Thanks to all chefs who crown dishes with eggs, especially Sunshine Tavern, Fried Egg I’m in Love, Sitka & Spruce, and Wafu. It makes me hungry to even think about your deliciously sunny dishes.

Thanks to Cameron for the great title suggestion, which brought clarity to my egg book vision. There was a pony in there.

Thanks to Maura Greenblum for her tireless recipe testing and all the honest feedback. I hope that you still love to eat eggs after so many recipes in such a short time!

Thanks to Nicole Rejwan for her wonderful assistance in the cover photo shoot. It was always a joy to have you in the studio!

Thanks to Phoenix’s egg farm for humanely raising chickens and making such delicious eggs available at my local market.

Thanks to Susan, Michelle, Anna, Christy, and the gang at Sasquatch for helping me share my love of eggs with everyone.