not going to be at the ranch, honey,” she said softly. “They’re in town.”
“Oh, okay.” I bit down on my lower lip. “So, should I go into town to meet them?”
“Yes, dear. Go to Chicken Sisters restaurant and ask for the Olivio brothers. They’ll be able to help you.”
“Okay, sounds good,” I said. “And they know why I’m going to be meeting with them, right?”
“Yes, dear, yes. I told you, they’re looking to start a learning ranch program. You called me at the right time. They were asking me if I knew anyone who would be interested in the teaching classes.”
“Well, it is quite fortuitous,” I said happily. “Okay, I will head into town, and I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Oh, of course. I’d love to hear how it goes. Thank you, Sadie. And you tell Wyatt, Amelia, and Ranger I said hello when you see them next, okay?”
“Will do,” I said quickly, hoping she wouldn’t ask me any more questions. “Well, I better go now, bye.”
“Bye, dear.”
Nancy and I hung up and I walked quickly towards the mirror to study my reflection. Did I look professional? I was wearing a loose navy-blue top with jeans. I was about to change my jeans into a skirt, but then I decided this wasn’t exactly a professional business interview—and I was trying to get a job working on their ranch. No one wore a skirt on a ranch. I quickly brushed my hair and applied some lip gloss and hurried out to my truck. This could be the opportunity that I’d been waiting for.
The Olivio brothers had recently bought Olive Ranch and were interested in creating a program where tourists would come and learn how to be ranchers. It was a sort of gimmick they were using to attract clients to the ranch, like a more serious version of a dude ranch. Nancy had said they were interested in training local people as well. If I could set up a program where I could teach single mothers and other people how to farm, raise cattle, and train horses, well, then I’d be killing two birds with one stone. I didn’t mind teaching tourists as well, and if that’s what I had to do to set up this program, then so be it.
“Okay, Dominic Olivio and Tom Olivio, here I come.” I took a deep breath as I pulled up outside Chicken Sisters restaurant and checked my phone. I had a missed call from Wyatt, but I wasn’t going to call him back. I quickly texted him, “Hey, can’t chat right now, at Chicken Sisters. But I’ll give you a call later.”
I powered off my phone before he could respond, put it into my handbag, and headed into the restaurant. I looked around to see if I could recognize either of the two brothers. At the far end of the restaurant, there were two tall identical-looking men with cowboy hats on. One of them lifted it up and called out to me, “Sadie? Sadie Johnson, is that you?”
“Yes!” I hurried over to them with my hand out. “I’m Sadie, nice to meet you.”
“I’m Tom,” he grinned. “And this is my brother, Dominic.”
“Wow, nice to meet you both. You’re twins?”
“No, Dominic’s a year older than me,” Tom laughed. “But you wouldn’t guess it, right?”
“No, you look pretty much identical.”
Dominic grinned. “And if you saw our father, he looks just like us as well, if we were thirty years older.”
“Yep,” Tom laughed. “And what’s crazy is that some people think he’s our brother too. Please have a seat. Would you like something to eat or drink?”
“I’m okay, thanks. I’ll just get some water.” I was about to stand up again but they shook their head.
“The waitress will be along in a second. So, Sadie, Nancy called us and told us that you are very interested in running a learning program just like we’re planning. And you grew up here, right?”
“Yeah, I did. My family owns a ranch, and my best friends, actually, own the largest ranch in town.”
“Oh,” Tom looked at me, his eyes twinkling. “Horseshoe Ranch?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Wyatt Hamilton is my best friend. He’s the youngest son. I pretty much grew up on Horseshoe Ranch.”
“So, you have experience working on a large-scale ranch then?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say working on. I mean, I’ve helped out a bit, but I’ve never really worked on their ranch. I mean, I help out on my ranch as well. I know, of course, the intricacies of day-to-day life on a ranch, and I know how to run a ranch, and—”
“You don’t have to sell us.” Tom grinned. “We’re actually very happy that you’re interested in working with us. What exactly did Nancy tell you about the program?”
“Well, she said that you’re setting up a resort and you want to make it a working ranch so that people who are visiting aren’t just coming for relaxation, but they’re coming to see what it’s like to actually work on a ranch.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much it,” Tom said. “Nancy said that you wanted to create some sort of program for local people.”
“Well, my big thing right now is trying to help out women, in particular, who don’t have skills and find it hard to get jobs working on ranches because, unfortunately, it’s generally a woman’s job. And right in this day and age… Sorry, I meant to say it’s generally a man’s job.” I made a face. “Sorry, I’m a little nervous.”
Dominic reached out and squeezed my hand. “Don’t be nervous. You’re doing great.”
“Thank you.” I was a little taken aback at the way he’d touched me and the way he was smiling at me now. “Well, I meant to say, you know, is that it’s men that are generally expected to work on a ranch, and women aren’t really given those skills. Even in school, you know, we’re expected to focus on other things. And in this day and age, women need to be able to work and make an income as well. And we’re just as capable as men as doing many of the same jobs. So I want to create a program that trains women and gives them these skills. I’d like to focus on low-income women, single mothers, women that had to drop out of high school, or who weren’t able to go to college.” I chewed on my lower lip. “And, of course, men as well, of course.”
