
My students have made such a difference in my life, and in my writing. As I wrote this story, I thought especially of Christopher, Donald, and Anna. I pictured Scott Liam at my door. After all these years, I still look for Michael Gaffney.

How important my first class was! I remember all those long-ago students, and especially the four who made me love teaching: Sheldon Dreyfuss, Frank Noviello, John Sangimino, and John Wekerle. Shelly still keeps me smiling.

I treasure the memory of Ughondi Freeman Grant every day, my dear laughing girl.

Dr. Irving Rockoff gave hope and magic to our students; our friendship was warm and wonderful.

I’m more than grateful to Wendy Lamb, my editor and friend, who works tirelessly on my books. I thank her assistant editor, Dana Carey, for all she does; she and I have a shared love of dogs. Kathy Dunn is always there for me!

My family makes life worthwhile…especially Jim, who is everything to me.