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acetic anhydride, Dow and, 114
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 80
Adams, Frederick, 157
Adler, Cyrus, 220n3
Airbus, 159–60
airplane, development of, 117–38
contracts and prizes replace government funding, 137–38
Langley and government funding, 119–21, 123–25, 128–32, 134, 135, 160, 191, 194, 200, 221n15
Wright brothers and private funding, 122–28, 131–38, 193–94, 195, 199, 222n60
American Clean Energy Leadership Act (2009), 186
American Fur Company. See Astor, John Jacob
American Lithofold, 147
American Physical Society, 190
American Wind Energy Association, 189
Ames, Oakes, 76, 79, 196
Andreas, Dwayne, 174–77, 185, 197
Andrews, Sam, 166
Ansett Airways, 158
Apple Computer Company, 1–3
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), 174–77, 197
Ashley, William, 20
Astor, John Jacob
end of factory system and, 24–29
fur trade and contrast in McKenney’s approach to management of and treatment of Indians, 15–19, 193, 195
later business successes, 30–31
McKenney’s attempt to stifle private competition and, 20–24
Baltimore Trust Company, 144
Balzer, Stephen, 124, 128–29
banks, Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, 144
Barnes, Wendell B., 150
Barry, John, 70
Barry, William T., 52, 53
Barstow, Ed, 110
Baucus, Max, 189
Bean, Jonathan, 150
beaver pelts. See fur trade
Bell, Alexander Graham, 117, 118, 120, 134, 220n3
Benjamin, Judah P., 44
Benton, Thomas Hart
fur trade factory system and, 26, 27
steamship subsidies and, 42
Biden, Joe, 187
Black Hawk War, 54–55
Black River Canal, in New York, 67
bleach. See chlorine, Dow and
blow-out process, bromine and, 100, 115
Blumenthal, George, 144
Board of Ordnance and Fortification (BOF), of Department of War
balloons and, 222n60
creation and purpose of, 220n13
Langley and, 121, 124, 134, 221n15
Wrights and, 136
Boeing, 158–62, 196–97, 200
Boeing, William, 160–61
Booth, Newton, 82
Boston Herald, 131, 148
Bovard, James, 177
Boyle, William, Jr., 147
Breckinridge, John C., 41
Brewerton, Henry, 6
bromine, Dow and
extraction methods, 100–101, 115
German cartel and, 104–108
German dye trust and, 111–13
innovative uses of, 114–15
Bromkonvention, Die Deutsche, and Dow, 104–108, 195
Bureau of Indian Affairs, McKenney and, 29–31
Bureau of Railroad Accounts, 80
Bush, George H. W., 187, 190, 197
Bush, George W., and energy policy, 177–78, 180, 183, 190
Calhoun, John C., 21–25, 29
California, railroads and politics in, 81, 91, 94
Calomiris, Charles, 143
Campbell, James H., 90
Campbell, John, 6
canals, 51–74
dynamics of large government projects, 71–74
Mason and Michigan canals and railroads, 59–66, 70–71, 73, 195, 199
Mason’s background and early successes in Michigan, 51–56
New York State and Erie Canal’s success, 56–61, 68, 71–72, 198–99
New York State and other canals’ failure, 66–67, 72
other states’ projects and, 59, 68–70
Canton Chemical Company, 100
carbon emissions
cap-and-trade law and, 180–81
from ethanol, 174, 181, 183
Carlyle, Thomas, 118
Carnegie, Andrew, 98
Carney, Tim, 187, 188, 189
Carter, Jimmy
energy policy, 12, 170–73, 177, 180, 190, 197
Export-Import Bank and, 158–59
Carthage Hydrocol, 148
Cass, Lewis, 23, 26–27, 28, 53
Castagnetti, David, 189
Central Pacific (CP) Railroad, government subsidies for and incentives of, 76–78, 81, 90, 195
Central Republic Bank and Trust Company, 144
Chanute, Octave
airplane design and, 123
Langley and, 119, 128, 134
Wrights and, 124–25, 127–28
Chapin, Roy, 144
chemical industry. See Dow, Herbert Henry
Chenango & Binghamton Canal, in New York, 67
Chicago Tribune, 145
China, Hill and U.S. trade with, 92–93, 95
chlorine, Dow and
British cartel and, 102–104
extraction methods, 100–102, 108
innovative uses of, 114–15
Civil War, steamships and, 46
Clark, William, 28
Clean Air Act, 174
