304 [from The Cry of a Stone]
O he is a rest that requires,
all his to draw him neer,
And they shal have ful sights of things
which in Creation are;
5 For he will shew that Sabbath and
first day he will bring out;
Unto his Saints, and he onely
shall draw the quintesence out
Of all things they shall draw the sap,
10 that runneth from the root,
And get up into the high tree,
where none shall go and pluck.
No, none shall be above to see
thine, when th’are in thy nest;
15 For they are closed in so round,
they lodge within that breast,
That none can scar, nor them afflict;
no musquet shot can come:
There is not any can draw their spears
20 or at all shoot their Canon.
Though nests in trees may shaken be,
yet thine shall e’r remaine;
They rest and nest in Jesus Christ,
his hand shall them sustain.