Throughout this book I have repeatedly stressed how many of our current struggles are between a world that is transitioning between an ‘old mind’, with its status quo and territorial struggles, and that of a ‘new mind’ rising that looks more towards an integral, sustainable and egalitarian planetary era. Despite the surface tensions I feel it is safe to say that a global consciousness that reflects a universal sense of responsibility and compassion is more available to us today than it was earlier in the 20th century. This shows the shift in our maturity as a collective species in only a few decades – an incredibly short span of time. Just as the communications revolution has spurred this global consciousness, we are now closer to a consciousness revolution that will impact our collective spiritual hearts – this will be the true mark of the maturity of our species. No true sense of physical unity (from nation blocs to planetary society) can come into being if we are unable to cultivate and nurture the ‘being’ of unity within our very own internal states. Our internal state is a measure of our own strength, forbearance and fortitude. We need to cultivate this focus, this ability for calmness within change and adversity, in order to manage our maturity into the next phase of our evolutionary development.
Human dreams can exercise great power, yet they must have focused intention if they are to manifest and exert influence in the physical world. We should be mindful of how each day brings new impacts, emotions and learning opportunities. We live in a vast, dynamic, living school – nothing is static. We are not machines, robotic automatons that respond to applied stimuli. We are complex emotional and spiritual beings that have myriad encounters, events and experiences from which to learn, grow and evolve. We should strive to always remember this, and to avoid those things that negatively affect us. We are here now to be empowered; not suppressed, oppressed, nor repressed.
It is my sense that many of the younger generation instinctively know this – they ‘get it’ – and are already working to see the shift manifest on this planet within our lifetimes. There is already a worldshift happening.
The world we are moving into requires of us that we both inspire and be inspired. Change will come through the living spirit of people. When a sincere intention is placed into the world, it can, and does, move matter into its alignment. In these times of great transition it is our human obligation to hold onto and focus our integrity, our balance, our compassion and our positive strength for moving beyond these temporary disturbances and aligning ourselves with a future that we wish to be a part of. Together, we can build upon our collective spirit of love. Let us be calm, balanced, and hold the truth.
And let us also not forget, there are many wonders still to come …
The Lighthouse
There was once a man who began building a lighthouse in the middle of the desert. Everyone started to make fun of him and called him crazy.
‘Why a lighthouse in the desert?’ everybody wondered.
Yet the man would not listen and kept on quietly doing his work. One day he finally finished building his lighthouse.
At night, without moon or stars in the sky, the magnificent lighthouse started spinning its light in the darkness of the air, as if the Milky Way had become a carousel.
And it happened that as soon as the lighthouse began to give its light there suddenly appeared in the desert a sea lit by a river of light, with beautiful ocean-going ships, sail boats, submarines, whales, dancing dolphins, merchants of Venice, the pirate Barbarossa, mermaids, sirens, and many more …
Everyone was amazed, except the builder of the lighthouse: for he knew that if someone turns on a light in the darkness, from the brightness of that light will spring up many wonders.