Clemens, Christian, 54
Cleveland, Grover, 98
Clinton, Bill, 190, 197
Clinton, DeWitt, 58
Clinton-Kalamazoo Canal, in Michigan, 62, 64
coal, 163–64, 165, 170
market incentives to replace with cleaner fuels, 166–67
Coburn, Tom, 182
Colden, Cadwallader D., 58
Collins, Edward K., 39–46, 50, 159–60, 191, 194, 196, 200
Commodity Credit Corporation, 151
Congress, and accountability issues, 139, 162
Consolidated Edison, 167
Contract & Finance Company, 81
Convers, A. E., 107
Cooley, Thomas, 70
Coolidge, Calvin, 141
Coplen, V. G., 157
Corcoran, William W., 41
corn, used for ethanol, 177, 183
Cornell, Ezra, 8, 9
Cost of Living Council, 168
Coupe Michelin prize, 138
Crandall, Robert, 172
Crédit Mobilier, 78–79, 91
Crocker, Charles, 81
Crooks, Ramsey, 18–19, 22–24
Cuba, Export-Import Bank loans to, 154–57
Cunard, Samuel, 39–45, 50, 159–60
Curley, James Michael, 153
Curtiss, Glenn, 137
Daily Mail, 138
Daley, Bill, 159
Daniels, John, 127
Daschle, Linda, 159
Dawes, Charles, 144
Dawson, Donald, 147
Dayton Daily News, 133
Department of Energy, 171, 184–85, 188
Deringer, Henry, 15, 18
Detroit Free Press, 54
Deutsche Bromkonvention, and Dow, 104–108, 195
Dewey, Thomas, 175
Dillon, Sidney, 80
Dion, Comte Albert de, 129
disaster relief funds, from federal government, 151–53
Dodge, Grenville, 75, 76–78, 194–95
Doherty, James, 157
Dole, Bob, 182–83
Dow, Herbert Henry, 97–115, 166, 195
bromine and German cartel, 104–108
bromine and German dye trust, 111–13
bromine extraction and, 100–101, 115
business lessons from, 115
chlorine and British cartel, 102–104
chlorine extraction and, 100–102, 108
Gilded Age era and, 97–98
innovative uses of chlorine and bromine, 108–10, 114–15
iodine and British-Chilean cartel, 114–15
treatment of employees, 110
Dow, Willard, 115
Dow Chemical Company. See Dow, Herbert Henry
Drew, Daniel, 37
Durant, Thomas, 76–77, 79
Eastman Kodak, 108
Edison, Thomas, 173
education, Obama and government control of, 2
Edwards, Ninian, 23
Eisenhower, Dwight, 149, 150
electric cars and batteries, 187–88
electrolysis, bromine and, 100–102, 108
Ely, Joseph, 153
Emergency Relief and Construction Act (1932) (ERCA), 151–53
Ener1, 187
energy and energy policy, 163–91
abundance of American energy sources, market incentives and, 163–67
“energy crisis” and environmental laws, 167–72
“energy crisis” and government price controls, 167, 168–69, 172
entrepreneurs’ dislike of waste and resulting increased efficiencies, 165–66, 170
“green” energy sources, government subsidies versus market choice, 172–84, 186–91
hydraulic fracturing’s successes, 184–85
Keystone XL pipeline and, 185–86
Obama and government control of, 2, 12
Energy Independence and Security Act (2007), 177–78
Energy Policy Act (2005), 177
Energy Tax Act, 175
Dow and cartels in, 102–104, 114–15
Fulton and, 34
fur trade and, 14, 28
steamships and, 38–39, 50
environmentalism, energy production stifled by, 167–72
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 162, 174, 183
Ericsson, John, 46
Erie Canal
economic benefits of, 58–59
geographic advantages in building of, 60–61, 68, 71–72, 198–99
New York State’s financing of, 56–58
Erie Railroad, 164
from corn, 172, 183
government support of through tax credits and tariffs, 174–78, 180–83, 197–98
increased carbon emissions and, 174, 181, 183
increased food costs and, 181, 183
increased gas prices and, 183
from soybeans, 174–75
tried by Henry Ford, 173, 174
ethylene dibromide, 114–15
Evans, Michael, 189
Export-Import Bank, 151, 153–62, 196–97
American exporters and, 157–62
as lender of first resort, 158
loans to favored nations, 154–56
politicians and, 157
used to promote roads and infrastructure, 156–57
factory system. See fur trade
Fay, Jesse B., 109
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 153
Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), 151, 162
