This poem is attributed to Poe, though not fully proven. It appeared in Graham’s Magazine in October 1845. The “King” of the title is Ellen King, possibly representing Frances Sargent Osgood, to whom the writer pledges his devotion. It was first identified as Poe’s in an article on November 21, 1915, using the poem’s signature of “P.” as evidence.


The only king by right divine
Is Ellen King, and were she mine
I’d strive for liberty no more,
But hug the glorious chains I wore.

Her bosom is an ivory throne,
Where tyrant virtue reigns alone;
No subject vice dare interfere,
To check the power that governs here.

O! would she deign to rule my fate,
I’d worship Kings and kingly state,
And hold this maxim all life long,
The King — my
King — can do no wrong.          P.