
Writing a novel often feels like a solitary endeavor, but that is an illusion. Every author builds around them a group of like-minded, supportive friends and family to help them manage the expectations, excitement, wild moods swings, bouts of alcoholism, and existential crises.

More than once over the last few years, I’ve had those “What the hell am I doing,” moments. Without the patience and support of my girlfriend, Niki, I may have given into them. The Ark is as much a product of her stubbornness as it is mine.

I’d also like to thank my good friends and beta readers, Michael Todd Gallowglas and Bradley P Beaulieu, for their insights and confidence in the project as well as myself. I’d also like to thank my amazing agent, Russell Galen, for taking the chance on a debut writer, his tireless work finding it a place to call home, and his patience helping me navigate the turbulent and unfamiliar waters of the publishing industry.

Speaking of publishers, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank my crack team at Angry Robot, including Penny Reeve, Michael R Underwood, Phil Jourdan, and Marc Gascoigne for their boundless enthusiasm for the book, and Larry Rostant for his pitch-perfect cover art.

And finally, I want to thank each and every person, both online and IRL, who have liked, commented, retweeted, or followed along over the last couple years as The Ark came together. You all kept me going and determined to see it through to the end. I sincerely hope you enjoy the finished product, and everything yet to come.