Chapter 2
1. Culiche actually had been nabbed by the Texas Highway Patrol for illegally attempting to cross the US-Mexico border.
2. Jessica Vaughn and John Feere, Taking Back the Streets: ICE and Local Law Enforcement Target Immigrant Gangs, Center for Immigration Studies, September 30, 2008,
Chapter 5
1. “Mayor Mourns a Victim,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 29, 2004.
2. “Playground under Siege,” San Francisco Chronicle, February 5, 1999.
3. “SFPD Dead Last in Solving Violent Crime,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 19, 2002.
Chapter 9
1. Ismael Moreno, “Has ‘Social Cleansing’ of Gang Members Spread to Honduran Jails?” Envio, no. 282, May 2003.
Chapter 10
1. Dreamer had set Casper up, planting the gun in the car Casper was driving and tipping off his SFPD and FBI handlers.
Chapter 11
1. Harris was elected California attorney general in both 2010 and 2014 and was widely rumored in 2018 to be positioning herself to run for the White House in the next election.
2. Pat Murphy and Luke Thomas, “Police Ethics Panel Reveals San Francisco Law Enforcement Stymied by Leadership Failure, Communication Breakdown, Low Morale, Politics and Mistrust,” Fog City Journal, June 5, 2006.
3. Ibid.
4. Susan Sward, “Commissioner Slams Police Panel: Sparks Describes Numerous Failures, Quits Key Position,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 26, 2006.
Chapter 12
1. As a criminal informant, Casper was prevented from acting as a leader in the gang. Otherwise, defendants in any future prosecution could claim the government had orchestrated the entire criminal enterprise from the top down, negating a successful RICO case.
Chapter 13
1. What Peloncito didn’t share was that he had skimmed off enough cash from the clique’s treasury to buy himself a used car.
Chapter 21
1. Supreme Court of El Salvador, Forensic Statistics Unit, Boletín sobre Homicidios, Año 2, no. 1, January 2006.
2. Mo Hume, “Mano Dura: El Salvador Responds to Gangs,” Development in Practice 17, no. 6 (2007): 739–51.
Chapter 22
1. In fact, the city parks department had pastured some domesticated goats to eat brush growing out of control, which was creating a fire hazard.
2. Casper’s ex-wife Jackie was actively trying to out him as a rat, sending a letter to the Big Homies in El Salvador, saying she had found FBI agent business cards among Casper’s belongings. The cards had actually been given to Jackie by the agents, since she was acting as a Bureau informant.
Chapter 23
1. Pat Murphy and Luke Thomas, “Police Ethics Panel Reveals San Francisco Law Enforcement Stymied by Leadership Failure, Communication Breakdown, Low Morale, Politics and Mistrust,” Fog City Journal, June 5, 2006.
2. Sarah Phelan, “Public Safety Adrift,” San Francisco Bay Guardian, February 11, 2009.
3. Nearby Soldado’s apartment, in 2005, SFPD officer Isaac Espinoza had been shot and killed by a West Mob gangster with an AK-47, a crime for which Kamala Harris refused to pursue the death penalty.
Chapter 24
1. Nina Martin, “No Sanctuary for Danielle Bologna,” San Francisco magazine, October 21, 2011.
2. “Surviving Son Testifies in 2008 Bologna Family Killings,” CBS SF Bay Area, January 25, 2012.
3. Vivian Ho, “S.F. Killer Confronted by Victims’ Widow, Mother,” San Francisco Chronicle, June 5, 2012.
4. “Murder in San Francisco,” Fox News, July 23, 2008.
5. Heather Knight, “Minutemen Protest S.F.’s Sanctuary Policy,” San Francisco Chronicle, July 31, 2008.
6. Peter Nicholas and Robert Salladay, “Gov. Praises ‘Minuteman’ Campaign,” Los Angeles Times, April 29, 2005.
7. Knight, “Minutemen Protest S.F.’s Sanctuary Policy.”
Chapter 25
1. Jaxon Van Derbeken, “Suspect in Boy’s Slaying Avoided Deportation,” San Francisco Chronicle, November 14, 2008.
2. Ibid.
Chapter 26
1. Some observers questioned whether all the homies flown home were in fact juveniles—definitively confirming the Central Americans’ ages was often next to impossible due to lack of birth records.
2. Phil Matier and Andy Ross, “Illegal Immigrant Arrested 5 Times before Feds Told,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 3, 2008.
3. Jaxon Van Derbeken, “S.F. Fund Aids Teen Felons Who Are Illegals,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 3, 2008.
4. Elise Foley, “ICE Confirms Fingerprint-Sharing Program Secure Communities Is Mandatory,” Florida Independent, December 14, 2011.
5. Bob Egelko, “Federal Probe into S.F. Sanctuary City Policy,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 4, 2008.
Chapter 27
1. Evan Hill and Dan Levine, “Killings Spur Federal Effort against Gang” Recorder, September 8, 2008.
1. Lauren Smiley, “A Rat’s Life: MS-13 Snitches Run Wild while Turning State’s Evidence,” SF Weekly, April 27, 2011.
2. Ibid.