
I want to take a moment to thank every single patient and their loved ones, that I’ve had the honor of caring for.

I want to thank every coworker and members of nursing leadership that have helped me become a better nurse with each and every shift.

I want to thank my husband for editing every single word I write and constantly encouraging me.

I want to thank my parents for putting me through nursing school, believing in me, and supporting every thing I’ve done.

I want to thank all of my non-nursing friends and family for having to listen to my constant nurse-talk over the years. I especially want to thank my non-nursing friends that have not only endured listening to it, but who have given me sound advice and encouragement with every single step.

I want to thank my nursing school professors and classmates for dealing with me during that trying time.

I want to thank each and every one of you that have read my blog, followed me on Twitter, and supported me throughout this crazy journey. I sincerely appreciate your support and encouragement. It means more than you know.

I want to thank God for putting in me a never-ending desire to care for patients and support fellow nurses.

Seriously guys, from the bottom of my nursey heart, thanks.

Alright, let’s get nursey!