8 [Thassyryans king in peas with fowle desyre]
Thassyryans king in peas with fowle desyre
And filthye lustes that staynd his regall harte
In warr that should sett pryncelye hertes afyre
vaynquyshd dyd yelde for want of marcyall arte
5 The dent of swordes from kysses semed straunge
and harder then hys ladyes syde his targe
from glotton feastes to sowldyers fare a chaunge
his helmet far above a garlandes charge
who scace the name of manhode dyd retayne
10 Drenched in slouthe and womanishe delight
Feble of sprete unpacyent of payne
when he hadd lost his honor and hys right
Prowde tyme of welthe, in stormes appawld with drede
murdred hym self to shew some manfull dede