229 The Weavers Song
When Hercules did use to spin,
and Pallas wrought upon the Loome,
Our Trade to flourish did begin,
While Conscience went not selling Broome.
5 Then love and friendship did agree,
To keepe the band of amitie.
When Princes sonnes kept sheep in field,
and Queenes made cakes of wheaten flower,
Then men to lucre did not yeeld,
10 which brought good cheare in every bower.
Then love and friendship did agree,
To hold the bands of amitie.
But when that Giants huge and hie,
did fight with speares like Weavers beames,
15 Then they in Iron beds did lie,
and brought poore men to hard extreames.
Yet love and friendship did agree,
To hold the bands of amitie.
Then David tooke his Sling and stone,
20 not fearing great Golias strength:
He pearc’t his braines and broke the bone,
though he were fifty foote of length.
For love and friendship, etc.
But while the Greekes besieged Troy,
25 Penelope apace did spin,
And Weavers wrought with mickle joy,
though little gaines were comming in.
For love and friendship, etc.
Had Helen then sate carding wooll
30 (whose beautious face did breed such strife)
Shee had not been sir Paris trull,
nor caused so many lose their life.
Yet we by love did still agree, etc.
Or had King Priams wanton sonne,
35 beene making quils with sweet content,
He had not then his friends undone,
when he to Greece a gadding went.
For love and friendship did agree, etc.
The Cedar trees indure more stormes,
40 than little shrubs, that sprout on hie:
The Weavers live more voyd of harmes,
Than Princes of great dignitie,
While love and friendship doth agree, etc.
The Shepheard sitting in the field,
45 doth tune his pipe with hearts delight:
When Princes watch with speare and shield,
the poore man soundly sleepes all night.
While love and friendship doth agree, etc.
Yet this by proofe is daily tride,
50 for Gods good gifts wee are ingrate:
And no man through the World so wide,
lives well contented with his state.
No love and friendship wee can see,
To hold the bands of amitie.