27          [from Anglorum Feriae]

  Write write yow Croniclers of Tyme and Fame,
  Elizabeth by miracles preserved
  From perrills imminent and infinite;
  Clio proclayme with golden trumpe and pen

5            hir happier daies Englandes highe hollydaies;

Ore Europes boundes take winge and make thy flight,

throughe meltinge aire from where the risinge sune,

gallops the Zodiack in his fierie wayne,

even to the brincke where Thetis in hir bowre,

10          of pummey and tralucent peble stones,

receaves the wearie Bridegrome of the sea,

beyonde Graunde Chaire, by Nilus slimie banck

over the wilde and sandie Africk plaines

Alonge the frozen shoare of Tanais

15          Whose ycie crust Apollo cannot thawe

Even there and rownde aboute this earthly ball

Proclayme the day of Englandes happines;

The daies of Peace the daies of quietnes,

And let hir gladsome birth: day be the first

20          Hir day of birthe beginninge of our bliss.

Sett downe the day in caracters of golde

And marke it with a stone as white as milke,

that cheirfull sunnie day: weare Eglantine

And wreathes of Roses red and white put on,

25          in honor of that day yow Lovelie Nymphes,

And pæans singe and sweete melodious songes:

Alonge the chaulkie clyffes of Albion

Leade Englandes Lovely Shepherdes in a daunce

Ore hill and dale and downes and daysie plotts

30          And bee that Day Englandes highe Hollyday

And hollydayes and highe daies be they all

highe hollydaies, daies minutes monethes and howres

that multyplie the number of hir yeares

Yeares that for us begett this golden age

35          Wherein we live in safety under hir

Wherein she raignes in honor over us.

So may she longe and ever may she so,

untoucht of traitrous hande or trecherous foe.