Federal Power Commission (FPC), 169
Federal Reserve, 141, 142
Feinstein, Dianne, 182
Felch, Alpheus, 70
Fillmore, Millard, 40
Finley, Shannon, 189
Fitch, John, 34
Fogel, Robert, 90
Food for Peace program, 175
Ford, Gerald, and energy policy, 170–71, 172
Ford, Henry, 173, 174
foreign trade, railroads and, 92–93, 95
Founding Fathers
confidence in individuals, 2–3
limited intentions for role of federal government, 193–94
Fulton and, 34–35
Wright brothers’ plane and, 136–37
freedom of opportunity, 3
Fulbright, J. William, 145–49
Fulton, Robert, 33–36, 50, 198
fur trade, 13–31, 193–94
contrast in Astor’s and McKenney’s approaches to management of, 15–19, 193, 195
factory system’s abolition and closing, 24–28
George Washington and factory system, 14–15, 191, 194, 200
McKenney’s attempt to stifle private competition with factory system, 20–24
Gabrielson, Guy, 148
Gallatin, Albert, 5
Garner, John Nance, 142
Garraty, John, 75
Gartner, David, 176–77
Gas Research Institute, 185
General Electric, 181, 187–88, 189, 197
General Motors, 114–15
Genesee Canal, in New York, 67
Germany, Dow and cartels in, 98, 104–108, 111–13
Giaever, Ivar, 190
Gibbons, Thomas, 35–36, 50
Gibbons v. Ogden, 35–36
Gilded Age, 97–98
Gingrich, Newt, 183
global warming, energy policy and, 179–80, 190
Goldberg, Jonah, 201–202
Goldsborough, Phillips Lee, 144
Gore, Al, 180
Gould, Jay, 80, 82, 91, 95
government, and management of economy, 11–12. See also political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs
Grand Rapids Enquirer, 71
Grant, Ulysses, 78
Gray, Asa, 119
Great Depression
beginning of subsidies dispersed by unelected bureaucrats, 139–41
prolonged by government interventions, 141
see also Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Great Northern Railway, 84–87, 89–90, 156, 166, 193, 195, 199, 217n26
Great Northern Steamship Company, 93–95
“green” energy, government subsidies in support of, 172–84, 186–91, 197
electric cars and batteries, 187–88
ethanol, 172–78, 180–83, 197–98
global warming and, 179–80, 190
solar power, 172, 174, 186–87
wind power, 174, 189
Greven, Frank, 176
Grodinsky, Julius, 83
Groves, Leslie, 201
Gwin, William M., 92, 94
Hagerty, John J., 146–47
Haiti, Export-Import Bank loans to, 155–57
Hall, Leonard, 150
Harding, Warren G., 141
Harper’s Weekly, 38
health care, Obama and government control of, 2, 182
Hepburn Act (1906), 95
Hill, James J., 156, 166, 195
foreign trade and, 92–93, 95
Great Northern Railway and incentives of private financing, 84–87, 89–90, 156, 166, 193, 195, 199, 217n26
philosophy of business, 94
regulation and unintended consequences, 95
Villard and Northern Pacific contrasted, 86–88
History of the Indian Tribes of North America (McKenney), 31, 194
Honeymead Products Company, 174
Hoover, Herbert
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, 11, 140–42, 144, 148, 196
subsidies and unelected bureaucrats, 139–40
Hopkins, Mark, 81
Hudson River Steamboat Association, 37
Hudson’s Bay Company, 18, 27, 28–29
Humphrey, George M., 149–50
Humphrey, Hubert, 175, 197
Humphrey, Levi, 65
Hunter, Robert M. T., 44
Huntington, Collis, 81
hydraulic fracturing (fracking), 184–85
Emergency Relief and Construction Act and, 152
state-subsidized internal projects, 69, 72
Immelt, Jeffrey, 187–88
Indiana, state-subsidized internal projects, 59, 69, 72
Bureau of Indian Affairs and McKenney’s removal plan, 29–31
fur trade and contrast in Astor’s and McKenney’s approaches to, 15–19, 193, 195
railroads and land of, 77, 87, 94
indigo, Dow and, 111–13
infrastructure-follows-entrepreneurs issues, 198–200, 228n5
Inman, William, 44–45, 50
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 157–58
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 80, 92, 95
iodine, Dow and, 114–15
Jackson, Andrew, 31, 51–54
Jacobsohn, Hermann, 105–106
