336 Quid gloriaris? Psalm 52
Tyrant whie swel’st thou thus,
of mischief vanting?
since helpe from god to us,
is never wanting?
5 Lewd lies thy tongue contrives,
lowd lies it soundeth:
sharper then sharpest knives
with lies it woundeth.
Falshood thy witt approves,
10 all truth rejected:
thy will all vices loves,
vertue neglected.
Not wordes from cursed thee,
but gulphes are powred.
15 Gulphes wherin daily bee
good men devoured.
Think’st thou to beare it soe?
God shall displace thee
God shall thee overthrow,
20 crush thee, deface thee.
The Just shall fearing see
theis fearefull chaunces:
and laughing shoote at thee
with scornfull glaunces.
25 Loe, loe, the wretched wight,
who god disdaining,
his mischief made his might,
his guard his gaining.
I as an Olive tree,
30 still greene shall flourish:
Gods howse the soile shall bee
my rootes to nourish.
My trust on his true love
truly attending,
35 shall never thence remove,
never see ending.
Thee will I honor still
lord for this justice:
There fix my hopes I will
40 where thy saincts trust is.
Thy saincts trust in thy name,
therin they joy them:
protected by the same
nought can anoy them.