STEP #49

Know the Green Side of God

It can be helpful to look at our quest to defeat global warming from a spiritual perspective. Humankind shares a universal love and respect for nature. Therefore, our efforts to do what’s right for the planet unite us with people of all religions, races, cultures, ages, political parties, and professions. And each green step we take spreads goodwill by benefiting all of the earth’s present and future inhabitants, making us feel great about ourselves, and aligning us with our highest values.

Remember that nature is often what makes us feel close to God, even at times when nothing else will. Walking along a beach, watching powerful waves crash against the seashore, or standing amidst a majestic forest can evoke a connection to the divine, however we define it for ourselves. This is also where we often find peace and emotional healing.

Even those who don’t believe in God per se often find a connection to spirituality through their interactions with nature. Remembering how close nature is to the core of our being is helpful in our journey to save the earth. If you become discouraged in your efforts, go out into nature to get re-inspired!

Virtually every established religion holds that humans have been given stewardship over the natural world and must care for and protect all living creatures. In these days we find that world religions are striving to apply the green dictates of their faiths to today’s pressing environmental challenges.

In 2006, 86 Christian leaders established the Evangelical Climate Initiative, as a statement of recognition of human-induced climate change and to advocate action on environmental issues. Reverend Richard Cizik, the National Association of Evangelicals’ Vice President for Govermental Affairs, has coined the increasingly popular term “creation care” for environmentalism motivated by Biblical principles.

In 2002, the Evangelical Environmental Network and Creation Care magazine launched its “What Would Jesus Drive?” campaign to emphasize the connection between key Christian tenets and how our transportation choices relate to global warming.

In 2007, the first earth-friendly Bible, printed on recycled, Forest Stewardship Council Certified paper, was offered by Christian publisher Thomas Nelson. This project was praised by the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), as the Bible is the most printed and widely distributed book in the world.

Judaism teaches that we should love God by loving all of his creation, and that nature is a gift from God for us to enjoy, use, and protect. The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life was founded in 1993 and seeks to further contemporary understanding of divine mandates such as or tikkun olam (repair the world), explaining that protecting nature and humanity is central in the Torah, and that working to thwart global warming is a mitzvah, or divine commandment.

Muslims are applying the Qur’an’s teaching that God created al-Mizan (nature in balance) and that humanity is charged with protecting this balance. The Africa Muslim Environment Network (AMEN) was formed in 2006, and advocates community development through sustainable use of the environment, based on the belief that the way forward for Muslim communities in Africa to take responsibility for their future, and for the earth’s future.

Buddhism emphasizes the importance of living simply and respecting all life, as Buddhists believe that all living beings are connected, and the health of the whole and its parts are inseparably linked.

Similarly, Hinduism views all plants and animals as sacred parts of God that should be honored and cared for. Hinduism stresses that true happiness comes from within, so the search for material possessions, and the consumption of materials and energy should not be allowed to dominate one’s life. (Visit the ARC website at for environmental information on major world religions, including those not mentioned here.)

The focus on environmentalism in the context of religious tenets is growing among world religions, and this development will certainly have a very positive influence in our efforts to halt global warming. The challenge for all of us is to know, embody, and employ green values and teachings of our faith in our everyday lives. When we understand this, the seemingly mundane act of replacing an incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent bulb can be nothing short of enlightening!
