STEP #23

Plant a Rooftop Garden

As whimsical as it may seem, a rooftop garden is a surprisingly powerful weapon against global warming. Green roofs, also known as living roofs or eco-roofs, are the wave of the future in sustainable building design. They have a myriad of benefits including reducing CO2 gases, cooling structures and their surroundings, providing insulation, and slowing storm-water runoff. Their resulting energy savings also means less fossil fuel use and less American reliance on foreign oil. If a rooftop garden can help save the world, let’s get planting!

Simple and elaborate green roofs are sprouting all over today, from Vancouver, Canada, where condo dwellers share rooftop community garden plots, to Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Maryland where businesses and homeowners take advantage of government tax incentives and assistance programs for planting living roofs. The California Academy of Science building in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, features an immense green roof planted on a sloped surface, which is designed to harness the wind’s energy to help control the building’s interior temperature. BP America has included a green roof on top of its pilot green gas station project called “Helios House” in Los Angeles.

In an effort to help mitigate global warming, here are the top reasons to install a rooftop garden:

And if fighting global warming isn’t reason enough to install a green roof, consider these added benefits:

But before you head up to your roof with a plant in one hand and a bag of topsoil in the other, know that planting a green roof requires careful planning. Local climate factors like wind, sunlight, shade, average temperatures, and rainfall need to be taken into consideration. To protect your building in the long run, you will need to plan the irrigation, drainage, and plant anchoring intelligently. You can get excellent expert advice and see photos in the Green Roof Manual from Pomegranate Center in Issaquah, Washington. The organization Green Roofs for Healthy Cities offers classes around the country for professionally installing green roofs. Visit their website for more information.

Europe is leading the way with over 100 million square feet of green roofs. Let’s follow suit! In addition to taking us a significant step closer to carbon neutrality, the growth of rooftop gardening will make America a much greener and more beautiful place to live. You can find out how to get started by visiting the websites below.
