
Thank you to all of my readers for your enthusiasm, dedication, and support. My hope is to write entertaining and captivating novels that all of you will love as much as I do.

My amazing critique partners, Jennifer Anne Davis and Tania Hutley. Your feedback is invaluable. I’m a better writer because of you two!

To my extended family and in-laws for your continued support and inspiration. I love you all.

To the staff and students of Santana High School, especially my work family—the English Department—Andrea, Angela, Barbara, Carolyn, Eileen, Emily, Jamea, Janelle, Marla, Marty, and Sophia. Thank you for seeing me through this amazing journey.

To my street team, The Street Angels, for helping me spread the word about my books. I appreciate and value your special commitment to the team.

To my sister and beta reader, Korina Kramer, for your encouragement and constructive criticism.

And finally, to Entangled Publishing. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this incredible team. Robin, Kerri-Leigh, and Liz—you are editing geniuses.