Masteress Meenore found Brunka Arnulf helping an aged couple into a sledge harnessed to an underfed donkey. Zertrum rumbled steadily beneath ITs claws.
The old people cried out in terror at the sight of IT, and the frightened donkey strained against its traces, beginning its slow progress downhill, the skis of the sledge scraping, bumping, and only occasionally gliding.
Brunka Arnulf pushed through the snow to IT. When he came close, he put his hand over his nose.
ITs smoke blued, an embarrassed dragon. “You are unsurprised and not much afraid at the sight of me.”
“It’s a time of marvels. A kindly ogre and now you.”
“What do you know of His Lordship’s whereabouts?”
“You are called Masteress . . .?”
“Meenore. What took place during his visit?”
“I answered his questions, and he flew away. Oh, and I gave him food.”
“Have you seen him since?”
“I repeat: He flew away.”
IT scratched ITs earhole. “You evaded my question, and thus I deduce you have seen him since.”
But the brunka wouldn’t admit to lying. ITs worry mounted that some ill had befallen His Lordship.
“Tell me what you told him.”
Brunka Arnulf ticked the items off on his fingers. “Dror may be angry at his family for sending him away. He’s gone to be a bee at the Oase. The barber-surgeon Mistress Sirka left, too. I was told that he and she were to be wed, but I don’t know the truth of that.”
IT wondered if Dror-bee had been feigning indifference toward her.
“No one here is angry at me or brunkas in general or bees or Zertrum itself. Master Uwald and Master Tuomo and his sons are off the mountain.”
“His sons, too? You are certain of this as unassailable fact?”
“I am.”
Master Tuomo lied about his sons? “You have told me who the thief is, which His Lordship would have done long ago if he had returned to me. If you delayed him or caused harm to come to him and the mountain spews, the destruction will be on your head.”
Brunka Arnulf raised his eyebrows.
“Yes, on your head.” ITs smoke turned rosy. “On the thief’s head first and yours second, and, should you survive, a dragon’s wrath will be on your entire person, not merely your head.” IT rose in the air and flew south.
Tuomo, IT thought, you can give Elodie mansioning lessons. The smoke trailing behind IT glowed crimson. Did you have an ally? Who?
IT soared on, belching fire.