Japan, Hill and U.S. trade with, 93, 95
Jefferson, Thomas, 4–5, 194
Jobs, Steve, 1–3, 195, 202
Johnson, Andrew, 78
Johnson, Cave, 8
Johnson, John, 25
Jones, Coulter W., 115
Jones, Jesse H., 144–45, 148
Jospin, Lionel, 159
J. P. Morgan & Company, 144
Junction Canal, in New York and Pennsylvania, 73
Kaiser, George, 186
kerosene, 98, 164, 166, 173
Keystone XL Pipeline, 185–86
Laffer, Arthur, 172
Lancaster Turnpike, contrasted with National Road, 5
Langley, Samuel
background of, 118–19
early success of aerodrome, 117–19
focus on engine power, 123–25, 128–29
government funding of, 119–21, 130–31, 134, 135, 160, 191, 194, 200, 221n15
unmanned and manned tests of plane, 129–32
Wilbur Wright on, 132
Wilbur Wright’s letter to, 122, 123
Lawrence, David, 157
Lilienthal, Otto, 123, 124
Lincoln, Abraham, 75–76, 195, 196
Lippmann, Walter, 149
Litvan, Laura, 183
Livingston, Robert, 35, 194
Locke, Gary, 159
Lomborg, Bjorn, 181
Los Angeles Times, 147, 148, 197
Lustron Corporation, 146, 147–48
Madison, James, 57, 198
mail service
airplanes and army versus private delivery, 161
National Road and, 6
steamships and, 39–43, 46–48
Main Line Canal, Pennsylvania, 59, 68
Manhattan Project, 201
Manly, Charles, 121, 129–31
Marias Pass, 87
Marshall, John, 35–36
National Road and, 7
state-subsidized internal projects, 59, 69, 72
Mason, George, 54
Mason, John T., 52–53
Mason, Joseph, 143
Mason, Stevens T., III
accomplishments in Michigan, 51, 53–56
as child prodigy, 52–53
Erie Canal and, 58
move to New York, 66, 67
state-subsidized canals in Michigan, 59–66, 70, 73, 195
federal relief aid and, 153
state-subsidized internal projects, 59
Matusow, Allen, 168
McBee Strategic, 188
McCarthy, Joseph, 147–48
McClure’s, 123
McKenney, Thomas, 160, 194
attempt to stifle private competition, 20–24
at Bureau of Indian Affairs, 29–31
fur trade and contrast in Astor’s approach to management of and treatment of Indians, 15–19, 193, 195
later years of, 31
McKinley, William, 120
McMillan, John, 176
McNerney, Jim, 161
Meeker, Royal, 45
Meigs, R. J., 6
Memoirs (McKenney), 31
Menard, Pierre, 20
Meyer, Eugene, 142, 144
Board of Internal Improvements and spending of state monies, 60, 62, 63, 65–66, 72
change in constitution to eliminate state support of infrastructure projects, 67, 71
Mason’s accomplishments in, 51, 53–56
state-supported canals and railroads in, 59–66, 70–71, 73, 195, 199
Michigan Central Railroad, 62–65, 66, 70, 73
Michigan Northern Railroad, 64
Michigan Southern Railroad, 63–64, 65–66, 70
Midland Chemical Company, 100–101
military preparedness. See national defense
Missouri, 69–70
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 144
Mitchell, George P., 184–85
Mitchell Energy, 184–85
Mondale, Walter, 177
Monitor (ship), 46
Monroe, James, 15, 22, 26
Moore, John L., Jr., 158
Moore, Johnny, 133
Morgenthau, Henry, 156
Morrill, Chester, 142
Morris Canal & Banking Company, 62
Morse, Jedidiah, 24–26
Morse, Samuel F. B., 7–8, 196
Mouillard, Louis, 123, 124
Murdoch, Rupert, 158
Musk, Elon, 188–89
NASA, 201–202
National Academy of Sciences, 183
national defense
airplanes and, 120–21, 135–36, 160, 200
balloons and, 222n60
freedom and winning of wars, 200–201
fur trade and, 200
Mason in Michigan and, 54–55
steamships and, 39, 40, 200
National Research Council, 183
National Road project, 4–7, 9, 10, 156
natural gas, 165, 167, 169
Nevin, Robert M., 136
New York Central Railroad, 50
New York Daily Mirror, 149
New York Evening Post, 37
New York Post, 158–59
New York State
Erie Canal and, 56–61, 68, 71–72, 198–99
other canal projects, 66–67, 72
social rate of return on internal projects, 73
New York Times, 48–49, 131
Nicaragua, Vanderbilt’s canal through, 47–48, 195
Niles’ Register, 36
Nixon, Richard, and energy policy, 167–70, 172, 175, 190, 197
Norris, Frank, 81
