The next three hours passed in a happy blur for Ashton. She ate slice after delicious slice of the gooey pizza, until she was so stuffed she thought they would have to roll her out the door. Her eyes sparkled as she talked, laughed and just plain enjoyed Sam. He had been quiet at first, but Ashton was able to draw him out with her lively chatter until he finally joined in without hesitation. Both had shared stories of their youth and laughed at the others pranks as children. They found they had a lot in common and were well on their way to becoming lasting friends as the night wore on.
Somewhere, about half way through the evening, their hands had found their way into each other’s. Their chairs had moved closer together, until they finally sat side by side, their dark heads nestled together. Bursts of laughter could be heard coming from their table, and Laura Mae, who peeked often in their direction, found tears coming to her eyes. She was touched to see the two lovely people enjoying themselves so much. It was about time that young man found himself a young lady. And the one he had picked was as near to perfect as she could have hoped.
Laura Mae, feeling it was her duty to help Sam find a girl, had sent every pretty, single girl from town in his direction over the past five years. Much to her disappointment, he had been polite but firm, letting them know that he was not interested. She had begun to worry about that boy, but with the turn of events tonight he had restored her faith in him. Wiping her damp eyes, Laura Mae waddled her bulk over to the table to offer the couple coffee before she presented them with their final ticket.
“So, could I interest either of you in a cup of the best coffee in town?” She asked, stopping by the table.
“Hmm,” Ashton said smiling up at the woman, “if it truly is the best in town, I guess I’ll have to try some.”
“Coming right up.” Laura Mae smiled as she patted Ashton’s shoulder and moved away.
Ashton turned her eyes back to Sam, looking at him with a soft smile.
“What are you smiling at?” he asked with a slow smile of his own.
Ashton took a moment to answer, as she was not really sure why she was sitting there with a big, stupid grin on her face. “I guess it’s because this has been the most unpredictable night. I’m having such a good time and I didn’t really expect to.”
Sam raised his eyebrows at the answer he had received. “Just what did you expect the evening to be like?” he challenged her with a teasing smile.
Trying to cover her choice of words so as not to offend her new friend, she explained, “It’s just that I’ve only spoke to you that one time by the lake and you seemed rather defensive and aloof,” she offered with a questioning raise of her eyebrows. “So I figured tonight would be kind of stilted, and we would just talk about the weather or something like that.” Ashton looked Sam in the eye and a slight blush touched her cheeks because of the crinkle of humor around his eyes.
Sam put an arm over the back of Ashton’s chair but left his hand dangling loosely.
“I guess I didn’t give a very good first impression by the lake, did I?” he questioned with a guilty look on his face. “I don’t have many friends and I usually am not looking to add to the list,” he explained away his lack of manners. Then he smiled warmly at her and continued, “You’re so easy to talk to and amazingly this old grump likes talking to you.” His expression softened as he told her, “I like watching you, the expressions that dance across your face, the way your eyes glow when you are amused, and way you get so animated when you are talking about things you are interested in. Memories make your eyes go all dreamy and deep, and when you are thinking hard you get a little line right between your eyes.” He brought up his free hand and with one finger, lightly traced between her brows, down her nose and over her lips, catching her bottom lip and pulling it down slightly as he went.
Ashton’s whole word was reduced to that one finger and the path it was making over her face. She licked her lip as the finger was removed to come to rest on the table.
At that moment Laura Mae arrived with the cup of coffee. Ashton moved to sit up straighter in her chair in anticipation just as Laura Mae bent to set the cup in front of her. As if by magic the cup flew through the air and landed upside down square in the middle of Sam’s lap.
“Oh shit!” Sam yelled, and with quick reflexes he jumped to his feet, spilling the now empty cup onto the floor. All three of them grabbed napkins and began to wipe at the effected area. Sam nearly did a jig while he was trying to get the hot coffee off of him. When his lap finally cooled down he thought enough to push the helping hands away, and gingerly pull his jeans away from his crotch.
Laura Mae was in tears as she apologized over and over. “I don’t know what happened. One minute it was in my hand and the next it wasn’t. I’m so sorry Sam,” she apologized rubbing and patting his back.
Sam shook his head, held up his hand and reassured her, “It’s ok, Laura Mae. No permanent damage was done I’m sure. Relax there, ok?” Sam sat back down gingerly and asked Ashton if she still wanted her coffee.
Ashton shook her head no as she began to stand up, “I think we should get you home and out of those pants,” she replied innocently.
Sam’s head flew up and Laura Mae immediately stopped talking.
Realizing her slip of words, Ashton blushed as she stammered, “That came out all wrong. What I meant was you need to get cleaned up.” She was now self-conscious and couldn’t seem to bring her eyes up to his.
Sam smirked and Laura Mae began to fan herself.
“I think we will just be going Laura Mae, we’ve had enough coffee for one night,” he kidded. “If you could bring the bill we’ll be on our way,” he said rising from his chair and taking Ashton’s elbow.
“Nonsense, your dinner is on the house. It’s the least I can do after what just happened,” she insisted with a wave of her hand at his attempt to pay for the meal. “And I’d be glad to clean your pants for you, too,” she told him.
Sam bent over and planted a sweet kiss on her face. “I’ll accept the offer of the meal. Thanks Laura Mae, and please don’t feel bad about the coffee. It was just an accident. No harm, no foul,” he finished with a hug for the flustered woman.
She put her hand to her check and said to Ashton, “You best be watching this man of yours or I might just have to move in on you.”
The comment lightened the mood, and before Sam left with Ashton he placed a tip on the table big enough to cover the meal, and then some.
Taking Ashton’s elbow they turned to leave. Sam realized that every head in the place was turned their way watching as they prepared to exit the restaurant, some with smiles on their faces, some with concern, and some with envy. Of course all of the attention came from members of the female persuasion who would love to have been in Ashton’s place.
Sam looked at Ashton, shook his head, and turning back to his audience lifting a hand of good night to everyone watching. Giggling together, arm in arm they walked into the night.