Reading-group Questions

  1. Do you think the title Violet Ink works for this story? Would you have given the book a different title? If so, what would it be?
  2. Violet Ink is told from Izzy’s point of view, but do you think it is her story? Which character do you feel that you get to know best – Izzy or Alex?
  3. Izzy says she thinks that words are really important and some of her free verses are included in the book. Do you think that the verses add anything to the story? Choose your favourite line from Izzy’s writing and explain what you like about it.
  4. Izzy writes in one of her verses that: ‘Guilty has a twin sister. Her name is Memories.’ What do you think she means? How does this personification of emotion give us more detail about what life is like after Alex has gone?
  5. Have you ever experienced a situation where something unexpected has happened and it changes your life forever? Sometimes it can be a really small thing that causes the biggest changes. How did you react? Did you feel like Izzy, as if you had no control, or did you behave differently?
  6. Did you feel that Mum’s reaction was believable when she discovered the truth about what was going on with Alex?
  7. In her citizenship lesson, Izzy has to answer a question – who would she choose to save if there were four people tied to a train track and a train was coming? What would your answer be?
  8. In the same lesson, Izzy learns that dilemmas are usually dealt with in one of four ways: trusting your gut instinct; getting some advice; asking for the opinion of everyone involved or tossing a coin. Which strategy do you tend to use when you’ve got a difficult problem to solve? Discuss the pros and cons of each strategy.
  9. How do you think Finn feels about Izzy? What do you think he feels for Alex? What do you think will happen next?
  10. Were there any times that you disagreed with the actions of one of the characters? What would you have liked them to have done differently?
  11. Did you guess the name that Izzy chooses for the Bad-News Baby? Do you think that ‘Violet’ is an appropriate choice or would you have chosen another name? Explain your reasons.
  12. How is the theme of colour used throughout Violet Ink? Do you think that this adds anything to the narrative?
  13. What are the differences between Charlie and Finn? Create a pen portrait of them both, describing their characteristics and personalities. Who do you prefer?
  14. Did you like the ending? How would you have liked it to end? Are you keen to find out what happens next to Izzy, Alex, Finn, Charlie and Violet? Describe what you think they’ll each be doing in ten years’ time.