Northern Pacific (NP) Railroad, 81–84, 88, 89, 90–91, 199, 217n26
North River (steamship), 33, 35
Northwest Ordinance (1787), 55
Novocain, 114
nuclear power, 167, 178
Nutt, Joseph R., 144
Obama, Barack
confidence in government, not free market, 2, 4
energy policy, 2, 12, 179–81, 185–88, 190, 191
Export-Import Bank, 159
healthcare and, 2, 182
infrastructure-follows-entrepreneurs issues, 199–200, 228n5
Obradovich, Kathie, 183
Octopus, The (Norris), 81
Office of Indian Affairs, fur trade and factory system, 14–15
Ohio, state-subsidized internal projects, 59, 68–69, 72, 198–99
oil, Rockefeller’s faith in supplies of, 164–65
opportunity, freedom of, 3
Osborn, J. H., 100
Pacific Mail Steamship Company, 46–47, 80
Pacific Railroad Act (1862), 76
Pan American World Airways, 199
Panic of 1837, Michigan canal projects and, 61–62
Parks, Robert, 63
National Road and, 7
social rate of return in internal projects, 73
state-subsidized internal projects, 59, 68, 72, 198–99
Pennsylvania Bank of the United States, 62
Pennsylvania Railroad, 68
Peyrey, François, 137
Phelps, Julia, 61
Phelps, Thaddeus, 61
phenol, Dow and, 114
Philadelphia Inquirer, 149
Pierce, Franklin, 42
Plouffe, David, 159
Podesta Group, 159, 188
Poet, 177
political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs
characteristics of and incentives for entrepreneurs, 1–3, 9
infrastructure-follows-entrepreneurs issues, 198–200, 228n5
market entrepreneurs defined, 3
market entrepreneurs’ incentives, 72–74
ongoing clashes with between, 4–12, 193–202
political entrepreneurs defined, 4
political entrepreneurs’ incentives, 72–74
subsidies and Constitutional issues, 139–40
see also specific projects
Porter, Peter, 56–57
price-fixing, government control of energy production incentives and, 167, 168–69, 172
Production Tax Credit (PTC), 187
Progress in Flying Machines (Chanute), 123
Prowitt, Peter, 189
Puthuff, William, 24
Putnam, Mark, 110, 113
railroads, 75–95
building of transcontinental railroad, 75–78
Central Pacific, government subsidies and incentives of, 76–78, 81, 90, 195
coal and, 164
Great Northern, private funding and incentives of, 84–87, 89–90, 156, 166, 193, 195, 199, 217n26
Northern Pacific, government subsidies and incentives of, 81–84, 88, 89, 90–91, 199, 217n26
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, 143–44
regulatory consequences of subsidies, 79–80, 91–95
social rate of return issues, 90–91
state-subsidized projects, 59, 60, 62–66, 70, 73
Union Pacific, government subsidies and incentives of, 76–81, 88, 89, 90–92, 156, 195, 196, 199, 217n26
Vanderbilt and, 49–50
Reagan, Ronald, and energy policy, 172, 176, 184
recession of 1921, Harding’s response to, 141
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 11, 140–51, 196, 197
abolished, 149–50, 162
Fulbright investigation of, 145–49
meant as emergency measure, 141–42
organizations created with funds from, 151–62
politics and funding of favored corporations, 142–49
used as lender of last resort, 148
Recovery Act, 186, 187
Rice, John, 181
Rockefeller, John D., 98, 164–66, 170
Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 20
Roosevelt, Elliott, 144
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Emergency Relief and Construction Act and, 152–53
energy policy and, 169
Export-Import Bank and, 153
political entrepreneurs and, 10–12, 191
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, 143, 144–45, 196
subsidies and unelected bureaucrats, 139–40
Works Progress Administration and, 156
Roosevelt, Theodore, 120
Russia, oil regulation in, 98
Ryan, Paul, 182
San Francisco Chronicle, 131
Santa Fe Railroad, 89, 90, 217n26
Schiffman, Daniel, 143
Schultz, Eric, 187
Scranton, Joseph, 163–64
Seward, William, 41, 66–68, 75
Seymour, Horatio, 67
Sherman, William T., 79, 85
Sherman Antitrust Act, 95
Shriver, David, 6
Simonelli, Lorenzo, 188