“Of course,” Tom said. “You want to help those who don’t have the skills and maybe don’t have the money to pay for an education to get them.”
“Exactly. I have a friend who’s a single mom. And she’s looking for a job, and she really can’t get much, and she’d love to pick up some skills. I know she’d love to be part of the program.”
“Indeed, indeed,” Tom said. “So how do you see this program working in conjunction with tourists that are visiting?”
“Well, I figure maybe a certain percentage of the class could be made up of local people who are part of the course run through a nonprofit.”
“Hmm,” Tom said. “And do you have a nonprofit in mind?”
“No, but,” I took a deep breath, “I was thinking perhaps I could start the nonprofit, and the program could be a joint venture with my nonprofit and your company.”
“I see,” Dominic said. “I’m surprised.”
“What are you surprised at?”
“I’m just surprised that you’ve thought this through so thoroughly. I believe Nancy just spoke to you this morning about the program, right?
“Yeah,” I said. “But I’ve been thinking about my nonprofit idea for a while.” That was a slight lie. I’d been thinking about it very recently in depth, but they didn’t have to know that.
“Okay, well, I like the sound of it. Do you have any idea what it would cost?”
“No, but I could figure it out.”
“And do you have any idea as to the size of the program?”
“Well, I think that would also depend on how many tourists you want in the program and how many other people you’re planning on hiring to do the training. I mean, I’m only one person.” I grinned. “And yes, I’m a hard worker, but I can’t do it all.”
Tom shook his head and smiled. “We certainly wouldn’t expect you to do it all.”
Dominic raised an eyebrow. “And it’s not going to be a problem with your friends at Horseshoe Ranch?”
“No, why would that be a problem?”
“Well, I know Horseshoe Ranch is planning on opening some sort of eco-resort. I don’t know if their plans also include a learning ranch or what. I just want to make sure that there’s not going to be any conflict of interest here.”
“Oh,” I said, “No, of course not.” I thought for a moment. I had heard Beau and Austin saying something about opening an eco-resort, but they weren’t also going to do a learning ranch, were they? I didn’t recall them having said anything. And while it would have been easier for me to go to them and suggest the program, I didn’t want to get too involved with their family business, especially if things between Wyatt and me were complicated. The last thing I needed was more drama coming my way.
“Sadie, I really like you,” Dominic said. “I think this could be a really good venture for all of us. I would love to chat more …” He paused and looked up as the bell over the door jangled. “Oh, look, it’s one of your friends.”
I turned around. “Not sure who you’re…” And then I saw him. Wyatt stormed towards the table, a dark look on his face. What was he doing here?
“Sadie,” he said as he stopped next to the table, looked at me, and then looked at the two men. “Are you for real?”
“What are you talking about, Wyatt?”
“You’re on a date with two brothers.”
“Are you really this desperate for a man that you’re going to go on a double date with two brothers and see which one you like best?”
My jaw dropped. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. “What are you even talking about, Wyatt?”
“Everyone knows the Olivio brothers love to chase the same woman.” His lips curled in disgust. “So, which one do you like, Dominic or Tom?”
“Wyatt, this is not—”
“Uh-huh, save it, Sadie,” he grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m talking to them—”
“Sadie, I know you’re innocent, but this is absolutely ridiculous. You cannot just accept a date with any old man that asks you out. And you certainly cannot accept a date from two guys that are constantly in competition trying to get the same woman. Do you have no self-respect?”
“Are you freaking kidding me right now, Wyatt Hamilton? This is not a date.” I looked over at Tom and Dominic who were both grinning and laughing.
“Sorry,” Dominic shrugged. “He’s not lying. We do like to take out the same woman and see which one she’ll choose. But, bro, this is not—”
“Save it,” Wyatt cut him off. “Sadie, let’s go.”
“Wyatt, you need to go right now. This is not a date. This is a business meeting, okay?”
Wyatt’s eyes went wide as he dropped my hand. “What are you talking about?”
“I said this is a business meeting, and you need to leave. I cannot deal with this right now.”
“Okay, whatever,” he said. He took a deep breath and looked back at Dominic and Tom and then looked at me. “But be careful, Sadie, because they might be telling you this is a business meeting, but I’m pretty sure I know what they want.” He pointed at them. “If you dare make a move on her, I will hunt you down.” He stared back at me, “Call me later. We need to talk.”
And with that, he was gone.
I looked back at the brothers, wishing the floor would swallow me up. “Sorry about that. Wyatt can be a little bit, um, overprotective.”
“You can say that again,” Tom said with a chuckle. “He is way more than overprotective.”
“He’s freaking crazy,” Dominic added. “I thought he was going to beat my ass just for looking at you.”
“I’m sorry. He didn’t understand that this was a business meeting and that you two don’t have any inappropriate feelings toward me.” I giggled nervously.
“Oh, well, I wouldn’t say that,” Dominic winked at me, and my face got warm. “I mean, you are a hottie, Sadie Johnson. I cannot lie.”
I blinked at him, at a loss for words. Was he hitting on me? Was he hoping to get into my pants as well as go into business with me?