
From Joshua Goldstein: For education and discussion of climate change and nuclear power issues, I thank Matt Wald (Nuclear Energy Institute); Robert Orr, Christopher Foreman, and the late John Steinbrunner (University of Maryland); Michael Oppenheimer, Robert Keohane, M. V. Ramana, Harold Feiveson, Frank von Hippel, and Rob Socolow along with the participants in his seminar (Princeton); Josh Freed (Third Way); Allison Macfarlane (George Washington University); Aaron Bernstein (Harvard Medical); Rachel Pritzker (Pritzker Innovation Fund); Ted Nordhaus and Peter Teague (Breakthrough Institute); Michael Shellenberger (Environmental Progress); Armond Cohen and Ashley Finan (Clean Air Task Force, and extra thanks to Armond for help spreading the message); Krister Svahn, Mats Ladeborn, Oskar Ahnfelt, and Johan Pettersson (Vattenfall/Ringhals); Martin Cohn (Vermont Yankee); Robert Hargraves (ThorCon); Eric Ingersoll; Jacopo Buongiorno (MIT); Meredith Angwin; Representative Solomon Goldstein-Rose (MA); Michael Lynch (Energy SEER); Peter Haas (University of Massachusetts); and Lisa Martin, Helen Kinsella, Ron Mitchell, Kate Ricke, and other participants in the 2017 “Social and Political Dimensions of Climate Change” workshop at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. For access to research resources, thanks to the University of Massachusetts Library and Political Science Department. For help with ideas and writing, thanks to Steven Pinker, Fredrica Friedman, Jon Pevehouse, Andra Rose, Michael Goldstein, and Fred Goldstein-Rose. Finally, my partner, J. Alden Cox, has played an indispensable role in the development of the book.

From Staffan Qvist: For helpful suggestions, thanks to Malwina Qvist, Björn and Ninni Qvist, Robert Stone, and James Hansen. Special thanks to Daniel Westlén for extensive comments on a draft.

From both: For help using their data, illustrations, and photographs, we thank Jessica Lovering, Nickolay Lamm, Kate Lamb, Hanno Böck, Ibrahim Malik, Terese Winslow, Steve Cole, Climate Interactive (Ellie Johnston), Environmental Defense Fund (Kelsey Robinson), World Resources Institute (Maria Hart), Nuclear Threat Initiative (Meaghan Webster), Vattenfall (Krister Svahn), SKB (Simon Roth), ČEZ (Martin Schreur), NuScale Power (James Mellott), Siemens (Oliver Schmitt), and Getty Images (Samuel), as well as Rebecca Martin, Margarita Diaz, and Sewela Mamphiswana for images that did not end up being used.

Our literary agent, Max Brockman, expertly directed the book to the right publisher, and our editor at PublicAffairs, Ben Adams, deftly guided the process from there. Thanks also to production editors Sandra Beris and Michelle Welsh-Horst, copyeditor Annette Wenda, and the rest of the PublicAffairs team and to our independent publicist, Leah Paulos. Finally, thanks to Klara Ingersoll for developing graphics and related materials to promote the ideas in this book.