Simpson, George, 29
Small Business Administration (SBA), 150–51
Smith, Adam, 14
Smith, Dr. Albert W., 112–13
Smith, Francis, 8
Smithsonian Institution, Langley and, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 220n3
Smoot, Reed, 154
Smoot-Hawley Tariff, 141, 154, 155
social rate of return issues, 73–74, 90–91
SolarCity, 188
Solar Manufacturing Jobs Creation Act, 186
solar power, 172, 174, 186–87
Solyndra, 186–87
Southard, Henry, 21
soybeans, ethanol from, 174–75
SpaceX, 188, 189
Standard Oil Company, 98, 164–66
Stanford, Leland, 81, 195
Stanton, Edwin, 46
steamships, 33–50, 193–94
Collins and subsidies, 39–46, 50, 159–60, 191, 194, 196, 200
Cunard and subsidies, 39–45, 50, 159–60
Fulton and subsidies, 33–36, 50, 198
Inman and innovation, 44–45, 50
iron versus wood, 45–46
mail service and competition versus subsidies, 39–43, 46–48
Vanderbilt and private financing, 35–38, 41–44, 47–50, 193, 195, 212n39
steel production, Carnegie and, 98
Stern, J. David, 145
Steward, Dan, 185
stimulus program (2009), 12, 182
Stockton, Lucius, 6
Stone Arch Bridge, 86–87
St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, 85
Strosacker, Charles, 109–10
Stuart, Robert, 30
subsidies. See political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs; specific projects
Taft, Robert, 150
Taylor, Charlie, 132
Tea Party, 181
telegraph, 7–10, 196
Tesla Motors, 188–89
Thompson, John B., 44
Thurman Law (1874), 79–80, 92
Thurston, John M., 80
Toombs, Robert, 42, 48
transcontinental railroad. See railroads
Trippe, Juan, 199
Trohan, Walter, 145
Truman, Harry, and Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 145–47, 149
Harding’s tax cuts and, 141
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and, 140, 143, 152
Works Progress Administration and, 156
after World War II, 145
Union Guardian Trust Company, 144
Union Pacific (UP) Railroad
government subsidies for and incentives of, 76–81, 88, 89, 90–92, 156, 196, 199, 217n26
later privatization of, 218n31
Union Trust Company of Cleveland, 144
United Alkali Company, 102–104
U.S. Mail Steamship Company, 46–47
U.S. Post Office. See mail service
Vallé, Jean-Baptiste, 20
Van Buren, Martin, 58
Vanderbilt (steamship), 43–44, 46
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Hudson River Steamboat Association and, 37
railroads and, 49–50, 213n41
steamship innovations, 47–50, 193, 195, 212n39
steamships and competition with subsidized firms, 35–36, 41–44
Van Rensselaer, J. Rusten, 57–58
Veazey, W. R., 109
Villard, Henry, 81–84
Hill contrasted, 86–88
von Bernstorff, Count Johann Heinrich, 111–12
Wabash & Erie Canal, in Indiana, 69
Wagner, Robert, 152
Walcott, Charles, 120
Walhonding Canal, in Ohio, 69
Walker, William, 47–48
Wall Street Journal, 148
Waltham Watch Company, 146–47
Washington, George, and fur trade, 14–15, 191, 194, 200
Washington Post, 130, 147
Washington Star, 137
Watt, James, 34
Waxman-Markey bill, 180–81
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 14
Western Union, 9
Westly, Steve, 188
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick, 94
Whitewater Canal, in Indiana, 69
Whittemore, W. D., 155–56
Williams, Edward A., 152
Willing, Pearl Rushfield, 151
wind power, 172, 189
Woodbridge, William, 23, 70
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 154–55, 157
World War I, 111, 114
World War II, 145, 201
Wright, Kate, 123, 136–37
Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 166, 193–94, 195, 199
background of, 122
engine designed for, 131–32
focus on glider concept, 123, 124–28
government declines to purchase plane from, 135–36, 222n60
improving of original plane, 135–37
prizes won by Wilbur, 138
successful tests at Kitty Hawk, 132–35
Wilbur’s health, 122, 138
Wilbur writes to Langley, 122, 123
Wyoming Coal & Mining Company, 78
Yellen, Bruce, 176
Young, E. Merl, 146, 147