272 [from Divine Fancies]
On the contingencie of Actions
I saw him dead; I saw his Body fall
Before Deaths Dart; whom tears must not recall:
Yet is he not so dead, but that his Day
Might have been lengthen’d, had th’untrodden way
5 To life beene found: He might have rose agin,
If something had, or somthing had not bin:
What mine sees past, Heav’ns eye foresaw to come;
He saw, how that contingent Act should summe
The totall of his Dayes: His knowing Eye
10 (As mine doth see him dead) saw he should die
That very fatall howre; yet saw his death,
Not so so necessary, but his Breath
Might beene enlarg’d unto a longer date,
Had he neglected This, or taken That:
15 All times to Heav’n are now, both first and last;
He sees things present, as we see them past.