1 [from A Lawde and Prayse Made for Our Sovereigne
Lord the Kyng]
The Rose both white and Rede
In one Rose now dothe grow:
Thus thorow every stede
There of the fame dothe blow:
5 Grace the sede did sow:
Candida punica etc
England Now gaddir flowris
Exclude now all dolowrs.
Noble Henry the eight
Thy loving sovereine lorde
10 Of king is line moost streight
His titille dothe Recorde:
Nobilis henricus etc
In whome dothe wele Acorde
Alexis yonge of Age
Adrastus wise and sage:
15 Astrea Justice hight
That from the starry sky
Shall now com and do Right:
Sedibus etheriis etc
This hunderd yere scantly
A man kowd not Aspy
20 That Right dwelt us Among
And that was the more wrong:
Right shall the foxis chare
The wolvis the beris also
That wrowght have moche care
Arcebit vulpes etc
25 And browght Englond in wo
They shall wirry no mo
Nor wrote the Rosary
By extort Trechery.